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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : bwnfr
    Alternate spelling : Bu-nefer
    Alternate spelling : Bunofer
  • Remarks
    Owner of G 8408. Daughter or wife of Shepseskaf. Southern, middle and northern chapel entrance lintels and drums, and northern and southern pilasters, inscribed for Bunefer, identified as [Hmt nswt wrt Hts Hm-nTr Spss-nbtj mAAt Hr stX sAt nswt n (Xt=f) Hm-nTr Hr (Spss-Xt) Hst wrt Hm-nTr TAspf] king's wife, great one of the hetes-sceptre, priestess of Shepses-Nebty (Shepseskaf), seer of Horus and Seth, king's daughter of (his body), priestess of the Horus Shepses-khet (Shepseskaf), great favorite, priestess of (the god) Tjasepef; in situ in G 8408. Secondary chapel entrance lintel and drum inscribed for Bunefer, identified as [mAAt Hr stX wrt Hts] seer of Horus and Seth, great one of the hetes-sceptre; in situ in G 8408. Also appears on limestone relief fragments, identified as [Hm-nTr HwtHr] priestess of Hathor; found displaced in chapel debris of G 8408.

Tombs and Monuments 1

Published Documents 5

Unpublished Documents 15