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  • Format
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  • Series
    Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization
  • Year Published
  • Number of Pages
  • Citation Text
    Brovarski, Edward. "Inventory Offering Lists and the Nomenclature for Boxes and Chests in the Old Kingdom." In Emily Teeter and John A. Larson, eds. Gold of Praise. Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward F. Wente. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 58. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1999, pp. 27-54.
  • Individual - Ancient
    Hetepheres I (G 7000 X)
    Kaemankh (G 4561)
    Kapunisut Kai (G 4651 and G 1741)
    Khufukhaf [I] (G 7130-7140)
    Merib Kapunisut (G 2100-I)
    Nihetepkhnum (Nihetepkhnum)
    Nisutnefer (G 4970)
    Senenu (Senenu 2)
    Seshatsekhentiu (G 2120)
    Seshemnefer [I] (G 4940)
    Setju (in G 2352)
  • Author
    Edward Brovarski
  • Publisher
    The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
  • Editor
    Emily Teeter
    John A. Larson

Finds 2

People 14

Ancient People

  • Hetepheres I (G 7000 X)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Wife of King Snefru, founder of Egypt’s Fourth Dynasty, and mother of King Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid. Her burial was hidden in a secret chamber (labeled G 7000 X) nearly 90 feet underground, and contained beautiful pieces of gilded and inlaid wooden furniture, silver jewelry, and a large alabaster sarcophagus that was found to be mysteriously empty.
  • Kaemankh (G 4561)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 4561. Architectural elements, including large scale inscription (frieze-text) on north and south faces of chapel, chapel entrance lintel, drum lintel, and door jambs, and architrave (standing figures of Kaemankh separated by panels of vertical inscription) over chapel recess, inscribed for Kaemankh; in situ in G 4561. False door on west wall of chapel recess inscribed for Kaemankh and appears on false door on west wall of chapel corridor inscribed for his wife Tjeset; in situ in G 4651. Also appears in chapel relief (north and south walls of chapel recess; west wall of chapel corridor); in situ in G 4561. Identified variously as [rx nswt sHD jrjw-xt pr-HD sHD Hmw-nTr Hrj-sStA n xtmt nswt wab nswt sS pr-HD sHD pr-HD] royal acquaintance, inspector of administrators of the treasury, inspector of priests, secretary of the king's treasure, royal wab-priest, scribe of the treasury, inspector of the treasury.
  • Kapunisut Kai (G 4651 and G 1741)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 4651 and G 1741. Architectural elements (in G 4651), including chapel entrance lintel and drum lintel, and north and south false doors inscribed for Kai; also appears (in G 4651) in chapel relief, west and south walls, and chapel entrance north and south door jambs, and chapel facade (panels of relief on either side of chapel entrance), identified as [rx nswt sS a nswt jmj-r Hmw-kA jmj-r prw mswt nswt wab nswt sAb sS aprw] royal acquaintance, royal document scribe, overseer of ka-priests, overseer of the houses of the king's children, royal wab-priest, juridicial scribe of the crews; in situ in G 4651. Also appears (in G 4650) on false door inscribed for Iabtet (owner of G 4650), lower north and south inner jambs, identified as [rx nswt jmj-r Hmw-kA nb jmAx kAj] royal acquaintance, overseer of ka-priests, possessor of reverence, Kai; in situ in G 4650. Architectural elements (in G 1741) inscribed for Kai; also seated group statue (Cairo JE 99128) inscribed for Kai and two of his children, Nefretankh and Shepseska; Kai identified as [sAb sS sqd n wjA] juridicial scribe, rower of a boat); found in situ in G 1741 serdab.
  • Khufukhaf [I] (G 7130-7140)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Son of Khufu and probably Henutsen. He is buried in G 7140.
  • Merib Kapunisut (G 2100-I)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 2100-I. Merib, also known as Kapunisut. Chapel entrance lintel, drum and door jambs inscribed for Merib, identified as [sA nswt n Xt=f smr xtmtj-nTr bA-nTrw dwA-tAwj xtmw-nTr Nb-rxjjt ab-nTrw jmj-r kAt nt nswt] king's son of his body, companion, god's sealer of (the ships) 'Ba-netjeru' and 'Dua-tawy', god's sealer of (the ships) 'Neb-rekhyt' and 'Ab-netjeru', overseer of royal works. North and south false doors inscribed for Merib, identified as [xtmw-nTr wjA jmj-r kAt nbt nswt Hts(?) jnpw smr watj wr mDw Sma rx nswt Xrj-Hb wt jnpw] god's sealer of the ship, overseer of all royal works, staff(?) of Anubis, sole companion, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, royal acquaintance, lector-priest, embalmer of Anubis. Also appears in chapel relief (north, west, south, and east walls), identified as [jmj-r mSa xrp aH aD-mr Haw r p nb wr mAAw jwnw Hm-nTr xwfw] expedition leader, director of the palace, administrator of the fleet, mouth of every Butite, greatest of seers in Iunu, priest of Khufu; chapel (ÄMP Berlin 1107) found in situ in G 2100-I. Also appears in tomb of his daughter Nensedjerkai (owner of G 2100-II), chapel, pillared portico, west faces of north and south pillars, identified as [sA nswt xtmw-nTr wjA smr watj sHD bA-nTrw] king's son, god's sealer of the ship, sole companion, inspector of (the ship) 'Ba-netjeru'; in situ in G 2100-II.
  • Nihetepkhnum (Nihetepkhnum)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
  • Nisutnefer (G 4970)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 4970. Chapel entrance drum lintel and north and south false doors inscribed for Nisutnefer, also appears in chapel relief (north, south, west, and east walls), identified as [jmj-r aH sAb Hrj-sStA jmj-r prw msw-nswt aD-mr grgt jmj-r mnnw jmj-r nswtjw HqA Hwt aAt sSm-tA tA-wr sSm-tA wADt jmj-r wabw wrxafra xrp jmjw sAw wr-xafra Hm-nTr xafra] overseer of the palace, juridicial secretary, overseer of the houses of the royal children, administrator of a settlement, overseer of fortresses, overseer of the king's people, chief of a Great Estate, nomarch of U.E. 8, nomarch of U.E. 10, overseer of wab-priests of the pyramid of Khafre, director of members of the phyles of the pyramid of Khafre, priest of Khafre; in situ in G 4970. Seated statue (Hildesheim 2143) inscribed for Nisutnefer, identified as [rx nswt jmj-r wpwt] royal acquaintance, overseer of commissions; found in situ in G 4970 serdab (behind south false door).
  • Senenu (Senenu 2)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of a plundered white limestone chapel (or serdab?) in the western sector of the Abu Bakr Cemetery. Entrance drum and false door inscribed for Senenu; no longer extant, originally in the chapel of Senenu.
  • Seshatsekhentiu (G 2120)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 2120. Limestone slab stela (group of unregistered fragments + 33-2-187 + 38-3-2 + 38-3-3 = MFA 06.1894) inscribed for Seshatsekhentiu; some fragments found east and west of G 2120. Fragments of red granite drum lintel (38-3-11) originally inscribed with name and titles of Seshatsekhentiu; partially preserved titles: [Xrj-(Hb)] lector(-priest), [Hrj-tp ...tjw] chief .... (Seshatsekhen)tiu; found in debris in front of slab stela emplacement in east face of G 2120.
  • Seshemnefer [I] (G 4940)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Owner of G 4940. North and south false doors inscribed for Seshemnefer; also appears in chapel relief (north, west, east, and south walls), identified as [rx nswt Xrj-tp nswt Hwt Hr-xpr xt HA Hm-nTr Hqt Hm-nTr Hr THnw qA-a sAb aD-mr wr mDw Sma Hrj-sStA jmj-r kAt nt nswt jmj-r sSw Xr-a nswt Hrj-wDbw m Hwt-anx jmj-r stj-DfAw smr Hm-nTr jnpw xrp aH] royal acquaintance, royal chamberlain of the funerary temple of Horkheper (Djedefre), khet-priest of Ha, priest of Heqet, priest of Horus of Libya, elevated of arm, judge and administrator, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, secretary, overseer of royal works, overseer of scribes of the royal portfolios, master of reversion-offerings in the Mansion of Life, overseer of the two places of provisions, companion, priest of Anubis, director of the palace; in situ in G 4940.
  • Setju (in G 2352)

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Limestone slab stela (12-12-130 = MFA 13.4341) inscribed for Setju, identified as [mDH sSw nswt mDH mHjt Hm-nTr sSAt wr mDw Sma] craftsman of the royal scribes, craftsman of Mehit, priest of Seshat, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt; found displaced in G 2352 B (probably not originally from G 2352).

Modern People

  • Edward Brovarski

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Egyptologist and co-director of the Cairo University-Brown University Excavations (CBE) in the Abu Bakr Cemetery.
  • Emily Teeter

    • Type Editor
    • Nationality & Dates
  • John A. Larson

    • Type Editor
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Oriental Institute Museum archivist at University of Chicago.

Institutions 1