- Format
- Magazine
- Language
- Year Published
- 2004
- Number of Pages
- 7
- Citation Text
- Gamer-Wallert, Ingrid."Die bewegte Geschichte der Mastaba Seschemnofers III. (G 5170)." Sokar 9 (2. Halbjahr, 2004), pp. 28-34.
- Individual - Ancient
- Ab (in G 4940)
- Amendjefaes (in G 4940)
- Djaty (G 5370)
- Henutsen (in G 5080)
- Hetepheres (in G 5170)
- Khufuankh (in G 4940)
- Meretites (in G 5080)
- Neferhetep (in G 2197)
- Neferhetepre (in G 5080)
- Neferseshemptah (in G 5170)
- Pehenptah (G 5280)
- Pehenptah (in G 5080)
- Penmeru (G 2197)
- Rawer (in G 5080)
- Rawer [II] (G 5470)
- Rawer [I] (G 5270)
- Senedjemib Inti (G 2370)
- Seshemnefer (in G 5170)
- Seshemnefer (in G 5170)
- Seshemnefer (in G 5170)
- Seshemnefer [III] (G 5170)
- Seshemnefer [II] (G 5080)
- Seshemnefer [IV] (Lepsius 53)
- Seshemnefer [I] (G 4940)
- Seshemnefer-nedjes (in G 4940)
- Seshemnefer-nedjes (in G 5080)
- Setju (in G 5080)
- Individual - Modern
- Emma Brunner-Traut
- Hermann Junker, German, 1877–1962
- Publisher
- Michael Haase, German
- Author
- Ingrid Gamer-Wallert, German
- Site Name Western Cemetery
Head from red granite statue of Seshemnefer II
- MFAB_12.1487
- HUMFA_15-1-8
Ancient People
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son of Seshemnefer [I] (owner of G 4940). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, north end, lower register, third figure from left); in situ in G 4940.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife ([Hmt=f] his wife) of Seshemnefer [I] (owner of G 4940). Appears in chapel relief (west and north walls), identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; in situ in G 4940. Mother of Pehenptah (owner of G 5280). Limestone standing pair statue (12-10-3 = KHM Vienna ÄS 7502) inscribed for Pehenptah and his mother Amendjefaes; found in G 5280 serdab. Shattered triad statue (12-10-4 = MFA 13.4330 triad + 12-10-4 = MFA 13.4358 fragment of female figure + 12-11-22 = MFA 13.3160 fragment of male figure proper right) of Pehenptah and his mother Amendjefaes; found in G 5280 serdab (some fragments from outside serdab).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5370. Architrave and false door inscribed for Djaty, identified as [wr mDw Sma jmj-r kAt nswt] great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, overseer of royal works; in situ in G 5370.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife of Seshemnefer [II] (owner of G 5080); Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, seated with her husband at offering table), identified as [rxt nswt Hm-nTr HwtHr nbt nht] royal acquaintance, priestess of Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore; in situ in G 5080. Mother ([mwt=f] his mother) of Seshemnefer [III] (owner of G 5170). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief south of south false door), identified as [rxt nswt Hm-nTr Nt wptt wAwt Hm-nTr HwtHr swt=s nb] royal acquaintance, priestess of Neith Opener-of-the-Ways and of Hathor in all her places; chapel (Tübingen 3) found in situ in G 5170.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Wife ([Hmt=f mrt=f] his beloved wife) of Seshemnefer [III] (owner of G 5170). Appears in chapel relief, west wall, identified as [sAt nswt Hm-nTr HwtHr nbt nht Hm-nTr Nt wptt wAwt] king's daughter, priestess of Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore, priestess of Neith Opener-of-the-Ways; chapel (Tübingen 3) found in situ in G 5170.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son ([sA=f n Xt=f] his son of his body) of Seshemnefer [I] (owner of G 4940). Appears in chapel relief, north wall (depicted as young boy standing in front of his parents); in situ in G 4940.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Mother ([mwt=f] his mother) of Seshemnefer [II] (owner of G 5080). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief south of south false door), identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; in situ in G 5080.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Mentioned (without family relationship, if any, indicated) in testamentary decree in tomb of Penmeru (owner of G 2197), south wall of niche, identified as [sn-Dt Hm-kA] brother of the funerary estate, ka-priest; in situ in G 2197.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son of Seshemnefer [II] (owner of G 5080). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief north of north false door, top register), and south wall (middle register of three registers fully preserved, figure on left), identified as [sS a nswt sAb sHD sSw] royal document scribe, juridicial inspector of scribes; in situ in G 5080.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son of Seshemnefer [III] (owner of G 5170). Appears in chapel relief, south wall (third register of offering bearers, figure on right, kneeling), identified as [sS a nswt] royal document scribe; chapel (Tübingen 3) found in situ in G 5170.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5280. False door inscribed for Pehenptah; found in situ in G 5280. Limestone drum lintel (39-9-2) inscribed for Pehenptah, identified as [rx nswt sS a n nswt] royal acquaintance, royal document scribe; found displaced in G 5280. Limestone standing statue (12-10-2 = Cairo JE 44609) inscribed for Pehenptah and limestone standing pair statue (12-10-3 = KHM Vienna ÄS 7502) inscribed for Pehenptah and his mother Amendjefaes; both found in G 5280 serdab. Shattered triad statue (12-10-4 = MFA 13.4330 triad + 12-10-4 = MFA 13.4358 fragment of female figure + 12-11-22 = MFA 13.3160 fragment of male figure proper right) of Pehenptah and his mother Amendjefaes; found in G 5280 serdab with some fragments from outside serdab. Son of Seshemnefer [I] (owner of G 4940). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, north end, lower register, second figure from left); in situ in G 4940.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son of Seshemnefer [II] (owner of G 5080). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief north of north false door, third register) and south wall (middle register of three registers fully preserved, figure on right), identified as [sS a nswt] royal document scribe; in situ in G 5080. May be same individual as Pehenptah who appears on east wall.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 2197. Testamentary decree of Penmeru (south wall of niche), identified as [wab nswt Hm-nTr mnkAwra jmj-r Hmw-kA] royal wab-priest, priest of Menkaure, overseer of ka-priests; in situ in G 2197. Limestone triad (MFA 12.1504) representing Penmeru in three Ka forms, identified as [rx nswt xrp sH] royal acquaintance, director of the dining hall; limestone pseudo-group statue (MFA 12.1484) depicting two figures of Penmeru, his wife Meretites, his son Seshemnefer, and his daughter Neferseshemes; Penmeru identified as [sHD Hmw-kA rx nswt xrp sH] inspector of ka-priests, royal acquaintance, director of the dining hall; limestone standing pair statue (Cairo JE 43753) depicting two figures of Penmeru; statues found in situ in G 2197 serdab.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son of Seshemnefer [II] (owner of G 5080). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief north of north false door, second register) and south wall (middle register of three registers fully preserved, middle figure), identified as [sS a nswt] royal document scribe; in situ in G 5080.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5470. False door inscribed for Rawer, identified as [sAb aD-mr jmj-r sSw Hm-nTr maAt] judge and administrator, overseer of scribes, priest of Ma'at; also appears in chapel relief (west, east, south walls); false door in situ in G 5470. Brother ([sn=f] his brother) of Seshemnefer [III] (owner of G 5170). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief north of north false door, second register, figure on left), identified as [sS a nswt] royal document scribe; chapel (Tübingen 3) found in situ in G 5170.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5270. Base of limestone statue (KHM Vienna ÄS 8544) and fragments of frieze-text originally from over serdab (Cairo JE 43965) inscribed for Rawer, identified as [sS a n nswt rx nswt sS n Xrt-a nswt sS a n nswt xft-Hr] royal document scribe, royal acquaintance, scribe of the royal document-case, royal document scribe in the presence; found in G 5270. Son ([sA=f n Xt=f] his son of his body) of Seshemnefer [I] (owner of G 4940). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, depicted as young boy standing in front of his parents); in situ in G 4940.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 2370. Senedjemib, [rn=f nfr] his good name Inti. Father of Senedjemib Mehi (owner of G 2378) and Khnumenti (owner of G 2374). Appears in chapel relief (throughout chapel), architectural elements (including portico facade, door jambs and displaced portico architrave) and false door inscribed for Senedjemib Inti, identified as [xrp sSw nbw Xrj-tp nswt jmj-r Snwtj jmj-r pr-aHAw mDH qd nswt m prwj jmj-r prwj-HD jmj-r jswj Xkr nswt jmj-r st nbt nt Xnw jmj-r prw msw nswt jmj-r Xkr nswt jmj-r Hwt-wrt sjsw jmj-r sDmt nbt jrj-pat HAtj-a tAjtj sAb TAtj jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt jmj-r sSw a nswt Hrj-sStA wDt-mdw nbt nt nswt Hrj-Xb smr watj] controller of all scribes, royal chamberlain, overseer of the two granaries, overseer of the armory, royal architect in the two houses, overseer of the two treasuries, overseer of the two chambers of royal regalia, overseer of every department of the Residence, overseer of the houses of the royal children, overseer of royal regalia, overseer of the six great law-courts, overseer of all that is judged, hereditary prince, count, chief justice and vizier, overseer of all royal works, overseer of royal document scribes, secretary of every royal decree, lector-priest, sole companion; in situ in G 2370. Limestone sarcophagus inscribed for Senedjemib Inti, identified as [HAtj-a mAa jntj tAjtj sAb TAtj snDmjb Xrj-tp nswt jntj] true count Inti, chief justice and vizier Senedjemib, royal chamberlain Inti; in situ in burial chamber of G 2370 B. Possibly same individual as owner of Lepsius 10 (in Khafre Quarry). Similar titles found on entrance lintel of Lepsius 10, inscribed for Senedjemib Inti. Probably same individual whose name appears on fragmentary limestone architrave (35-9-17 = MFA 35.2033) inscribed for Tjetu; found displaced in G 2338 B (possibly originally from G 2343 = G 5511).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son of Seshemnefer [III] (owner of G 5170). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief north of north false door, bottom register, figure on left), and south wall (bottom register of offering bearers, kneeling), identified (in both cases) as [sS a nswt] royal document scribe; chapel (Tübingen 3) found in situ in G 5170.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son of Seshemnefer [III] (owner of G 5170). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief north of north false door, bottom register, figure on right), identified as [sS pr-mDAt] scribe of the library, and south wall (bottom register of offering bearers, kneeling), identified as [sS a nswt] royal document scribe; chapel (Tübingen 3) found in situ in G 5170.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son ([sA=f smsw] his eldest son) of Seshemnefer [III] (owner of G 5170). Appears in chapel relief, south wall (second register of offering bearers, first figure on left), identified as [jmj-r sSw a nswt] overseer of royal document scribes, and east wall (depicted as young boy standing in front of his father); chapel (Tübingen 3) found in situ in G 5170. Possibly same individual as Seshemnefer [IV] (owner of Lepsius 53).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5170. North and south false doors inscribed for Seshemnefer; also appears in chapel relief (west, south, east walls); identified as [sA nswt n Xt=f tAjtj sAb Tatj] king's son of his body, chief justice and vizier; chapel (Tübingen 3) found in situ in G 5170. Son ([sA=f] his son) of Seshemnefer [II] (owner of G 5080) and Henutsen. Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, kneeling beneath chair, figure on right), south wall (upper register of three registers fully preserved, figure on left), and east wall (depicted as young boy standing in front of his father), identified as [jmj-r sSw a nswt] overseer of royal document scribes; in situ in G 5080.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5080. Pillars and jambs of court entrance and north and south false doors inscribed for Seshemnefer, identified as [jmj-r sSw a nswt Hrj-sStA n wDt-mdw nb nt nswt jmj-r kAt nb nswt sS Xrt-a nswt sS a nswt n sbAjt nswt Hrj-sStA n Xrt-a nswt jmj-r (pr) aHAw m prwj] overseer of royal document scribes, secretary of every royal decree, overseer of all royal works, scribe of the royal document-case, royal document scribe of the royal instructors, secretary of the royal document-case, overseer of (the house of) weapons in the two houses; also appears in chapel relief (west, south, and east walls); in situ in G 5080. Red granite sarcophagus (33-4-19 = Cairo JE 60541) inscribed for Seshemnefer; found in situ in G 5080 B.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of Lepsius 53. Two seated statues in forecourt (on either side of exterior chapel entrance), inscribed [smr watj sSmnfr] sole companion Seshemnefer; in situ in Lepsius 53. Interior chapel entrance lintel and drum lintel and false door (in room c) inscribed for Seshemnefer; also appears in chapel relief (in most instances name not preserved, only lower portions of walls preserved) and displaced fragmentary block of relief (Hildesheim 3190) depicted as statue; identified as [xrp nstj m pr-anx Hrj-sStA n mdt nb sStA nt nswt HqA bAt] director of the two thrones in the Mansion of Life, secretary of all secret commands of the king, chief of Bat; in situ in Lepsius 53 (block found in Lepsius 53). Possibly same individual as Seshemnefer (in G 5170), eldest son of Seshemnefer [III] (owner of G 5170).
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 4940. North and south false doors inscribed for Seshemnefer; also appears in chapel relief (north, west, east, and south walls), identified as [rx nswt Xrj-tp nswt Hwt Hr-xpr xt HA Hm-nTr Hqt Hm-nTr Hr THnw qA-a sAb aD-mr wr mDw Sma Hrj-sStA jmj-r kAt nt nswt jmj-r sSw Xr-a nswt Hrj-wDbw m Hwt-anx jmj-r stj-DfAw smr Hm-nTr jnpw xrp aH] royal acquaintance, royal chamberlain of the funerary temple of Horkheper (Djedefre), khet-priest of Ha, priest of Heqet, priest of Horus of Libya, elevated of arm, judge and administrator, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, secretary, overseer of royal works, overseer of scribes of the royal portfolios, master of reversion-offerings in the Mansion of Life, overseer of the two places of provisions, companion, priest of Anubis, director of the palace; in situ in G 4940.
Seshemnefer-nedjes (in G 4940)
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son of Seshemnefer [I] (owner of G 4940). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, north end, lower register, first figure on left); in situ in G 4940.
Seshemnefer-nedjes (in G 5080)
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Son of Pehenptah ([pHnptH sA=f] Pehenptah, his son) and grandson of Seshemnefer [II] (owner of G 5080). Appears in chapel relief, south wall (upper register of three registers fully preserved, figure on right); in situ in G 5080.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Probable son of Seshemnefer [II] (owner of G 5080). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief north of north false door, bottom register), identified as [sS] scribe; in situ in G 5080.
Modern People
- Type Individual - Modern
- Nationality & Dates
- Remarks Egyptologist formerly at Tübingen.
- Type Individual - Modern
- Nationality & Dates German, 1877–1962
- Remarks Egyptologist, Director of German-Austrian expedition to Giza, 1911–1929. Published 12 volumes of final excavation reports from Giza expedition. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.
- Type Author
- Nationality & Dates German
- Type Publisher
- Nationality & Dates German