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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : nxtj
    Alternate spelling : Nakhty
    Alternate spelling : Nekhti
  • Remarks
    Brother ([sn=f] his brother) of Qar (owner of G 7101). Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Qar, west wall of court C (bottom row of offering bearers, depicted pouring water), identified as [jmj-r Hmw-kA] overseer of ka-priests; in situ in G 7101. Also appears on displaced block of relief (25-5-45), depicted carrying large fish; assigned by Simpson (GM 2, pl. Vb) to north wall of lower stairs in G 7101. Probably buried in shaft G 7101 B. East, south, and west walls of G 7101 B burial chamber and broken sarcophagus lid inscribed for Nakhti, identified as [Sps nswt smr sS Xrj-tp nswt] noble of the king, companion, scribe, royal chamberlain; in situ in G 7101 B. Appears on two fitting fragments of relief (MFA 25.3041.1 + MFA 25.3041.2); originally attributed to G 7102 (based on notation on fragments), however, Simpson (GM 2, p. 13) suggests proposed destroyed chapel of Nakhti, possibly located west of upper stairs of Qar complex and north of G 7101 B, as place of origin. Also appears on fragment of relief (24-12-135), identified as [Xrj-tp nswt Hm-nTr... Sps nswt] royal chamberlain, priest of..., noble of the king; found displaced in Avenue G 0 (north of subsidiary pyramid G I-a).

Tombs and Monuments 1

Finds 4

Published Documents 1

Unpublished Documents 3