- Format
- Catalogue
- Language
- Series
- University of California Publications. Egyptian Archaeology
- Year Published
- 1927
- Citation Text
- Lutz, Henry F. Egyptian Tomb Steles and Offering Stones of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology of the University of California. University of California Publications. Egyptian Archaeology 4. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1927.
- Individual - Ancient
- Akhethetep (in G 1206)
- Djedwai (G 1452+1453)
- Hetepib (G 1022)
- Imasahure
- Ini (G 1235)
- Inkaf (in G 1022)
- Iy
- Keki (in G 1037-Addition)
- Khufunakht (G 1205)
- Mernefretnisut (in G 1037-Addition)
- Nefer (G 1207)
- Senenu (in G 1206)
- Setepet (in G 1022)
- Shad (G 1221)
- Wepemnefret (G 1201)
- Individual - Modern
- Mesdjer (in G 1037-Addition)
- Author
- Henry Frederick Lutz, American, 1886–1973
- Publisher
- J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung
Inscribed limestone offering stone
- HM_6-19813
- HM_6-19830
Limestone offering basin of Djedwai
- HM_6-19751
Limestone offering basin of Hetepib
- HM_6-19761
Limestone offering basin of Iny
- HM_6-19798
Limestone offering basin of Mesdjer
- HM_6-19821
Limestone offering basin of Senenu
- HM_6-19752
Limestone offering stand of Djedwai
- HM_6-19816
Limestone slab stela of Khufunakht
- HM_6-19786
- HM_6-19801
Limestone slab stela of Wepemnefret
- HM_6-19825
Limestone standing pair statue
- HM_6-19775
- HM_6-19804
- HM_6-19829
- HM_6-19777
Ancient People
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Grandson (?) of Ikhetneb (owner of G 1206). Son ([sA=f smsw] his eldest son) of Senenu. Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19752) inscribed for Senenu, dedicated by his son Akhethetep, identified as [sHD wjA xrp apr nfrw sHD wabw xrp jmjw sA aD-mr grgt] inspector of the boat, director of a crew of recruits, inspector of wab-priests, director of members of a phyle, administrator of a settlement; found in situ in front of entrance to G 1206 offering chamber-serdab.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner (along with Kaninisut) of G 1452+1453. North and south false doors inscribed for Djedwai, identified as [rx nswt] royal acquaintance; in situ in G 1453 chapel (south chapel). Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19751) and two limestone offering stands (Cairo JE 37732 = CG 57002, Hearst 6-19816) inscribed for Djedwai, identified as [rx nswt Hm-nTr xwfw sHD wabw] royal acquaintance, priest of Khufu, inspector of wab-priests; all found in situ in G 1453 chapel (south chapel) in front of south false door.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Probable owner of G 1022. Limestone standing pair statue (Hearst 6-19781) inscribed for Hetepib and his wife Setepet; Hetepib identified as [sHD wabt] inspector of the wabet; found between G 1022 and G 1025 (corridor chapel of G 1022), attributed to G 1022 (incorrectly attributed to G 1032 in Porter-Moss III, p. 54). Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19761) inscribed for Hetepib (dedicated by his son Inkaf), identified as [sHD Hmwtjw wabt jmj-r mDw Hmwtjw wabt rx nswt] inspector of craftsmen of the wabet, overseer of ten craftsmen of the wabet, royal acquaintance; found displaced in G 1032, attributed to G 1022 (attributed to G 1032 with name incorrectly spelled Iunkaf in Porter-Moss III, p. 54). Pair statue of Hetepib and Setepet (Hearst 6-19781) and pair statue of Inkaf (Hearst 6-19782) found E of G 1022 (between G 1022 and G 1025) (in situ: A10828_OS – A10832_OS, C10240_OS – C10243_OS, C10591_OS, C13270-01A_OS). Offering basin inscribed for Hetepib, dedicated by his son Inkaf (Hearst 6-19761) found in disturbed context at S end of G 1032 (in situ: C10244_OS, C10245_OS, C133056-01_OS; this would appear to be pit A, see cemetery area plan EG000500). Reisner originally (tentatively) attributed the offering basin to G 1022 (GN2_K01_ChapIX_p083), probably based on the findspot of the two pair statues. Reisner later revised his opinion and attributed the two pair statues to G 1032 (GN3_L04_p062), despite the fact that G 1022 is the primary mastaba with G 1032 built (abutting N end of G 1022) at a later date, that the statues were found in "the debris of the chapel of G 1022" (GN3_L03_p023, GN3_L04_p006), and that the offering basin was not in situ in G 1032. It seems more likely that all of the inscribed material (statues, offering basin) originated in G 1022 chapel.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Limestone stela (Hearst 6-19829) inscribed for Imasahure, identified as [sHD Hmwtjw(?) Hm-kA] inspector of craftsmen(?), ka-priest; provenance unknown.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1235. Limestone slab stela (Cairo JE 37727 = CG 57127 bis = Port Said National Museum P 4082) inscribed for Ini, identified as [xrp mrw jHw rx nswt] director of cattle pastures, royal acquaintance; found in situ on east face of G 1235. Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19798) inscribed for Ini, identified as [xrp nrw] director of herdsmen; found in G 1235.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son ([sA smsw] eldest son) of Hetepib (probable owner of G 1022). Limestone standing pair statue (two figures representing same man) (Hearst 6-19782) inscribed for Inkaf, identified as [jmj-r wabt sHD wabt rx nswt] overseer of the wabet, inspector of the wabet, royal acquaintance; found in space between G 1022 and G 1025 (corridor chapel of G 1022), attributed to G 1022. Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19761) inscribed for Hetepib, dedicated by his son Inkaf, identified as [jmj-r mDw Hmwtjw wabt] overseer of ten craftsmen of the wabet; found displaced in G 1032, attributed to G 1022. Both attributed to G 1032 with name incorrectly spelled Iunkaf in Porter-Moss III, p. 54. Pair statue of Hetepib and Setepet (Hearst 6-19781) and pair statue of Inkaf (Hearst 6-19782) found E of G 1022 (between G 1022 and G 1025) (in situ: A10828_OS – A10832_OS, C10240_OS – C10243_OS, C10591_OS, C13270-01A_OS). Offering basin inscribed for Hetepib, dedicated by his son Inkaf (Hearst 6-19761) found in disturbed context at S end of G 1032 (in situ: C10244_OS, C10245_OS, C133056-01_OS; this would appear to be pit A, see cemetery area plan EG000500). Reisner originally (tentatively) attributed the offering basin to G 1022 (GN2_K01_ChapIX_p083), probably based on the findspot of the two pair statues. Reisner later revised his opinion and attributed the two pair statues to G 1032 (GN3_L04_p062), despite the fact that G 1022 is the primary mastaba with G 1032 built (abutting N end of G 1022) at a later date, that the statues were found in "the debris of the chapel of G 1022" (GN3_L03_p023, GN3_L04_p006), and that the offering basin was not in situ in G 1032. It seems more likely that all of the inscribed material (statues, offering basin) originated in G 1022 chapel.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Limstone false door (Hearst 6-19830) inscribed for Iy, identified as [rxt nswt Xntt-S mn-nfr-ppjj] royal acquaintance, palace attendant of the pyramid of Pepi I; provenance unknown.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son of Mesdjer. Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19821) inscribed for Mesdjer and his wife Mernefretnisut, dedicated by his son Keki, identified as [jmj-r pr] steward; found in situ at north end of east face of G 1037-Addition (southern addition containing pits D and E).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1205. Limestone slab stela (Hearst 6-19786) inscribed for Khufunakht, identified as [rx nswt] royal acquaintance; found in situ on east face of G 1205.
Mernefretnisut (in G 1037-Addition)
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife ([Hmt=f] his wife) of Mesdjer. Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19821), inscribed for Mesdjer and his wife Mernefretnisut (dedicated by son Keki), identified as [mjtrt] mitret; found in situ at north end of east face of G 1037-Addition (southern addition containing pits D and E).
- Type Individual - Modern
- Remarks Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19821) inscribed for Mesdjer and his wife Mernefretnisut (dedicated by his son Keki), identified as [rx nswt sHD qdw] royal acquaintance, inspector of builders; found in situ at north end of east face of G 1037-Addition (southern addition containing pits D and E).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1207. Limestone slab stela (Hearst 6-19801) inscribed for Nefer, identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; found in situ on east face of G 1207.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son (?) of Ikhetneb (owner of G 1206). Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19752) inscribed for Senenu (dedicated by his son Akhethetep), identified as [rx nswt sHD wabw xrp jmjw sA aD-mr grgt Hm-nTr xwfw] royal acquaintance, inspector of wab-priests, director of members of a phyle, administrator of a settlement, priest of Khufu; found in situ in front of entrance to G 1206 offering chamber-serdab. Uninscribed limestone standing pair statue (Hearst 6-19775) attributed to Senenu and his wife (unnamed); found in G 1206 offering chamber-serdab.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife of Hetepib (probable owner of G 1022). Limestone standing pair statue (Hearst 6-19781) inscribed for Hetepib and his wife Setepet; found between G 1022 and G 1025 (corridor chapel of G 1022), attributed to G 1022 (incorrectly attributed to G 1032 in Porter-Moss III, p. 54). Pair statue of Hetepib and Setepet (Hearst 6-19781) and pair statue of Inkaf (Hearst 6-19782) found E of G 1022 (between G 1022 and G 1025) (in situ: A10828_OS – A10832_OS, C10240_OS – C10243_OS, C10591_OS, C13270-01A_OS). Offering basin inscribed for Hetepib, dedicated by his son Inkaf (Hearst 6-19761) found in disturbed context at S end of G 1032 (in situ: C10244_OS, C10245_OS, C133056-01_OS; this would appear to be pit A, see cemetery area plan EG000500). Reisner originally (tentatively) attributed the offering basin to G 1022 (GN2_K01_ChapIX_p083), probably based on the findspot of the two pair statues. Reisner later revised his opinion and attributed the two pair statues to G 1032 (GN3_L04_p062), despite the fact that G 1022 is the primary mastaba with G 1032 built (abutting N end of G 1022) at a later date, that the statues were found in "the debris of the chapel of G 1022" (GN3_L03_p023, GN3_L04_p006), and that the offering basin was not in situ in G 1032. It seems more likely that all of the inscribed material (statues, offering basin) originated in G 1022 chapel.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1221. Limestone stela (Hearst 6-19777) inscribed for Shad, identified as [rx nswt] royal acquaintance; found in G 1221 interior offering chamber (= offering niche).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 1201. Limestone slab stela (Hearst 6-19825) inscribed for Wepemnefret, identified as [mDH sSw nswt wr mDw Sma hkA mHjt Hm-nTr Hqt xt HA sA nswt] craftsman of the king's scribes, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, heka-priest of Mehit, priest of Heqet, khet-priest of Ha, king's son; found in situ on east face of G 1201.
Modern People
- Type Author
- Nationality & Dates American, 1886–1973
J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung
- Type Publisher
Name of this image
Description of the image duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Donec sed odio dui.

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- Cole Test Collection - Tomb Chapels and Shafts
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