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  • Format
  • Language
  • Series
    University of California Publications. Egyptian Archaeology
  • Year Published
  • Citation Text
    Lutz, Henry F. Egyptian Statues and Statuettes in the Museum of Anthropology of the University of California. University of California Publications. Egyptian Archaeology 5. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1930.
  • Individual - Ancient
    Akhethetep (in G 1206)
    Ankhremenes (in G 1314)
    Hemetre (in G 1151)
    Hetepi (in G 1020)
    Hetepib (G 1022)
    Iha (in G 1039)
    Inetkaes (in G 1039)
    Inkaf (in G 1022)
    Ipiwer (in G 1039)
    Irkaptah (in G 1402)
    Isran (in G 1402)
    Itjetka (in G 1214)
    Kanefer (G 1203)
    Katjesu (G 1214)
    Khakare (G 1314)
    Meretib (in G 1109)
    Mertash (G 1039)
    Mes-sa (G 1020)
    Nebnetka (in G 1039)
    Neferqed (G 1151)
    Renpetnefret (in G 1020)
    Sabu (G 1402)
    Satmeret (in G 1109)
    Senenu (in G 1206)
    Setepet (in G 1022)
  • Author
    Henry Frederick Lutz, American, 1886–1973
  • Publisher
    J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung

Finds 26

People 28

Ancient People

  • Akhethetep (in G 1206)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Grandson (?) of Ikhetneb (owner of G 1206). Son ([sA=f smsw] his eldest son) of Senenu. Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19752) inscribed for Senenu, dedicated by his son Akhethetep, identified as [sHD wjA xrp apr nfrw sHD wabw xrp jmjw sA aD-mr grgt] inspector of the boat, director of a crew of recruits, inspector of wab-priests, director of members of a phyle, administrator of a settlement; found in situ in front of entrance to G 1206 offering chamber-serdab.
  • Ankhremenes (in G 1314)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Son ([sA=f smsw] his eldest son) of Khakare (owner of G 1314). Limestone standing pair statue (Hearst 6-19780) inscribed for Khakare and his son Ankhremenes (depicted as small boy); found in situ in G 1314 serdab.
  • Hemetre (in G 1151)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Wife ([Hmt=f] his wife) of Neferqed (owner of G 1151). Appears on false door tablet and in chapel relief (north wall of recess, west wall of corridor), identified as [rxt nswt Hm-nTr HwtHr nbt nht Hm-nTr (Nt) wp wAwt] royal acquaintance, priestess of Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore, priestess of (Neith) Opener-of-the-Ways; in situ in G 1151. Uninscribed limestone seated family group statue (Hearst 6-19806) attributed to Neferqed, his wife Hemetre, and son (unidentified); found in situ in G 1151 vestibule (= pillared portico).
  • Hetepi (in G 1020)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Probable son of Mes-sa (owner of G 1020). Limestone seated pair statue (Hearst 6-19760) inscribed for Hetepi and his wife Renpetnefret; Hetepi identified as [rx nswt] royal acquaintance; found in situ in G 1020 serdab.
  • Hetepib (G 1022)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Probable owner of G 1022. Limestone standing pair statue (Hearst 6-19781) inscribed for Hetepib and his wife Setepet; Hetepib identified as [sHD wabt] inspector of the wabet; found between G 1022 and G 1025 (corridor chapel of G 1022), attributed to G 1022 (incorrectly attributed to G 1032 in Porter-Moss III, p. 54). Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19761) inscribed for Hetepib (dedicated by his son Inkaf), identified as [sHD Hmwtjw wabt jmj-r mDw Hmwtjw wabt rx nswt] inspector of craftsmen of the wabet, overseer of ten craftsmen of the wabet, royal acquaintance; found displaced in G 1032, attributed to G 1022 (attributed to G 1032 with name incorrectly spelled Iunkaf in Porter-Moss III, p. 54). Pair statue of Hetepib and Setepet (Hearst 6-19781) and pair statue of Inkaf (Hearst 6-19782) found E of G 1022 (between G 1022 and G 1025) (in situ: A10828_OS – A10832_OS, C10240_OS – C10243_OS, C10591_OS, C13270-01A_OS). Offering basin inscribed for Hetepib, dedicated by his son Inkaf (Hearst 6-19761) found in disturbed context at S end of G 1032 (in situ: C10244_OS, C10245_OS, C133056-01_OS; this would appear to be pit A, see cemetery area plan EG000500). Reisner originally (tentatively) attributed the offering basin to G 1022 (GN2_K01_ChapIX_p083), probably based on the findspot of the two pair statues. Reisner later revised his opinion and attributed the two pair statues to G 1032 (GN3_L04_p062), despite the fact that G 1022 is the primary mastaba with G 1032 built (abutting N end of G 1022) at a later date, that the statues were found in "the debris of the chapel of G 1022" (GN3_L03_p023, GN3_L04_p006), and that the offering basin was not in situ in G 1032. It seems more likely that all of the inscribed material (statues, offering basin) originated in G 1022 chapel.
  • Iha (in G 1039)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Two limestone standing statues: one inscribed for [jmj-r qdw jHA] overseer of builders, Iha (Cairo JE 37715); other dedicated by Iha [sA=f ir n=f jHA] it is his son who made (it) for him, Iha (Cairo JE 37721); both found in G 1039 vestibule, deposit of statues in debris just E of E wall.
  • Inetkaes (in G 1039)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Wife of Mertash (possible owner of G 1039) (proposed relationship to Mertash according to Reisner). Two limestone statues (seated = Hearst 6-19773, standing = Hearst 6-19800) inscribed for Inetkaes, identified as [rxt nswt Hm-nTr HwtHr nbt jwnt] royal acquaintance, priestess of Hathor Mistress-of-Dendera; name spelled [jntks] on seated statue, [jntskA] on standing statue; seated statue found in G 1039 serdab, standing statue found in debris.
  • Inkaf (in G 1022)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Son ([sA smsw] eldest son) of Hetepib (probable owner of G 1022). Limestone standing pair statue (two figures representing same man) (Hearst 6-19782) inscribed for Inkaf, identified as [jmj-r wabt sHD wabt rx nswt] overseer of the wabet, inspector of the wabet, royal acquaintance; found in space between G 1022 and G 1025 (corridor chapel of G 1022), attributed to G 1022. Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19761) inscribed for Hetepib, dedicated by his son Inkaf, identified as [jmj-r mDw Hmwtjw wabt] overseer of ten craftsmen of the wabet; found displaced in G 1032, attributed to G 1022. Both attributed to G 1032 with name incorrectly spelled Iunkaf in Porter-Moss III, p. 54. Pair statue of Hetepib and Setepet (Hearst 6-19781) and pair statue of Inkaf (Hearst 6-19782) found E of G 1022 (between G 1022 and G 1025) (in situ: A10828_OS – A10832_OS, C10240_OS – C10243_OS, C10591_OS, C13270-01A_OS). Offering basin inscribed for Hetepib, dedicated by his son Inkaf (Hearst 6-19761) found in disturbed context at S end of G 1032 (in situ: C10244_OS, C10245_OS, C133056-01_OS; this would appear to be pit A, see cemetery area plan EG000500). Reisner originally (tentatively) attributed the offering basin to G 1022 (GN2_K01_ChapIX_p083), probably based on the findspot of the two pair statues. Reisner later revised his opinion and attributed the two pair statues to G 1032 (GN3_L04_p062), despite the fact that G 1022 is the primary mastaba with G 1032 built (abutting N end of G 1022) at a later date, that the statues were found in "the debris of the chapel of G 1022" (GN3_L03_p023, GN3_L04_p006), and that the offering basin was not in situ in G 1032. It seems more likely that all of the inscribed material (statues, offering basin) originated in G 1022 chapel.
  • Ipiwer (in G 1039)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Limestone standing statue (Hearst 6-19799) inscribed for Ipiwer, identified as [sHD qdw] inspector of builders; found in G 1039 vestibule, deposit of statues in debris just E of E wall.
  • Irkaptah (in G 1402)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Son ([sA=f n Xt=f] his son of his body) of Sabu (owner of G 1402). Limestone standing pair statue (Hearst 6-19803) inscribed for Sabu and his son Irkaptah (depicted as small boy); found displaced from serdab in G 1402.
  • Isran (in G 1402)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Wife of Sabu (owner of G 1402). Limestone seated statue (Hearst 6-19802) inscribed for Isran, identified as [mjtrt] mitret; found displaced from serdab in G 1402. Appears on limestone tablet depicting seated figures of Sabu and Isran (whose name is damaged with only "j", "A" and "n" preserved) presented offerings by their two daughters; found in situ in G 1402 chapel.
  • Itjetka (in G 1214)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Probable wife of Katjesu (probable owner of G 1214). Limestone standing statue (Hearst 6-19772) inscribed for Itjetka; found in situ in G 1214 serdab.
  • Kanefer (G 1203)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 1203. Limestone slab stela (Hearst 6-19807) inscribed for Kanefer, identified as [jmj-r wpwt xrp tmAtjw] overseer of commissions, director of bowcase bearers; pieces found in G 1203 chapel and displaced in walls of pit in G 1235 chapel.
  • Katjesu (G 1214)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Probable owner of G 1214. Limestone seated statue (Hearst 6-19770) inscribed for Katjesu; found in situ in G 1214 serdab.
  • Khakare (G 1314)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 1314. False door (including upper lintel) inscribed for Khakare, identified as [jr Sn nswt wab nswt rx nswt] hairdresser of the king, royal wab-priest, royal acquaintance; in situ in G 1314. Limestone standing pair statue (Hearst 6-19780) inscribed for Khakare and his son Ankhremenes (depicted as small boy); Khakare identified as [jr Sn pr-aA] hairdresser of the Great House; found in situ in G 1314 serdab.
  • Meretib (in G 1109)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Fragmentary limestone seated family group statue (Hearst 6-19785) of man (unidentified), his wife Meretib, and three children; Meretib identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; found in G 1109 (in sand just under surface).
  • Mertash (G 1039)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Possible owner of G 1039. Husband of Inetkaes (proposed relationship to Inetkaes according to Reisner). Fragmentary limestone seated family group statue (Hearst 6-19763) of Mertash, his wife, and his son Senenu (only inscriptions naming Mertash and Senenu preserved); Mertash identified as [rx nswt jmj-r pr-HD] royal acquaintance, overseer of the treasury; upper fragment of female figure found in G 1039 vestibule, deposit of statues in debris just E of E wall.
  • Mes-sa (G 1020)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 1020. Limestone standing statue (Hearst 6-19826) inscribed for Mes-sa; found in situ in G 1020 serdab.
  • Nebet-tawy

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Daughter ([sAt=f] his daughter) of Paten. Appears pouring libation on limestone standing statue (Hearst 6-19690) inscribed for Paten, represented in sunk relief on side of back support; provenance unknown.
  • Nebnetka (in G 1039)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Limestone standing statue (Cairo JE 37718) inscribed for Nebnetka (Porter-Moss III, p. 54), identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; found in G 1039, vestibule, deposit of statues in debris just E of E wall.
  • Neferqed (G 1151)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 1151. False door inscribed for Neferqed, identified as [rx nswt pr-aA sHD xntjw-S pr-aA Hm-nTr xwfw wab nswt Hrj-sStA Hm-nTr ra m Sspwjbra] royal acquaintance of the Great House, inspector of palace attendants of the Great House, priest of Khufu, royal wab-priest, secretary, priest of Re in the sun-temple of Niuserre; also appears in chapel relief (west and north walls of recess, west wall of corridor, south wall), identified as [jmj-r st xntjw-S pr-aA] overseer of the department of palace attendants of the Great House; in situ in G 1151. Uninscribed limestone seated family group statue (Hearst 6-19806) attributed to Neferqed, his wife Hemetre, and son (unidentified); found in situ in G 1151, vestibule (= pillared portico).
  • Paten

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Limestone standing statue (Hearst 6-19690) inscribed for Paten ([n kA wab pAtn] "for the pure ka (of) Paten"); provenance unknown.
  • Renpetnefret (in G 1020)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Wife of Hetepi (probable son of Mes-sa, owner of G 1020). Limestone seated pair statue (Hearst 6-19760) inscribed for Hetepi and his wife Renpetnefret; Renpetnefret identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; found in situ in G 1020 serdab.
  • Sabu (G 1402)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 1402. Limestone standing pair statue (Hearst 6-19803) inscribed for Sabu and his son Irkaptah (depicted as small boy); found displaced from serdab in G 1402. Limestone tablet depicting seated figures of Sabu and Isran presented offerings by their two daughters; found in situ in G 1402 chapel. Sabu identified on both as [jmj-r Hmwtjw mr(?)] overseer of the craftsmen of weaving(?).
  • Satmeret (in G 1109)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Fragmentary limestone seated family group statue (Hearst 6-19785) of man (unidentified), his wife Meretib, and three children, including daughter Satmeret; Satmeret identified as [Hm-nTr HwtHr] priestess of Hathor; found in G 1109 (in sand just under surface).
  • Senenu (in G 1206)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Son (?) of Ikhetneb (owner of G 1206). Limestone offering basin (Hearst 6-19752) inscribed for Senenu (dedicated by his son Akhethetep), identified as [rx nswt sHD wabw xrp jmjw sA aD-mr grgt Hm-nTr xwfw] royal acquaintance, inspector of wab-priests, director of members of a phyle, administrator of a settlement, priest of Khufu; found in situ in front of entrance to G 1206 offering chamber-serdab. Uninscribed limestone standing pair statue (Hearst 6-19775) attributed to Senenu and his wife (unnamed); found in G 1206 offering chamber-serdab.
  • Setepet (in G 1022)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Wife of Hetepib (probable owner of G 1022). Limestone standing pair statue (Hearst 6-19781) inscribed for Hetepib and his wife Setepet; found between G 1022 and G 1025 (corridor chapel of G 1022), attributed to G 1022 (incorrectly attributed to G 1032 in Porter-Moss III, p. 54). Pair statue of Hetepib and Setepet (Hearst 6-19781) and pair statue of Inkaf (Hearst 6-19782) found E of G 1022 (between G 1022 and G 1025) (in situ: A10828_OS – A10832_OS, C10240_OS – C10243_OS, C10591_OS, C13270-01A_OS). Offering basin inscribed for Hetepib, dedicated by his son Inkaf (Hearst 6-19761) found in disturbed context at S end of G 1032 (in situ: C10244_OS, C10245_OS, C133056-01_OS; this would appear to be pit A, see cemetery area plan EG000500). Reisner originally (tentatively) attributed the offering basin to G 1022 (GN2_K01_ChapIX_p083), probably based on the findspot of the two pair statues. Reisner later revised his opinion and attributed the two pair statues to G 1032 (GN3_L04_p062), despite the fact that G 1022 is the primary mastaba with G 1032 built (abutting N end of G 1022) at a later date, that the statues were found in "the debris of the chapel of G 1022" (GN3_L03_p023, GN3_L04_p006), and that the offering basin was not in situ in G 1032. It seems more likely that all of the inscribed material (statues, offering basin) originated in G 1022 chapel.

Modern People

Institutions 1