Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2001
- Tomb Owner
- Tjetu [I] Kanisut (G 2001)
- Attested
- Henti (in G 2001)
- Idu (in G 2001)
- Ikeri (in G 2001)
- Imapepi (in G 2001)
- Ipi (in G 2001)
- Ipi (in G 2001)
- Ipi (in G 2001)
- Iri (in G 2001)
- Meru (in G 2001)
- Mesni Tjetu (in G 2001)
- Nebet (in G 2001)
- Niankhkhufu (in G 2001)
- Sameseh (in G 2001)
- Tjetu Mesni (in G 2001)
- Wadjethetep (in G 2001)
- Excavator
- George Andrew Reisner, American, 1867–1942
- PorterMoss Date
- Dynasty 5-6
- Site Type
- Stone-built mastaba
- Shafts
- G 2001 A; G 2001 B; G 2001 C; G 2001 D; G 2001 X
- Remarks
- Mastaba built against east wall of G 2000 at south end, southwest of G 2002.
Alabaster and obsidian eye inlay
- HUMFA_36-3-19
- HUMFA_36-3-21a
- HUMFA_36-3-23a
- HUMFA_36-3-24
- HUMFA_36-3-21
- HUMFA_36-3-23
Stone tool: sandstone whetstone
- HUMFA_36-3-18
Stone tool: sandstone whetstone
- HUMFA_36-3-20
Stone tool: sandstone whetstone
- HUMFA_36-3-22
- Diary page dates 02/28/1936; 02/29/1936
- Diary page dates 03/05/1936
- Diary page dates 03/11/1936
- Diary page dates 03/11/1936; 03/12/1936
- Diary page dates 03/12/1936; 03/13/1936; 03/14/1936
- Diary page dates 03/14/1936; 03/15/1936
- Diary page dates 03/15/1936
- Diary page dates 03/15/1936
- Diary page dates 03/15/1936; 03/16/1936
- Diary page dates 03/16/1936; 03/17/1936; 03/18/1936
- Diary page dates 03/13/1940; 03/14/1940
- Diary page dates 04/28/1940; 04/29/1940
G 2001, Elevation of N false door
- ID HUMFA_EG022894
G 2001, Elevation of false door
- ID HUMFA_EG022912
G 2001, Elevation of false door
- ID HUMFA_EG022929
G 2001, Painting of chapel (= pillared portico)
- ID HUMFA_EG021897
G 2001, Shaft B, chamber: bowl, diorite
- ID HUMFA_EG025138
G 2001, relief from portico, N wall
- ID HUMFA_EG025763
- ID HUMFA_EG022930
- ID HUMFA_EG022893
- ID HUMFA_EG000547
- ID HUMFA_EG022928
G 2001: relief from W wall, S panel
- ID HUMFA_EG022892
G 2001: relief from entrance jambs
- ID HUMFA_EG022914
G 2001: relief from facade, S end, architrave, and W wall
- ID HUMFA_EG025764
G 2001: relief from false door and panels
- ID HUMFA_EG022911
- ID HUMFA_EG022895
- ID HUMFA_EG022913
G 2001: relief from portico roofing blocks and architrave
- ID HUMFA_EG022931
G 2001: relief from portico, N end, N niche
- ID HUMFA_EG022910
G 2001: relief from portico, N wall
- ID HUMFA_EG022891
G 2001: relief from portico, S wall
- ID HUMFA_EG022927
- ID: HUMFA_OR.Vol.28
- ID: HUMFA_EG014929
- ID: HUMFA_EG011522
- ID: HUMFA_EG011524
- ID: HUMFA_EG011526
- ID: HUMFA_PL1014
- ID: HUMFA_PL1015
- ID: HUMFA_PL1016
- ID: HUMFA_PL1020
- ID: HUMFA_PL1021
- ID: HUMFA_PL1030
- ID: HUMFA_EG014926
Bolshakov, Andrey. "Osiris in the Fourth Dynasty Again? The False Door of Jntj, MFA 31.781." In Hedvig Györy, ed. Mélanges offerts à Edith Varga. Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts Supplément-2001, Budapest: Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts, 2001, p. 72.
Brovarski, Edward. "False Doors & History: the Sixth Dynasty." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 91, 94-95, 107.
Brovarski, Edward. "A Second Style in Egyptian Relief of the Old Kingdom." In Stephen E. Thomson and Peter Der Manuelian, eds. Egypt and Beyond. Essays Presented to Leonard H. Lesko upon his Retirement from the Wilbour Chair of Egyptology at Brown University June 2005, Providence: Department of Egyptology and Ancient Western Asian Studies, 2008, p. 76, notes 150 & 151.
Chauvet, Violaine. “Decoration and Architecture: The Definition of Private Tomb Environment.” Servant of Mut. Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward F. Wente. Leiden: Brill, 2008, p. 45 note 15.
Flentye, Laurel. "The Mastaba of Meresankh III (G 7530/7540) in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza: An Archaeological and Art Historical Analysis." Bulletin of the Egyptian Museum 3 (2006), p. 76, note 60.
Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974, pp. 66-67, plans 11, 15.
Reisner, George A. A History of the Giza Necropolis 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942, p. 286 [2], fig. 183.
Reisner, unpublished manuscript, Box L 11, Description of Mastabas in Cemetery G 2000, pp. 24-26.
Roth, Ann Macy. "Little Women: Gender and Hierarchic Proportion in Old Kingdom Mastaba Chapels." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, pp. 282, 294, fig. 1, table. 6.
Shirai, Yayoi. "Ideal and Reality in Old Kingdom Private Funerary Cults." In Miroslav Bárta, ed. The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006, p. 327, fig. 1.
Simpson, William Kelly. Mastabas of the Western Cemetery, Part 1: Sekhemka (G 1029); Tjetu I (G 2001); Iasen (G 2196); Penmeru (G 2197); Hagy, Nefertjentet, and Herunefer (G 2352/53); Djaty, Tjetu II, and Nimesti (G 2337X, 2343, 2366). Giza Mastabas 4. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1980, pp. vii, 7-15, pls. XII-XXXII, figs. 9-26.
Ancient People
- Type Attested
- Remarks Small false door inscribed for Henti (family relationship, if any, not indicated), identified as [rxt nswt Hm-nTr HwtHr] royal acquaintance, priestess of Hathor; in situ in G 2001 (tomb of Tjetu Kanisut) chapel (= pillared portico) facade south of portico (west wall of court).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Son ([sA=s] her son) of Nebet. Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001), west wall (southernmost panel of relief, bottom register, presentation scene under seated figure of Nebet, first figure on right, carrying haunch of meat); in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Brother ([sn=f] his brother) of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001). Appears in chapel relief, north wall (bottom register, presentation scene, second figure from left, carrying bird), identified as [Sps nswt] noble of the king; in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico). Simpson (Giza Mastabas 4, p. 14) suggests brother of Tjetu Kanisut or brother of Tjetu Mesni, who leads this row of offering bearers.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001), south wall (bottom register, presentation scene, third figure from right, carrying tray of offerings and holding leash of calf), identified as [Xrj-Hb] lector-priest; in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Brother ([sn=f] his brother) of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001). Appears in chapel relief, north wall (bottom register, presentation scene, fourth figure from left, carrying basket and holding leash of calf); in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico). Simpson (Giza Mastabas 4, p. 14) suggests brother of Tjetu Kanisut or brother of Tjetu Mesni, who leads this row of offering bearers.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Daughter ([sAt=s] her daughter) of Nebet. Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001), west wall (southernmost panel of relief, bottom register, presentation scene under seated figure of Nebet, last figure on left, carrying birds); in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears (without family relationship, if any, indicated) on false door in tomb of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001), central false door inscribed for Wadjethetep (south inner jamb), identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico). Simpson (Giza Mastabas 4, p. 10) suggests she is daughter of Wadjethetep.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Brother ([sn=f] his brother) of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001). Appears in chapel relief, north wall (bottom register, presentation scene, fifth figure from left, carrying tray of offerings and holding leash of gazelle); in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico). Simpson (Giza Mastabas 4, p. 14) suggests brother of Tjetu Kanisut or brother of Tjetu Mesni, who leads this row of offering bearers.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Son ([sA=f] his son) of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001). Appears in chapel relief, south wall (bottom register, presentation scene, first figure on right, carrying haunch of meat), identified as [Xrj-Hb] lector-priest; in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Son (?) of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001). Mesni, [rn=f nfr] his good name Tjetu, South false door inscribed for Mesni Tjetu (false door tablet originally inscribed for Nebet), identified as [Xrj-tp nswt pr-aA] royal chamberlain of the Great House; in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico). Possibly same individual appearing in presentation scene on north wall (identified there as Tjetu's eldest son, Tjetu, [rn=f nfr] his good name Mesni).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Mother (or another wife?) of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001). False door inscribed for Nebet, identified as [rxt nswt Hm-nTr HwtHr nbt nht] royal acquaintance, priestess of Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore; in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico) facade north of portico (west wall of court). Also appears in chapel relief, west wall (southernmost panel of relief, south of south false door, depicted seated at offering table); in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico). South false door tablet apparently originally inscribed for Nebet.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Brother ([sn=f] his brother) of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001). Appears in chapel relief, north wall (bottom register, presentation scene, third figure from left, carrying tray of offerings and holding leash of calf), identified as [Sps nswt jmj-r pr] noble of the king, steward; in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico). Simpson (Giza Mastabas 4, p. 14) suggests brother of Tjetu Kanisut or brother of Tjetu Mesni, who leads this row of offering bearers.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001), south wall (bottom register, presentation scene, second figure from right, carrying birds), identified as [Xrj-Hb] lector-priest; in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Son ([sA=f smsw] his eldest son) of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001). Tjetu, [rn=f nfr] his good name Mesni. Appears in chapel relief, north wall (bottom register, presentation scene, first figure on left in row of six male figures facing left, only five named), identified as [xrj-Hb] lector-priest; in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico). Possibly same individual as owner of south false door (identified there as Mesni, [rn=f nfr] his good name Tjetu).
- Type Tomb Owner
- Remarks Owner of G 2001. Tjetu, [rn=f nfr] his good name Kanisut. Architectural elements, including architrave and pillars of pillared portico, and north false door inscribed for Tjetu, identified as [jmj-r njwt Axt-xwfw sHD wabw Axt-xwfw Xrj-tp nswt pr-aA smr watj Xrj-Hb jmj-r Xntjw-S] overseer of the pyramid-town of Khufu, inspector of wab-priests of the pyramid of Khufu, royal chamberlain of the Great House, sole companion, lector-priest, overseer of the palace attendants; also appears in chapel relief (north, west, south walls); in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico).
- Type Attested
- Remarks Wife (?) of Tjetu Kanisut (owner of G 2001). Central false door inscribed for Wadjethetep (also known as Hetep), identified as [rxt nswt Hm-nTr Nt Hm-nTr HwtHr nbt nht] royal acquaintance, priestess of Neith, priestess of Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore; also appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief south of central false door, depicted standing behind Tjetu, identified as Hetep); in situ in G 2001 chapel (= pillared portico).
Modern People
- Type Excavator
- Nationality & Dates American, 1867–1942
- Remarks Egyptologist, archaeologist; Referred to as "the doctor" and "mudir" (Arabic for "director") in the excavation records. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.