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  • Classification
    Documentation-Unpublished manuscripts
  • Department
    University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology
  • Credit Line
    University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology
  • Mentioned on page
    Khetu (G 3094)
    Mesehet (in G 3033)
    Sabef (G 3033)
  • Author
    Clarence Stanley Fisher, American, 1876–1941

Tombs and Monuments 1

  • G 3094

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

Published Documents 1

People 5

Ancient People

  • Khetu (G 3094)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Owner(?) of G 3094. Limestone drum lintel (UPM_E13539) inscribed for Khetu, identified as [rx nswt jmj-r pr-HD] royal acquaintance, overseer of the treasury; found in debris of G 3094 offering room.
  • Mesehet (in G 3033)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Daughter ([sAt=f] his daughter) of Sabef. Fragment of false door (UPM_E13547) with name of Mesehet; found in debris of G 3033.
  • Neferes[...]

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Limestone offering basin (UPM_E13544) roughly inscribed for Neferes[...], identified as [sHD wabw] inspector of wab-priests; found in surface debris of Cemetery G 3000, but exact position in cemetery not recorded.
  • Sabef (G 3033)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Owner of G 3033. False door lintel (UPM_E13554), drum (UPM_E13555), and lintel and drum (UPM_E13533) all inscribed for Sabef, identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; found in situ in G 3033.

Modern People

  • Clarence Stanley Fisher

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates American, 1876–1941
    • Remarks Archaeologist and architect. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.