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Amulets and finger or toe sheaths from G 7757 A, room VI (all except scarab): large amulet on right: 29-11-365 (= MFA 29.2682, djed); top row: 29-12-25 (= MFA 31.852, Nephthys), 29-12-23 (= MFA 31.850, two fingers or double plumes), 29-12-25 (= MFA 31.851, Isis), 29-11-325 (= MFA 29.2651, Horus), 29-11-320, 29-11-490 (scarab, from G 7757 A, debris of pit), 29-11-324 (= MFA 29.2650, udjat); second row: 29-12-26 (= MFA 31.856, ram), 29-12-24 (= MFA 31.854, udjat), 29-12-28 (= MFA 31.853, djed), 29-12-30 (= MFA 29.2525, five of ten sheaths); third row: 29-11-322 (= MFA 29.2649, one of two sheaths), 29-12-27 (= MFA 31.855, heart), 29-11-322 (= MFA 29.2649, one of two sheaths), 29-12-30 (= MFA 29.2525, five of ten sheaths); bottom row: 29-12-29 (= MFA 29.2524, ten sheaths)


  • ID
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Subjects
    Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7757
  • Date
  • Problems/Questions
    VERIFIED: 29-12-322 corrected to read 29-11-322, 29-12-320 corrected to read 29-11-320, 29-12-324 corrected to read 29-11-324, 29-12-325 corrected to read 29-11-325, 29-12-490 corrected to read 29-11-490, 29-12-365 corrected to read 29-11-365; description corrected and expanded, identifications verified based on object register; MFA accession numbers verified
  • Photographer
    Mohammedani Ibrahim

Tombs and Monuments 1

  • G 7757

    • Site Name Eastern Cemetery

Finds 14

Unpublished Documents 2

People 1

Modern People