- Format
- Book
- Language
- Series
- The Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Foundation. New Series.
- Year Published
- 1924
- Citation Text
- Fisher, Clarence S. The Minor Cemetery at Giza. Philadelphia: University Museum, 1924.
- Individual - Ancient
- Ankh (G 3050)
- Ankh (near G 3094)
- Ankh Idu (in G 3008)
- Bebib (in G 3086)
- Duaenre (G 5110)
- Duare (in G 3098b)
- Iymery (G 3098)
- Kednefret (in G 3050)
- Kednefret (in G 3050)
- Khafre
- Khakhenmet (in G 3093)
- Khentka (in G 3050)
- Khenut Inti (in G 3008)
- Khertka (near G 3094)
- Khetu (G 3094)
- Khety (near G 3094)
- Khufu
- Khufumernetjeru (G 3004)
- Mededi (G 3093)
- Mesat (in G 3086)
- Mesehet (in G 3033)
- Mesty (in G 3093)
- Nebeh (near G 3094)
- Nedjsu (G 3096)
- Nefer (G 2110)
- Nefer (near G 3071)
- Neferhetepes (in G 3098b)
- Neferhetepes-nedjes (G 3098b)
- Neferhi (G 3097)
- Nefersehetep (between G 3003 and G 3015)
- Nefret (in G 3035)
- Persenet (in G 3098)
- Rudj (G 3086)
- Sabef (G 3033)
- Semerka (G 3020)
- Semerka (in G 3031)
- Senka (G 3082)
- Sneferuhetep (G 3008)
- Tjenti (G 3035)
- Author
- Clarence Stanley Fisher, American, 1876–1941
- Publisher
- University Museum
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- UPM_E13530
- UPM_E13536
- UPM_E13543
Drum lintel of Iymery, Persenet and Rudj
- UPM_E13527
- UPM_E13539
- UPM_E13517
- UPM_E13531
- UPM_E13532
False door drum lintel of Sabef
- UPM_E13535
False door drum lintel of Tjenti and Nefret
- UPM_E13548
False door lintel and drum lintel of Sabef
- UPM_E13533
- UPM_E13534
False door of Neferhetepes-nedjes
- UPM_E13519
- UPM_E13537
Fragments of false door of Mesehet
- UPM_E13547
Inscribed fragment of limestone
- UPM_E13546
Limestone false door of Khakhenmet
- EMC_JE_46495
- GEM_8060
Limestone offering basin of Rudj and Mesat
- EMC_JE_46497
Limestone standing statue of Mededi
- GEM_1209
- UPM_E13516
Limestone statue of seated man
- UPM_E13521
- UPM_E13528
- UPM_E13542
Lintel of Nebeh, Khety and Khertka
- UPM_E13529
- UPM_E13540
- UPM_E13549
- UPM_E13525
Offering basin of Neferes[...]
- UPM_E13544
Offering basin of Neferhetepes-nedjes
- UPM_E13520
- UPM_E13518
- UPM_E13526
- UPM_E13522
- UPM_E13524
- UPM_E13515
- UPM_E13538
- UPM_E13523
- EMC_JE_46496
- UPM_E13541
- UPM_E13545
- UPM_E13514
Giza Minor Cemetery list of personal names
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_133
Giza Minor Cemetery list of personal names with sign numbers, p.01
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_141
Giza Minor Cemetery list of personal names with sign numbers, p.02
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_142
Giza Minor Cemetery list of titles
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_132
Giza Minor Cemetery list of titles with sign numbers, p.01
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_143
Giza Minor Cemetery list of titles with sign numbers, p.02
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_144
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Ankh
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_003
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Ankh Idu (in G 3008)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_002
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Ankh Idu (in G 3008)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_044
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Bebib (in G 3086)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_004
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Duare (in G 3098b)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_036
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Iymery (G 3098)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_005
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Iymery (G 3098)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_006
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Iymery (G 3098)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_007
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Kednefret (in G 3050)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_034
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Kednefret (in G 3050)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_035
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khakhenmet (in G 3093)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_008
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khentka (in G 3050)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_009
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khenut Inti (in G 3008)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_010
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khenut Inti (in G 3008)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_011
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khenut Inti (in G 3008)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_045
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khenut Inti (in G 3008)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_046
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khertka (near G 3094)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_012
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khetu (G 3094)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_015
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khety (near G 3094)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_013
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khety (near G 3094)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_016
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Khufumernetjeru (G 3004)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_014
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Mededi (G 3093)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_017
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Mesat (in G 3086)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_018
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Mesehet (in G 3033)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_019
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Mesty (in G 3093)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_020
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Nebeh (near G 3094)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_021
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Nedjsu (G 3096)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_031
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Nefer (G 2110)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_023
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Nefer (near G 3071)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_022
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Neferes[Û]
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_028
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Neferhetepes (in G 3098b)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_024
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Neferhetepes-nedjes (G 3098b)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_025
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Neferhetepes-nedjes (G 3098b)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_026
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Neferhi (G 3097)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_027
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Nefersehetep (between G 3003 and G 3015)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_029
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Nefret (in G 3035)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_030
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Persenet (in G 3098)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_032
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Persenet (in G 3098)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_033
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Rudj (G 3086)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_037
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Sabef (G 3033)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_038
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Semerka
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_039
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Senka (G 3082)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_040
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Sneferuhetep (G 3008)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_041
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Sneferuhetep (G 3008)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_042
Giza Minor Cemetery name card: Tjenti (G 3035)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_043
Giza Minor Cemetery names and titles index, p.01
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_134
Giza Minor Cemetery names and titles index, p.02
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_135
Giza Minor Cemetery names and titles index, p.03
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_136
Giza Minor Cemetery names and titles index, p.04
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_137
Giza Minor Cemetery names and titles index, p.05
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_138
Giza Minor Cemetery names and titles index, p.06
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_139
Giza Minor Cemetery names and titles index, p.07
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_140
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_088
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_089
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_090
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_091
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_092
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_093
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_094
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_095
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_096
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_097
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_098
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_099
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_100
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_101
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_102
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_103
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_104
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: acquaintance of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_105
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: adorer of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_081
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: adorer of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_082
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: adorer of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_083
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: aide of the commander of the army
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_068
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: aide or assistant
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_066
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: aide or assistant
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_067
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: chief of the mysteries of his god
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_056
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: chief of the secrets of the works
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_055
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: commander of the young boat-crews
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_064
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: concubine
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_078
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: concubine
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_080
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: concubine(?)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_076
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: concubine(?)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_077
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: concubine(?)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_079
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: daughter
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_122
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: daughter
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_123
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: daughter
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_124
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: daughter
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_121
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: deputy adorer of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_084
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: district chief
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_047
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: great one of the 'Ten of the South'
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_113
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: judge; chief or master
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_115
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: libation priest
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_130
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: libation priest
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_131
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: libation priest of the king's mother
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_086
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: libation priest of the king's mother
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_087
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: master of the bank
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_116
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: master of the bank
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_117
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: master of the bank to the assistant of the houses of food
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_118
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: master of the house of food
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_120
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: master scribe
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_119
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: mistress
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_054
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: mother
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_065
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: overseer of boat cordage
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_075
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: overseer of the boat[s]
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_070
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: overseer of the gate
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_073
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: overseer of the king in every place of his
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_085
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: overseer of the scribes of the boat-crews
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_074
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: overseer of the treasury
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_071
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: overseer of the treasury
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_072
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: overseer of victuals(?)
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_069
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priest of Ded-ef-Ra
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_111
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priest of Khafra
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_112
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priest of Khufu
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_062
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priest of Khufu
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_063
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priest of the ka
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_048
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priest of the ka
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_049
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priest of the ka
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_050
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priestess of Hathor
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_057
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priestess of Hathor
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_058
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priestess of Hathor, mistress of Nehet
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_060
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priestess of Hathor, the mistress of the Sycamore
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_059
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priestess of Neit
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_108
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priestess of Neit, the "the Opener of the Ways"
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_109
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: priestess of Neit, the "the Opener of the Ways"
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_110
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: royal scribe
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_128
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: royal scribe
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_107
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: scribe of the royal documents
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_129
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: son
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_114
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: son of the king
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_106
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: superior libation priest of the pyramid of Kha-Sneferu
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_061
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: superior(?) libation priest
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_125
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: superior(?) libation priest
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_126
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: superior(?) libation priest of the pyramid Kha-Sneferu
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_127
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: wife
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_051
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: wife
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_052
Giza Minor Cemetery title card: wife
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_053
Letter from Alan Rowe to Clarence Fisher, November 18, 1924, p.04
- ID: UPM_GMC_letters_002d
Letter from Alan Rowe to Clarence Fisher, November 19, 1924
- ID: UPM_GMC_letters_003
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter I: The Minor Cemetery, p.001
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterI_001
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter I: The Minor Cemetery, p.002
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterI_002
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter I: The Minor Cemetery, p.003
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterI_003
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter I: The Minor Cemetery, p.004
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterI_004
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter I: The Minor Cemetery, p.005
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterI_005
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter I: The Minor Cemetery, p.006
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterI_006
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter I: The Minor Cemetery, p.007
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterI_007
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter I: The Minor Cemetery, p.008
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterI_008
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter I: The Minor Cemetery, p.009
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterI_009
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_001
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_002
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_003
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_004
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_005
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_006
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_007
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_008
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_009
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_010
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_011
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_012
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_013
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_014
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_015
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_016
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_017
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_018
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_019
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_020
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_021
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_022
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_023
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_023a
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_023b
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_024
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_025
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterII_026
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.001
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_001
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.002
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_002
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.003
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_003
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.004
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_004
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.005
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_005
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.006
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_006
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.007
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_007
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.008
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_008
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.009
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_009
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.010
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_010
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.011
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_011
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.012
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_012
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.013
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_013
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.014
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_014
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.015
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_015
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.016
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_016
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.017
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_017
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Catalogue, Inscriptions p.018
- ID: UPM_GMC_catalogue_018
- ID: UPM_GMC_corrections_001
- ID: UPM_GMC_corrections_002
- ID: UPM_GMC_corrections_003
- ID: UPM_GMC_corrections_004
- ID: UPM_GMC_corrections_005
- ID: UPM_GMC_corrections_006
- ID: UPM_GMC_corrections_007
- ID: UPM_GMC_corrections_008
- ID: UPM_GMC_corrections_009
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.119
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterIV_026
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.121
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterIV_027
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.122
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterIV_028
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.123
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterIV_029
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.124
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterIV_030
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.125
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterIV_031
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.126
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterIV_032
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.127
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.128
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.129
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.130
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.131
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.132
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.133
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.134
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.135
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.136
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.137
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.138
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.139
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.140
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.141
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter IV: Inscriptions and Sculpture, p.142
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.001
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_001
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.002
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_002
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.003
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_003
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.004
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_004
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.005
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_005
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.006
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_006
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.007
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_007
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.008
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_008
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.009
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_009
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.143
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_049
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.144
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_050
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.145
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_051
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.146
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_052
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter V: Chamber of Sneferu-hotep, p.147
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterV_053
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter VI: Pottery, p.148
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterVI_056
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter VI: Pottery, p.149
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterVI_057
The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Chapter VI: Pottery, p.150
- ID: UPM_GMC_chapterVI_058
- ID: UPM_GMC_names_titles_145
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The Minor Cemetery at Giza, Unpublished Manuscript, Miscellaneous Corrections, p.015
- ID: UPM_GMC_corrections_015
Ancient People
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 3050. False door panel and drum (UPM_E13537) inscribed for Ankh, identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; found displaced in debris of G 3050 outer offering room. Maybe same individual as Ankh (near G 3094).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Lintel (UPM_E13528) inscribed for Ankh, identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; found displaced in debris north of G 3094 offering room. Maybe same individual as Ankh (owner of G 3050).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son ([(sA) smsw mrj=f] his beloved eldest [son]) of Sneferuhetep (owner of G 3008). Ankh, called Idu. Appears in chapel wall paintings, east wall, identified as [sAb aD-mr] judge and administrator; in situ in G 3008.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Two pottery bowl stands (Cairo JE 46496, UPM_E13541) inscribed for Bebib, identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; found in G 3086.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5110. Appears in chapel relief (west, south, east, and north walls [only lower legs and feet preserved in situ on west, east, and north walls], and chapel entrance north and south door jambs), and displaced fragment of lintel (MFA 34.1465), identified as [sA nswt n Xt=f jrj(-pat) HAtj-a tAjtj sS mDAt-nTr r nxn r p nb] king's son of his body, hereditary (prince), count, vizier, scribe of the divine book, mouth of Nekhen, mouth of every Butite; in situ in G 5110. Uninscribed sarcohpagus of Duaenre (Turin S.1838, Turin S.1839); Schiaparelli excavations. Possibly same individual as Duare (in G 3098b) and/or Duaenre (in G 8172).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Father of Neferhetepes and grandfather (?) of Neferhetepes-nedjes (owner of G 3098b). Mentioned on limestone false door (UPM_E13519) inscribed for Neferhetepes-nedjes; found in situ in G 3098b (second extension on G 3098). Vertical inscriptions on false door jambs: "King's son of his body, (Prince) Duare; his daughter, the royal acquaintance, Neferhetepes" (Neferhetepes-nedjes traces her royal lineage by naming her mother Neferhetepes and grandfather Duare). Possibly same individual as Duaenre (owner of G 5110).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 3098. Limestone offering basin (UPM_E13525) inscribed for Iymery, identified as [jmj-r wxrt] overseer of the dockyard; fragment of pottery offering stand (UPM_E13545) inscribed for Iymery, identified as [sHD wabw] inspector of wab-priests; limestone drum lintel (UPM_E13527) inscribed for Iymery (identified as [rx nswt wab mwt nswt] royal acquaintance, wab-priest of the king's mother) and Persenet (dedicated by their son Rudj, owner of G 3086); all found in G 3098.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife of Ankh (owner of G 3050). Appears on false door panel (UPM_E13537) inscribed for her husband, identified as [mjtrt] mitret; found displaced in debris of G 3050 outer offering room.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Daughter ([sAt=f] his daughter) of Ankh (owner of G 3050) and Kednefret. Appears on false door panel (UPM_E13537) inscribed for her father; found displaced in debris of G 3050 outer offering room.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Fourth king of Dynasty 4. Son of Khufu. Builder of the Second Pyramid at Giza and probably of the Great Sphinx as well. Known two thousand years later by the Greeks as King Khephren. A number of diorite and greywacke statues and statue fragments depicting the king have been discovered in Khafre's valley temple, including Cairo CG 9-17. The fragmentary head of an alabaster royal statue (MFA 21.351 + MFA 33.1113) is attributed to Khafre.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife ([Hmt=f] his wife) of Mededi (owner of G 3093). False door (Cairo 46495) inscribed for Khakhenmet, identified as [mjtrt Hm-nTr Nt wpt wAwt rxt nswt Hm-nTr HwtHr nbt nht] mitret, priestess of Neith Opener-of-the-Ways, royal acquaintance, priestess of Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore; found in situ in G 3093.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Daughter ([sAt=f] his daughter) of Ankh (owner of G 3050) and Kednefret. Appears on false door panel (UPM_E13537) inscribed for her father; found displaced in debris of G 3050 outer offering room.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife of Sneferuhetep (owner of G 3008). North false door inscribed for Khenut, called Inti, identified as [rxt nswt Hmt-nTr HwtHr nbt nht Hmt-nTr Nt wptt wAwt] royal acquaintance, priestess of Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore, priestess of Neith Opener-of-the-Ways; in situ in G 3008. Lintel (UPM_E13542) inscribed for Khenut, called Inti, identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; found in debris of G 3030, originally from G 3008.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Limestone lintel (UPM_E13529) inscribed for Nebeh, Khety and Khertka, identified as [mjtrt Hm-nTr HwtHr] mitret, priestess of Hathor; found displaced in debris along east side of compartment north of offering room of G 3094.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner(?) of G 3094. Limestone drum lintel (UPM_E13539) inscribed for Khetu, identified as [rx nswt jmj-r pr-HD] royal acquaintance, overseer of the treasury; found in debris of G 3094 offering room.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Limestone lintel (UPM_E13529) inscribed for Nebeh, Khertka and Khety, identified as [jrj-xt HwtHr jmAx xr HwtHr] custodian of property of Hathor (?), revered before Hathor; found displaced in debris along east side of compartment north of offering room of G 3094.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Second king of Dynasty 4, son of Snefru. Builder of the Great Pyramid at Giza, the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still standing. Known two thousand years later by the Greeks as King Cheops. Horus name: [mDdw] Medjedu. Full birth-name: Khnum-Khufu.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks False door tablet and drum lintel inscribed for Khufumernetjeru, identified as [jmj-r n wHa rx nswt] overseer of fowlers, royal acquaintance; in situ in G 3004.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 3093. Standing statue (Cairo 46494) of Mededi, identified as [rx nswt jmj-xt xrp n mSa] royal acquaintance, under-supervisor of the director of the expedition; found in situ in G 3093. Also appears on northern jamb of false door (Cairo 46495) inscribed for his wife Khakhenmet, identified as [rx nswt jmj-xt] royal acquaintance, under-supervisor; found in situ in G 3093.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife of Rudj (owner of G 3086). Two limestone offering basins (Cairo JE 46497 = CG 57042, UPM_E13522) inscribed for Rudj and his wife Mesat; granite slab (UPM_E13523) inscribed for Mesat; all found in G 3086.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Daughter ([sAt=f] his daughter) of Sabef. Fragment of false door (UPM_E13547) with name of Mesehet; found in debris of G 3033.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Statuette (UPM_E13514) inscribed for Mesty, identified as [jmj-r jH] overseer of boat-nets(?); found in small added room east of G 3093 offering room.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Limestone lintel (UPM_E13529) inscribed for Khertka, Khety and Nebeh, identified as [mjtrt Hm-nTr Nt] mitret, priestess of Neith; found displaced in debris along east side of compartment north of offering room of G 3094.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Drum lintel (UPM_E13517) inscribed for Nedjsu, identified as [jmj-xt] under-supervisor; found in debris north of tomb G 3093, originally probably from south false door of G 3096.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 2110. Appears in chapel relief (south, west, and east walls; not all instances with inscription preserved), identifed as [(sAb) nxt-xrw HqA Hwt jmj-r sSw Xrt-a nswt Hrj-sStA nswt m swt nb sS pr-aA] strong-of-voice (of the judiciary), chief of the estate, overseer of scribes of the portfolios of the king, secretary of the king in all places, scribe of the Great House; in situ in G 2110. Displaced fragments of relief (three unregistered fragments + 36-12-2 = MFA 31.780), upper part of standing figures of Nefer and Wenankhes; originally from G 2110, south wall of chapel (lower part of figures still in situ). Displaced blocks of relief from south door jamb (Louvre B 51) and north door jamb (MFA 07.1002) inscribed for Nefer, identifed as [jmj-r Xkrw nswt nb xrp aprw nfrw jmj-r stj DfAw jmj-r pr-aHAw wr mDw Sma rx nswt jmj-r prwj-HD] overseer of all royal ornaments, director of crews of recruits, overseer of the two places of provisions, overseer of the house of weapons, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, royal acquaintance, overseer of the two treasuries; originally from G 2110, chapel entrance. Displaced false door tablet with crossbar = lower lintel (Museo Barracco 1) inscribed for Nefer, identified as [jmj-r sSw aprw jmj-r pr-HD] overseer of scribes of the crews, overseer of the treasury; originally from G 2110, west wall of chapel. Limestone drum lintel (UPM_E13531) inscribed for Nefer, identified as [jmj-r sSw aprw xrp aprw nfrw sS a nswt jmj-r pr-HD] overseer of scribes of the crews, director of crews of recruits, royal document scribe, overseer of the treasury; found reused in G 3015, originally from G 2110, chapel entrance. Limestone reserve head (MFA 06.1886) attributed to Nefer; found in G 2110 A.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Limestone drum lintel (UPM_E13532) inscribed for Nefer, identified as [sS nswt] royal scribe; found in debris east of G 3071.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Mother (?) of Neferhetepes-nedjes (owner of G 3098b). Mentioned on limestone false door (UPM_E13519) inscribed for Neferhetepes-nedjes; found in situ in G 3098b (second extension on G 3098). Vertical inscriptions on false door jambs: "King's son of his body, (Prince) Duare; his daughter, the royal acquaintance, Neferhetepes" (Neferhetepes-nedjes traces her royal lineage by naming her mother Neferhetepes and grandfather Duare).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 3098b (second extension on G 3098). Daughter (?) of Neferhetepes and granddaughter (?) of Duare (possibly same individual as Duaenre owner of G 5110). Limestone false door (UPM_E13519) and limestone offering stone (UPM_E13520) inscribed for Neferhetepes-nedjes, identified on both as [rxt nswt Xkrt nswt] royal acquaintance, royal ornament; both found in situ in G 3098b. Vertical inscriptions on false door jambs: "King's son of his body, (Prince) Duare; his daughter, the royal acquaintance, Neferhetepes" (Neferhetepes-nedjes traces her royal lineage by naming her mother Neferhetepes and grandfather Duare). There may be a connection between family of Neferhetepes-nedjes and Iymery (owner G 3098).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner(?) of G 3097. Limestone offering basin (UPM_E13518) inscribed for Neferhi, identified as [rx nswt (jrj) nwd Xkrw nswt] royal acquaintance, (keeper) of unguents of the royal regalia(?); found in situ in front of north outer niche of G 3097.
Nefersehetep (between G 3003 and G 3015)
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Fragment of limestone lintel (UPM_E13540) inscribed for Nefersehetep, identified as [Xkrt nswt rxt nswt] royal ornament, royal acquaintance; from debris between G 3003 and G 3015.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife ([Hmt=f] his wife) of Tjenti (owner of G 3035). Named on drum lintel (UPM_E13548), identified as [mjtrt] mitret; found in situ in offering chapel of G 3035.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife of Iymery (owner of G 3098). Limestone offering basin (UPM_E13526) inscribed for Persenet, identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance (dedicated by her son Rudj, owner of G 3086); limestone drum lintel (UPM_E13527) inscribed for Iymery and Persenet (dedicated by their son Rudj, owner of G 3086); found in G 3098.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 3086. Son of Iymery (owner of G 3098) and Persenet. Two limestone offering basins (Cairo JE 46497 = CG 57042, UPM_E13522) inscribed for Rudj (identified as [rx nswt Hm-nTr xwfw Hm-nTr xafra Hm-nTr Ddfra sAb Hrj-wDb wab mwt nswt jmj-xt sAw-prw] royal acquaintance, priest of Khufu, priest of Khafre, priest of Djedefre, juridicial master of reversion-offerings, wab-priest of the king's mother, under-supervisor of police) and his wife Mesat; red granite offering slab (UPM_E13523) inscribed for Rudj (identified as [wab mwt nswt] wab-priest of the king's mother) and Mesat; all found in G 3086. Limestone offering basin (UPM_E13524) inscribed for Rudj, identified as [wab mwt nswt sAb Hrj-wDb sAb (jmj-xt) sAw-prw] wab-priest of the king's mother, juridicial master of reversion-offerings, juridicial (under-supervisor) of police (?); limestone offering basin (UPM_E13526) inscribed for Persenet, dedicated by her son Rudj, identified as [wab] wab-priest; limestone drum lintel (UPM_E13527) inscribed for Iymery and Persenet, dedicated by their son Rudj, identified as [sAb Hrj-wDb] juridicial master of reversion-offerings; all found in G 3098.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 3033. False door lintel (UPM_E13554), drum (UPM_E13555), and lintel and drum (UPM_E13533) all inscribed for Sabef, identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; found in situ in G 3033.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 3020. Fragment of architrave (UPM_E13530) inscribed for Semerka, identified as [rx nswt Hm-nTr Xnmw-xwfw] royal acquaintance, priest of Khnum-Khufu; found in debris of G 3020 chapel. May be same individual as Semerka (in G 3031).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Limestone lintel with painted inscription (UPM_E13536) inscribed for Semerka, identified as [rx nswt] royal acquaintance; found displaced In debris at bottom of G 3031shaft B. May be same individual as Semerka, owner of G 3020.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Libation basin (UPM_E13515) inscribed for Senka, identified as [jmj-r Hwjt(?)] overseer of washermen; found displaced in debris in front of G 3082.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 3008. South false door inscribed for Sneferuhetep, also appears in chapel wall painting, east, south, and west walls, identified as [rx nswt sS nswt sHD wabw xa-snfrw wr mDw Sma Hrj-sStA n nTr=f Hrj-sStA m kAt sxt] royal acquaintance, royal scribe, inspector of wab-priests of the pyramid of Snefru, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, secretary of his god, secretary of works in the field; in situ in G 3008. Fragment of door jamb (UPM_E13543) inscribed for Sneferuhetep, identified as [rx nswt] royal acquaintance; found in debris of shaft G 3008 C, originally from door to offering room.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 3035. Drum lintel (UPM_E13548) inscribed for Tjenti, identified as [sAb sS] juridicial scribe; found in situ in offering chapel of G 3035.
Modern People
- Type Author
- Nationality & Dates American, 1876–1941
- Remarks Archaeologist and architect. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.
- Type Publisher