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  • Attested
    Ahmose (in G 7632)
    Ankhenes-(?) (in G 7632)
    Ankhtef (in G 7632)
    Hetepef-hesu-(?) (in G 7632)
    Isiskhebit (in G 7632)
    Nesiptah (in G 7632)
    Psamtik-seneb (in G 7632)
    Tashamsha (in G 7632)
    Wadjetirdis (in G 7632)
    Wahibre (in G 7632)
  • Excavator
    George Andrew Reisner, American, 1867–1942
  • PorterMoss Date
    Late Period
  • Site Type
    Mud-brick mastaba
  • Shafts
    G 7632 A; G 7632 B; G 7632 C; G 7632 D; G 7632 E; G 7632 F; G 7632 G

Finds 196

Excavation Diary Pages 18

Maps & Plans 23

Drawings 2

Published Documents 1

Unpublished Documents 12

Full Bibliography

  • Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974, p. 200.

People 11

Ancient People

  • Ahmose (in G 7632)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Son of Wahibre. Set of ca. 381+ inscribed and uninscribed ushabtis (25-2-954, 25-2-955, 25-2-956, 25-2-957, 25-2-958, 25-2-1008), with ca. 34 inscribed for Ahmose (uninscribed ushabtis from this set attributed to Ahmose); found in G 7632 A, with most in sub-pit c = A VI and a few in sub-pit a = A VII.
  • Ankhenes-(?) (in G 7632)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Mother of Hetepef-hesu-(?); called Nesnes on some ushabtis. Name appears on inscribed ushabtis from set of ca. 376+ inscribed and uninscribed ushabtis (25-3-223, 25-3-229, 25-3-282, and probably 25-3-224, and others, including 25-3-225, 25-3-227, and possibly 25-3-226), with ca. 28+ inscribed for Hetepef-hesu-(?) (uninscribed ushabtis from this set attributed to Hetepef-hesu-(?)); found mostly inside coffin in G 7632 A IV and around and under it in area of knees, although specimens also found elsewhere in pit system.
  • Ankhtef (in G 7632)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Father of Wadjetirdis. Bronze figure of Osiris (25-2-733 = MFA 27.982) inscribed for Wadjetirdis, daughter of Ankhtef and born of the lady of the house Isiskhebit; found in G 7632 A, central chamber = A I.
  • Hetepef-hesu-(?) (in G 7632)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Child ([ms n] born) of Ankhenes-(?). Set of ca. 376+ inscribed and uninscribed ushabtis (25-3-223, 25-3-229, 25-3-282, and probably 25-3-224, and others, including 25-3-225, 25-3-227, and possibly 25-3-226), with ca. 28+ inscribed for Hetepef-hesu-(?) (uninscribed ushabtis from this set attributed to Hetepef-hesu-(?)); found mostly inside coffin in G 7632 A IV and around and under it in area of knees, although specimens also found elsewhere in pit system.
  • Isiskhebit (in G 7632)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Mother of Wadjetirdis. Bronze figure of Osiris (25-2-733 = MFA 27.982) inscribed for Wadjetirdis, daughter of Ankhtef and born of the lady of the house [nb(t) pr] Isiskhebit; found in G 7632 A, central chamber = A I.
  • Nesiptah (in G 7632)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Daughter ([ms n] born) of Tashamsha. Set of ca. 395+ inscribed and uninscribed ushabtis (25-3-263), with ca. 44 (MFA 25.4857 – MFA 25.4900) inscribed for Nesiptah (uninscribed ushabtis from this set attributed to Nesiptah); found in G 7632 A, chamber of sub-pit e = A IX, in and beside wood coffin.
  • Psamtik-seneb (in G 7632)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Set of eight inscribed and uninscribed ushabtis (25-3-263), with one ushabti inscribed for Psamtik-seneb, and one inscribed Psam (uninscribed ushabtis from this set may or may not have belonged to Psamtik-seneb); found with ushabtis of Nesiptah in G 7632 A, chamber of sub-pit e = A IX, in and beside wood coffin (probably instrusive, possibly before burial).
  • Tashamsha (in G 7632)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Mother of Nesiptah. Name appears on inscribed ushabtis from set of ca. 395+ inscribed and uninscribed ushabtis (25-3-263), with ca. 44 inscribed for Nesiptah (uninscribed ushabtis from this set attributed to Nesiptah); found in G 7632 A, chamber of sub-pit e = A IX, in and beside wood coffin.
  • Wadjetirdis (in G 7632)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Bronze figure of Osiris (25-2-733 = MFA 27.982) inscribed for Wadjetirdis, daughter of Ankhtef and born of lady of the house Isiskhebit; found in G 7632 A, central chamber = A I.
  • Wahibre (in G 7632)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Father of Ahmose. Set of ca. 420+ inscribed and uninscribed ushabtis (25-2-824 – 25-2-838, 25-2-841 – 25-2-844, 25-2-875 – 25-2-882), with ca. 78+ inscribed for Wahibre (uninscribed ushabtis from this set attributed to Wahibre); found in G 7632 A, sub-pit b = A II, and scattered in central chamber = A I and sub-pit a = A VII. Name also appears on set of ca. 381+ inscribed and uninscribed ushabtis (25-2-954, 25-2-955, 25-2-956, 25-2-957, 25-2-958, 25-2-1008), with ca. 34 inscribed for Ahmose (uninscribed ushabtis from this set attributed to Ahmose); found in G 7632 A, with most in sub-pit c = A VI and a few in sub-pit a = A VII.

Modern People

  • George Andrew Reisner

    • Type Excavator
    • Nationality & Dates American, 1867–1942
    • Remarks Egyptologist, archaeologist; Referred to as "the doctor" and "mudir" (Arabic for "director") in the excavation records. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.