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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : Tntt[j]
    Alternate spelling : Tjentit
    Alternate spelling : Thentet
    Alternate spelling : Tjenteti
  • Remarks
    Owner of Tjentet (unnumbered mastaba excavated by Schiaparelli, probably part of mastaba S 984 excavated by Junker). False door (Turin S.1842) and fragment of false door tablet (Turin S.1862) inscribed for Tjentet; found in mastaba of Tjentet. Also appears on false door (Turin S.1840) inscribed for Wehemnefret (owner of Wehemnefret, unnumbered mastaba excavated by Schaiparelli, probably part of mastaba S 984 excavated by Junker), south outer jamb (third register, figure on left, name spelled Tjenteti); found in mastaba of Wehemnefret. Daughter (?) of Wenshet (owner of G 4840). Appears (without family relationship, if any, indicated) on false door (Hildesheim 2971) inscribed for Wenshet, north inner jamb (middle register, name spelled Tjenteti), identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; found in situ in G 4840 (north chapel). Family relationships between Tjentet, Wehemnefret, and Wenshet based on proximity of mastabas and titles.

Tombs and Monuments 4

Finds 4

Published Documents 2

Unpublished Documents 4