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Limestone false door of Khentkaus, identified as "priestess of Hathor"; only partially preserved on right of tablet Khentkaus seated at offering table with unidentified man (possibly her husband), on left seated figure of another unidentified man (possibly her father Isu, who is named on south outer jamb); named figures on both inner jambs include: Kanefer, Sekhem[...] (name only partially preserved), Usertka, Iuenka; Iyneferakh named on lower north inner jamb (no accompanying figure). // Falsa porta della sacerdotessa di Hathor Khent-kaus. Sulla tabella, parzialmente conservata, sono raffigurati a destra la defunta insieme ad un uomo (forse il marito) e a sinistra un altro personaggio maschile, forse il padre Isu.


  • ID
  • Department
    Museo Egizio, Turin
  • Classification
    Architectural elements-False Doors
  • Findspot
    Mastaba of Khentkaus
  • Material
  • Dimensions
    189 x 75 x 18 cm.; Volume: 0.21 cu. m.; Weight: 546 kg.
  • Credit Line
    Museo Egizio, Turin
  • Object Ownership Information
    In the collection of: Museo Egizio, Turin
  • Period
    Old Kingdom
  • Individual - Ancient
    Isu (in Khentkaus)
    Iuenka (in Khentkaus)
    Iyneferakh (in Khentkaus)
    Kanefer (in Khentkaus)
    Sekhem[...] (in Khentkaus)
    Usertka (in Khentkaus)
  • Owner
    Khentkaus (Khentkaus)
  • Object owned by
    Museo Egizio, Turin

Tombs and Monuments 1

Published Documents 1

Full Bibliography

  • Ballerini, Francesco, Notizia sommaria degli scavi della Missione archeologica italiana in Egitto (1903), (manoscritto riprodotto), [non pubbl.], [1903], p. 54

    Curto, Silvio. Gli Scavi Italiani a el-Ghiza (1903). Rome: Centro Per Le Antichitá E La Storia Dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente, 1993, pp. 58-61, fig. 19, pl. XV.

    D'Amicone, Elvira, Il Museo Egizio di Torino, Milano, 1982, pp. 55-57

    Porter, B., Moss, R.L.B., Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings, Oxford, 1960, p. 149

    Schiaparelli, Ernesto, Inventario manoscritto, n. 1848

People 7

Ancient People

  • Isu (in Khentkaus)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Probable father of Khentkaus (owner of Khentkaus, unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker). Mentioned in partially preserved inscription on false door (TUR_S.1848/1) inscribed for Khentkaus (south outer jamb), identified as [. . . jmj-r mSa jsw jn sAt=f rx nswt (xntkAws)] . . . expedition leader Isu, by his daughter, royal acquaintance (Khentkaus); found in mastaba of Khentkaus (removed by Schiaparelli).
  • Iuenka (in Khentkaus)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Son of Khentkaus (owner of Khentkaus, unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker). Appears on false door (Turin S.1848/1) inscribed for Khentkaus (north inner jamb); found in mastaba of Khentkaus (removed by Schiaparelli).
  • Iyneferakh (in Khentkaus)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Name appears on false door (Turin S.1848/1) inscribed for Khentkaus (north inner jamb, lower register); found in mastaba of Khentkaus (unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker, false door removed by Schiaparelli).
  • Kanefer (in Khentkaus)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Son ([sA=s mrjj=s] her beloved son) of Khentkaus (owner of Khentkaus, unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker). Appears on false door (Turin S.1848/1) inscribed for Khentkaus (south inner jamb); found in mastaba of Khentkaus (removed by Schiaparelli). Also appears in chapel relief, east chamber (west wall, presenting document to standing figure of Khentkaus [name not preserved]), identified as [jmj-r Hmw-kA] overseer of ka-priests; also on fragment of relief (from west chamber); found in mastaba of Khentkaus (west wall in situ).
  • Khentkaus (Khentkaus)

    • Type Owner
    • Remarks Owner of Khentkaus (unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker). False door (Turin S.1848/1) inscribed for Khentkaus, identified as [Hm-nTr (HwtHr) m swt=s nb Nt Hm-nTr wpt wAwt nb jmAxw xr HwtHr nb(t) nht] priestess (of Hathor) in all her places, priestess of Neith Opener-of-the-Ways, revered before Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore; found in mastaba of Khentkaus (removed by Schiaparelli). Chapel entrance drum lintel inscribed for Khentkaus; also appears in chapel relief [name not preserved]; drum lintel found in mastaba of Khentkaus (relief in situ).
  • Sekhem[...] (in Khentkaus)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Appears in chapel relief in mastaba of Khentkaus, west chamber (west wall, bottom register, fourth figure from left); in situ in mastaba of Khentkaus (unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker). Also appears on false door (Turin S.1848/1) inscribed for Khentkaus (south inner jamb, lower register); found in mastaba of Khentkaus (removed by Schiaparelli). Identified in both places as [Hm-kA] ka-priest.
  • Usertka (in Khentkaus)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Daughter of Khentkaus (owner of Khentkaus, unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker). Appears on false door (Turin S.1848/1) inscribed for Khentkaus (north inner jamb); found in mastaba of Khentkaus (removed by Schiaparelli).

Institutions 1