Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2155
- Tomb Owner
- Kaninisut [I] (G 2155)
- Attested
- Ankh-haf (in G 2155)
- Ankhi (in G 2155)
- Bebi (in G 2155)
- Herib (in G 2155)
- Hermeru (in G 2155)
- Hesi (in G 2155)
- Hetep (in G 2155)
- Hetepsepet (in G 2155)
- Horwer (in G 2155)
- I[...] (in G 2155)
- Ibkaptah (in G 2155)
- Iduneferhetep (in G 2155)
- Iinefret (in G 2155)
- Im[...] (in G 2155)
- Imsekher (in G 2155)
- Imsekher (in G 2155)
- Imsekher (in G 2155)
- Ini-ishetef (in G 2155)
- Isi (in G 2155)
- Itjef (in G 2155)
- Ity (in G 2155)
- Kaemheset (in G 2155)
- Kaemnefret (in G 2155)
- Kaemwehem (in G 2155)
- Kairi (in G 2155)
- Kangi (in G 2155)
- Kaninisut [II] (G 2156)
- Khnumhetep (in G 2155)
- Khufuankh (in G 2155)
- Khufuseneb (in G 2155)
- Medu (in G 2155)
- Menekhka (in G 2155)
- Mer[...]khufu (in G 2155)
- Mernetjerukhufu (in G 2155)
- Mernetjerukhufu (in G 2155)
- Mesy (in G 2155)
- Neferhanisut (in G 2155)
- Niankhhathor (in G 2155)
- Niankhhathor (in G 2155)
- Nimeret (in G 2155)
- Pehernefer (in G 2155)
- Penu (in G 2155)
- Pernedju (in G 2155)
- Persen (in G 2155)
- Qedmerer (in G 2155)
- Rahetep (in G 2155)
- Sahi (in G 2155)
- Semerka (in G 2155)
- Seneb (in G 2155)
- Senebdisu (in G 2155)
- Seshmu (in G 2155)
- Seshmu (in G 2155)
- Seteb (in G 2155)
- Shendju (in G 2155)
- Tjenti (in G 2155)
- Tjenti (in G 2155)
- Tjenti (in G 2155)
- Tjeset (in G 2155)
- Wadjethetep (in G 2155)
- Wahib (in G 2155)
- Wehemka (D 117)
- Wenkhu (in G 2155)
- Excavator
- Hermann Junker, German, 1877–1962
- Alternate Reisner No
- G 4870
- Junker No
- VIIInn
- Harpur Date
- Userkaf - Neferirkare
- Jacquet-Gordon Date
- Early Dynasty 5
- Junker Date
- Early Dynasty 5
- Kanawati Date
- Late Sahure
- Reisner Date
- Late Menkaure - post-Neferirkare
- Schmitz Date
- Early Dynasty 5
- Baer Date
- Early Dynasty 5
- Baud Date
- Dynasty 4: Khufu to Djedefre
- Cherpion Date
- Dyn. 4: not later than Djedefre
- PorterMoss Date
- Early Dynasty 5
- Site Type
- Stone-built mastaba
- Shafts
- 1 shaft; serdab; chapel
- Remarks
- Mastaba built east of G 2135 (aka G 4770), south of G 2160, and north of G 4860. Mastaba G 2156 of son Kaninisut [II] abuts on east & mastaba of grandson Kaninisut [III] abuts on north. Reisner later assigned G 2155 to a small tomb north of this one, in street between G 2170 & G 2220. Reisner's tomb was later renamed G 2154a.
- KHM_ÄS_8006
Fragment of limestone slab stela
- KHM_ÄS_7447
- Diary page dates 09/27/1913 - 10/02/1913; 10/03/1913; 10/04/1913 - 10/14/1913
- ID: HUMFA_GN3_L13_2100_p035
- ID: HUMFA_GN3_L13_2100_p036a
Altenmüller, Hartwig. "Funerary Boats and Boat Pits of the Old Kingdom." In Filip Coppens, ed. Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2001. Proceedings of the Symposium (Prague, September 25th-27th, 2001). Archiv Orientální 70, No. 3 (August 2002). Prague:Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2002, pp. 276, 279, n. 55.
Faulkner, Raymond O. "Review of 'Giza II' and 'Giza III'." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 27 (1941), pp. 166-167.
Fischer, Henry G. "A further occurrence of ideographic [GLYPH] in an Old-Kingdom name." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 61 (1975), pp. 247-248.
Hölzl, Regina. Reliefs und Inschriftensteine des Alten Reiches 2.Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Lieferung 21. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 2001, pp. 33-87.
Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines funéraires, pp. 247-250 (22G5), figs. 55-56.
Jánosi, Peter. "Der Tote vor dem Opfertisch. Die Opferplatten von Giza. Besprechung des Buches Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis von Peter Der Manuelian." Sokar 10 (1. Halbjahr 2005), p. 22.
Jánosi, Peter. "Aspects of Mastaba Development: The Position of Shafts and the Identification of Tomb Owners." In Filip Coppens, ed. Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2001. Proceedings of the Symposium (Prague, September 25th-27th, 2001). Archiv Orientální 70, No. 3 (August 2002). Prague: Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, p. 345, fig.1.
Jánosi, Peter. "The Tombs of Officials. Houses of Eternity." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 30-31, 38, fig. 15d.
Junker, Hermann. The Offering Room of Prince Kaninisut. Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1931.
Junker, Hermann. Gîza 2: Die Mastabas der beginnenden V. Dynastie auf dem Westfriedhof. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften. Vienna & Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1934, pp. 135-172, figs. 12-22, pls. 1, 5-10.
Junker, Hermann. Gîza 3: Die Mastabas der Vorgeschrittenen V. Dynastie auf dem Westfriedhof. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften. Vienna & Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1938, pp. 37 [21], 145-148, fig. 1, pl. 9 [a].
Junker, Hermann. Gîza 6. Die Mastabas des Nfr (Nefer), Kdfjj (Kedfi), Kahjf (Kahjef) und die westlich anschließenden Grabanlagen. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften 72, Abhandlung 1. Vienna & Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1943. plan after p. 273.
Junker, Hermann. Gîza 7. Der Ostabschnitt des Westfriedhofs, Erster Teil. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften 72, Abhandlung 3. Vienna & Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1944, plan after pl. 40.
Junker, Hermann. Gîza 12. Schlußband mit Zusammenfassungen und Gesamt-Verzeichnissen von Band 1-12. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften 75, Abhandlung 2. Vienna: Rudolph M. Rohrer, 1955, pp. 147-149, fig. 17, plan 3 after p. 276.
Kayser, Hans. Die Mastaba des Uhemka: Ein Grab in der Wüste. Hannover: Fackeltrager-Verlag Schmidt-Kunster GmbH., 1964, pp. 20-21, pls. 5, 18-19.
Lehmann, Katja. Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches 1-3. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2000, Kat. G113.
Manuelian, Peter Der. "Eight Years at the Giza Archives Project: Past Experiences and Future Plans for the Giza Digital Archive." Egyptian and Egyptological Documents, Archives, and Libraries, An Annual 1 (Milan, 2009), p. 151, note 6.
Manuelian, Peter Der. Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis. Publications of the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt 7. New Haven & Philadelphia: Peabody Museum of Natural History of Yale University & University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2003, pp. 22, 23, 81, 88- 91, 96, 105, 130, 134, 141, 143, 144, 147, 148, 151- 153, 155, 157, 159, 164, 167, figs. 124- 128, 210, 213, 217, 223, 230, 35, 350, 251.
Manuelian, Peter Der. "A Re-examination of Reisner's Nucleus Cemetery Concept at Giza. Preliminary Remarks on Cemetery G 2100." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 223-227, 229, fig. 2.
Manuelian, Peter Der. "Excavating the Old Kingdom. The Giza Necropolis and Other Mastaba Fields." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 146, 152, note 8.
Manuelian, Peter Der. "Presenting the Scroll: Papyrus Documents in Tombs Scenes of the Old Kingdom." In Peter Der Manuelian, ed. Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson 2. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1996, pp. 567, 585.
Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974, pp. 78-79, plan 11.
Reisner, George A. A History of the Giza Necropolis 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942, pp. 214, 307, 446-447.
Roth, Ann Macy. "Little Women: Gender and Hierarchic Proportion in Old Kingdom Mastaba Chapels." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 284-285, table 1.
Schmitz, Königsohn, pp. 77-79
Shaheen, Alaa el-din M. "'Water Carrier' or the Like in the Ancient Egyptian Sources and Its Resemblance to Dilmun Glyptic Art." In Zahi Hawass and Janet Richards, eds. The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt. Essays in Honor of David B. O'Connor, Vol. II. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Cahier no. 36. Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2007, p. 373.
Ancient People
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), south wall of chapel entrance passage (second figure from right, leading long-horned antelope), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (bottom register, fourth figure from right), identified as [wdpw] butler; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (bottom register, tenth figure from right, carrying goose); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (third register, butchering scene, first figure on right); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears twice in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), south false door (north jamb, top register), and east wall (over chapel entrance, lower of two registers of striding figures in front of boat, figure on left); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (third register, livestock procession, first figure on left); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), south wall of chapel entrance passage (first figure on right); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (over chapel entrance, top register, in prow of boat); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Son ([sA=f n Xt=f] his son of his body) of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, standing with his brother and sister in front of his parents), and north wall (standing behind his father); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), south false door (south jamb, bottom register, name only partially preserved); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north false door (north jamb); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (panel of relief south of south false door, bottom register, figure only partially preserved); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears twice in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, bottom register, sixth figure from right), and east wall (third register, butchering scene, second figure from right), identified as [sSmw] butcher; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north wall (top register, third figure from left, name only partially preserved); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. Name possibly Imsekher (see figure with this name, west wall, panel of relief north of north false door, bottom register).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (panel of relief north of north false door, bottom register), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of three figures named Imsekher (others on: chapel entrance south door jamb, fourth figure from right facing seated figure of Kaninisut, carrying haunch of meat; east wall, third register, butchering scene, fifth figure from right); all possibly same individual.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), chapel entrance south door jamb (fourth figure from right facing seated figure of Kaninisut, carrying haunch of meat); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of three figures named Imsekher (others on: panel of relief north of north false door, bottom register; east wall, third register, butchering scene, fifth figure from right); all possibly same individual.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (third register, butchering scene, fifth figure from right), identified as [sSmw] butcher; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of three figures named Imsekher (others on: chapel entrance south door jamb, fourth figure from right facing seated figure of Kaninisut, carrying haunch of meat; panel of relief north of north false door, bottom register); all possibly same individual.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (third register, butchering scene, third figure from right, name only partially preserved); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (third register, butchering scene, sixth figure from right), identified as [sSmw] butcher; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, middle register of ka-priests, third figure from right, carrying crane), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, middle register of ka-priests, fifth figure from right, carrying goose), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (over chapel entrance, bottom register, in prow of boat); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north wall (middle register, first figure on left), identified as [jmj-r pr] steward; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, top register of scribes, second figure from right), identified as [sS] scribe; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears twice in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, bottom register, second figure from right), and east wall (bottom register, second figure from right), identified as [wdpw] butler; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (third register, livestock procession, third figure from left); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Owner of G 2156. Son ([sA=f n Xt=f] his son of his body) of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), father of Kaninisut [III] (probable owner of G 2156a). Chapel entrance drum lintel and door jambs inscribed for Kaninisut, identified as [wr mdw Sma nj-nst-xntt Hm-nTr mAat Hrj-sStA nb=f Hm-nTr xwfw] great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, preeminent of place, priest of Maat, secretary of his lord, priest of Khufu; also appears in chapel relief (west wall, seated at offering table), identified as [wr mdw Sma rx nswt] great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, royal acquaintance; in situ in G 2156. Limestone offering stone (MFA 12.1513) inscribed for Kaninisut, identified as [wr mdw Sma nj-nst-xntt Hm-nTr xwfw Hrj-sStA] great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, preeminent of place, priest of Khufu, secretary; found in street east of G 2160, probably originally from G 2156. Limestone cornice (33-1-77) inscribed for Kaninisut, identified as [wr mdw Sma] great one of the tens of Upper Egypt; found in G 2200 (= G 5080) B, probably originally from G 2156. Also appears in chapel relief in tomb of his father Kaninisut [I], west wall (between false doors, standing with his brother and sister in front of his parents), identified as [kAn[j]nswt nDs] Kaninisut the Younger; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Tomb Owner
- Remarks Owner of G 2155. Father of Kaninisut [II] (owner of G 2156). Chapel entrance north and south door jambs, and north and south false doors inscribed for Kaninisut; also appears in chapel relief (west wall, between false doors, north wall, and east wall, over chapel entrance); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north wall (middle register, second figure from left), identified as [sS] scribe; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, bottom register, eighth figure from right), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, middle register of ka-priests, fourth figure from right), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (bottom register, ninth figure from right, carrying goose); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north wall (bottom register, second figure from left), identified as [sS] scribe; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, bottom register, ninth figure from right, name only partially preserved), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (bottom register, eleventh figure from right), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of two figures named Mernetjerukhufu (other on west wall, between false doors, bottom register, third figure from right); possibly same individual.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, bottom register, third figure from right), identified as [xrp sH] director of the dining hall; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of two figures named Mernetjerukhufu (other on east wall, bottom register, eleventh figure from right); possibly same individual.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, top register of scribes, third figure from right), identified as [sS] scribe; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Wife of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, standing behind her husband, and panel of relief north of north false door, top register [facing right]); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), south wall of chapel entrance passage (third figure from right), identified as [xrp sH] director of the dining hall; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of two individuals named Niankhhathor (other depicted twice: on west wall, between false doors, bottom register, first figure on right; on east wall, bottom register, third figure from right); possibly same individual.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears twice in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, bottom register, first figure on right), and east wall (bottom register, third figure from right), identified as [wdpw] butler; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of two individuals named Niankhhathor (other on south wall of chapel entrance passage, third figure from right); possibly same individual.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (bottom register, sixth figure from right, carrying tray of bread and cakes), identified as [rtHtjj] baker; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north wall (bottom register, third figure from left), identified as [sS] scribe; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears three times in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north false door (south jamb), west wall (between false doors, middle register of ka-priests, first figure on right), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest (on west wall), and east wall (over chapel entrance, top register, stern of boat); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears twice in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), south false door (south jamb, top register), identified as [jmj-r sSr] overseer of linen, and east wall (over chapel entrance, lower of two registers of striding figures in front of boat, figure on right); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (bottom register, thirteenth figure from right), identified as [xtmw] sealer; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north wall (middle register, fourth figure from left), identified as [sS mDAt] scribe of the archive; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north wall (bottom register, fourth figure from left), identified as [sS] scribe; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. May be same individual as [sS pr-mDAt] scribe of the library Rahetep in D 117.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north wall (bottom register, first figure on left), identified as [sS] scribe; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (bottom register, twelfth figure from right), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears twice in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, bottom register, fifth figure from right), and east wall (bottom register, fifth figure from right), identified as [wdpw] butler; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, bottom register, tenth figure from right), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, bottom register, fourth figure from right), identified as [jmj-r sSr] overseer of linen; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of two figures named Seshmu (other on east wall, third register, butchering scene, fourth figure from right); may be same individual.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (third register, butchering scene, fourth figure from right), identified as [wdpw] butler; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of two figures named Seshmu (other on west wall, between false doors, bottom register, fourth figure from right); may be same individual.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (over chapel entrance, bottom register, kneeling on top of boat cabin pointing backwards), identified as [sSmw] butcher; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, bottom register, seventh figure from right), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (bottom register, first figure on right), identified as [xrp sH] director of the dining hall; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of four figures named Tjenti (two [west and north walls] assumed to be same individual; other on east wall, bottom register, seventh figure from right).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (bottom register, seventh figure from right), identified as [rtHtjj] baker; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. One of four figures named Tjenti (two [west and north walls] assumed to be same individual; other on east wall, bottom register, first figure on right).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears twice in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, top register of scribes, fourth figure from right), identified as [sS] scribe, and north wall (middle register, third figure from left), identified as [jrj-mDAt] letter carrier; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155. Two of four figures named Tjenti (two assumed to be same individual; others on east wall, bottom register, first and seventh figures from right).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), north wall (top register, second figure from left), identified as [sS mDAt] scribe of the archive; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Daughter ([sAt=f n Xt=f] his daughter of his body) of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, standing with her brothers in front of her parents); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears three times in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), west wall (between false doors, middle register of ka-priests, second figure from right), identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest, and east wall (over chapel entrance, both top and bottom registers, middle of boats standing in front of Kaninisut); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Owner of D 117. Chapel entrance lintel and drum lintel and south false door inscribed for Wehemka; also appears in chapel relief (west, north, south, east walls); identified variously as [rx nswt sS pr-mDAt sS nfrw jmj-r pr] royal acquaintance, scribe of the library, scribe of recruits, steward; chapel (Hildesheim 2970) found in situ in D 117. Also appears three times in chapel relief of tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), twice on west wall (panel of relief south of south false door, top register; between false doors, top register of scribes, first figure on right), and north wall (top register, first figure on left), identified as [sS pr-mDAt] scribe of the library (on panel of relief south of south false door) and [jmj-r pr] steward (on north and west walls); chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kaninisut [I] (owner of G 2155), east wall (bottom register, eighth figure from right), identified as [fsw] cook; chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006) found in situ in G 2155.
Modern People
- Type Excavator
- Nationality & Dates German, 1877–1962
- Remarks Egyptologist, Director of German-Austrian expedition to Giza, 1911–1929. Published 12 volumes of final excavation reports from Giza expedition. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.
Name of this image
Description of the image duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Donec sed odio dui.

- Heather ONeill heather@pixelsforhumans.com
- Nicholas Picardo npicardo@fas.harvard.edu
- Luke Hollis luke@archimedes.digital
Hi ! (not you? Login to your account.)
- Cole Test Collection - Tomb Chapels and Shafts
- GPH Test Collection 1
- Mr.
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- Hello World
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- Hello World
- Hello World
- ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
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- /etc/passwd
- /..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//../boot.ini
- ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../boot.ini
- Hello World
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- file:///C:/boot.ini
- file:///C:/win.ini
- Hello World
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- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- /bin/cat /etc/passwd
- type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- &&/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- &&type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- |/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- /bin/cat /etc/passwd
- |type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- ;/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- ;type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World
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- Hello World
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- type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World
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- Hello Worldtype %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World&&type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World&&/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- run type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- Hello World|/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- Hello World|type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World;/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- Hello World type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello Worldrun type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World /bin/cat /etc/passwd
- Hello World`/bin/cat /etc/passwd`
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- Hello World
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- Hello World
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- Hello World
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- Hello World
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- /..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//../etc/passwd
- /etc/passwd
- /..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//..//../boot.ini
- ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../boot.ini
- file:///etc/passwd
- C:\boot.ini
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- Hello World
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- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- /bin/cat /etc/passwd
- Hello World
- &&/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- &&type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- |type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- |/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- ;type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
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- `/bin/cat /etc/passwd`
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- Hello World
- Hello World
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- Hello World
- Hello World
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- Hello World
- Hello World/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- Hello Worldtype %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World&&/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- Hello World&&type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World|/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- Hello World|type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World;/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- Hello World;type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
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- Hello World
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- /bin/cat /etc/passwd
- Hello World
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- type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- &&/bin/cat /etc/passwd
- ;/bin/cat /etc/passwd
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- |type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
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- ;type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
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- Hello World
- Hello World
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- Hello World
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- Hello World
- `/bin/cat /etc/passwd`
- Hello World
- Hello World
- run type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- Hello World
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- Hello World
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- Hello World
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- type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
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- |type %SYSTEMROOT%\win.ini
- ;/bin/cat /etc/passwd
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