- Format
- Book
- Language
- Series
- Publications of the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt
- Year Published
- 2003
- Citation Text
- Manuelian, Peter Der. Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis. Publications of the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt 7. New Haven & Philadelphia: Peabody Museum of Natural History of Yale University & University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2003.
- Individual - Ancient
- Ini (G 1235)
- Iunu (G 4150)
- Kaemah (G 1223)
- Kanefer (G 1203)
- Kaninisut [I] (G 2155)
- Khufunakht (G 1205)
- Meresankh II (G 7410-7420)
- Meretites (G 4140)
- Meretites (G 7650)
- Meryhetepef (G 4360)
- Nefer (G 1207)
- Nefretiabet (G 1225)
- Sedit (G 2100)
- Seshatsekhentiu (G 2120)
- Setjihekenet (G 1227)
- Wenshet (G 4840)
- Wepemnefret (G 1201)
- Author
- Peter Der Manuelian, 1959–
- Publisher
- Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University
- University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Eastern Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Eastern Cemetery
- Site Name Eastern Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- MFAB_06.1883a-b
Canopy of Hetepheres I (reproduction)
- MFAB_38.873
Carrying chair of Hetepheres I (reproduction)
- MFAB_38.874
- HUMFA_33-4-22
Fragment of limestone slab stela
- KHM_ÄS_7447
Fragment of limestone slab stela
- KHM_ÄS_7799
Fragment of limestone slab stela of Seshatsekhentiu
- HUMFA_33-2-187
Fragment of limestone slab stela of Seshatsekhentiu
- HUMFA_38-3-2
Fragment of limestone slab stela of Wenshet
- HUMFA_14-2-1
Fragment of limestone with hieratic inscription
- HUMFA_38-2-5
Fragmentary pottery offering stand
- HUMFA_36-2-15
Fragments of limestone slab stela of Seshatsekhentiu
- MFAB_06.1894
Limestone offering basin of Iny
- HM_6-19798
- HUMFA_13-10-70
- EMC_JE_46217
- HM_6-19767
- KHM_ÄS_8549
Limestone slab stela of Kanefer
- HM_6-19807
Limestone slab stela of Khufunakht
- HM_6-19786
Limestone slab stela of Meretites
- MFAB_12.1510
- HM_6-19801
- HUMFA_12-12-130
Limestone slab stela of Wepemnefret
- HM_6-19825
Red granite sarcophagus of Meresankh II
- MFAB_27.441a-b
Ancient People
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1235. Limestone slab stela (Cairo JE 37727 = CG 57127 bis = Port Said National Museum P 4082) inscribed for Ini, identified as [xrp mrw jHw rx nswt] director of cattle pastures, royal acquaintance; found in situ on east face of G 1235. Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19798) inscribed for Ini, identified as [xrp nrw] director of herdsmen; found in G 1235.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 4150. Limestone slab stela (Hildesheim 2145) inscribed for Iunu, identified as [jmj-r sAw Sma wr mDw Sma sA nswt] overseer of the phyles of Upper Egypt, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, king's son; found in situ on east face of G 4150.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1223. Limestone slab stela (Cairo JE 37725 = CG 57128) inscribed for Kaemah, identified as [jmj-r sAw Sma wr mDw Sma sA nswt] overseer of the phyles of Upper Egypt, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, king's son; found in situ on east face of G 1223.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1203. Limestone slab stela (Hearst 6-19807) inscribed for Kanefer, identified as [jmj-r wpwt xrp tmAtjw] overseer of commissions, director of bowcase bearers; pieces found in G 1203 chapel and displaced in walls of pit in G 1235 chapel.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 2155. Father of Kaninisut [II] (owner of G 2156). Chapel entrance north and south door jambs, and north and south false doors inscribed for Kaninisut; also appears in chapel relief (west wall, between false doors, north wall, and east wall, over chapel entrance); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1205. Limestone slab stela (Hearst 6-19786) inscribed for Khufunakht, identified as [rx nswt] royal acquaintance; found in situ on east face of G 1205.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Meresankh buried in G 7410.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 4140. Limestone slab stela (MFA 12.1510) inscribed for Meretites, identified as [sAt nswt nt Xt=f] king's daughter of his body; found in situ on east face of G 4140.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner (with husband Akhethetep) of G 7650. Identified as [sAt nswt n Xt=f Hm-nTr xwfw Hm-nTr HwtHr Hm-nTr Nt] king's daughter of his body, priestess of Khufu, priestess of Hathor, priestess of Neith. Parents are probably Khufu and Meretites [I].
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 4360. Alabaster offering table (Hildesheim 3048) inscribed for Meryhetepef, identified as [sAb aD-mr] judge and administrator; found in situ in G 4360 chapel.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1207. Limestone slab stela (Hearst 6-19801) inscribed for Nefer, identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; found in situ on east face of G 1207.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1225. Limestone slab stela (Louvre E 15591) inscribed for Nefretiabet, identified as [sAt nswt] king's daughter; found in G 1225.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Probable owner of G 2100. Mother ([mwt=f] his mother) of Merib (owner of G 2100-I). Appears in chapel relief in tomb of her son Merib, south and east walls, identified as [sAt nswt n Xt=f Hm-nTr Nt mHtt jnb=s] king's daughter of his body, priestess of Neith north of her wall; chapel (ÄMP Berlin 1107) found in situ in G 2100-I.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 2120. Limestone slab stela (group of unregistered fragments + 33-2-187 + 38-3-2 + 38-3-3 = MFA 06.1894) inscribed for Seshatsekhentiu; some fragments found east and west of G 2120. Fragments of red granite drum lintel (38-3-11) originally inscribed with name and titles of Seshatsekhentiu; partially preserved titles: [Xrj-(Hb)] lector(-priest), [Hrj-tp ...tjw] chief .... (Seshatsekhen)tiu; found in debris in front of slab stela emplacement in east face of G 2120.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1227. Limestone slab stela (Cairo JE 37726 = CG 57127 = Port Said National Museum P 4082) inscribed for Setjihekenet, identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; found in situ on east face of G 1227.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 4840. False door (Hildesheim 2971) inscribed for Wenshet, identified as [sAt nswt n Xt=f Hm-nTr Nt mHtt jnb=s Hm-nTr HwtHr nbt nht] king's daughter of his body, priestess of Neith north of her wall, priestess of Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore; found in situ in G 4840 (north chapel). Fragment of limestone slab stela (14-2-1 = MFA 14.1183) inscribed for Wenshet; found in G 4832 A, originally from G 4840.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1201. Limestone slab stela (Hearst 6-19825) inscribed for Wepemnefret, identified as [mDH sSw nswt wr mDw Sma hkA mHjt Hm-nTr Hqt xt HA sA nswt] craftsman of the king's scribes, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, heka-priest of Mehit, priest of Heqet, khet-priest of Ha, king's son; found in situ on east face of G 1201.
Modern People
- Type Author
- Nationality & Dates 1959–
- Remarks Giza Archives Project Director, 2000-2011; Giza Project at Harvard Director, 2011-present.
Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University
- Type Publisher
Name of this image
Description of the image duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Donec sed odio dui.

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- Cole Test Collection - Tomb Chapels and Shafts
- GPH Test Collection 1
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- ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
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- ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../windows/win.ini
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