Object register page:
Base of faience ushabti [of Ankh-hor], [Type III 2d, (probably of Ptolemaic time as such names were then quite usual)] (part of group of 10+ ushabtis including 24-11-68, 24-11-825, 25-1-1129 through 25-1-1141); [molded in half mold, not retouched, hard-baked drab paste], [dark blue glaze (decomposed to deep brownish green, also stained with organic matter), face rounded, beard long but not curled, no basket on back although cord visible going over left shoulder], inscription [incised with sharp tool] on pedestal at back with incised name [GLYPHS] Hapi, [should probably be read "[...hap"] [back pilaster poorly cut and shallow, no true base]; [group of 10+ consists of 15 non-fitting fragments, some of which may belong together]. Illustration: Yes with hieroglyphs. Illustration scale: 1:1
- ID
- HUMFA_24-11-825
- Department
- Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
- Classification
- Tomb equipment-Ushabtis and ushabti boxes
- Findspot
- Street G 7000, opposite avenue G 1
- Material
- Faience
- Dimensions
- Height: 2.325+ cm Width: 1.55 cm Thickness: body: .95 cm; overall: 1.85 cm
- Credit Line
- Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
- Date of Register Entry
- 11/25/1924
- Owner
- Ankh-hor (in G 7600 V)
- Attested
- Tadiuserpahap (in G 7600 V)
- Notes
- The name in the original entry, "Hapi", is almost certainly a partially preserved attestation of "Tadiuserpahap."
- Remarks
- Original entry on page 119 assigns this item to "Hapi"; concordance of ushabtis on page 567 assigns this item to "Ankh-hor"; possibly part of group of 15+ ushabtis including 25-1-993, 25-1-994, 25-1-1081, and 25-1-808.
- Problems/Questions
- Problem: included by Zivie-Coche among ushabtis of Ankh-hor child of Tadiuserpahap
- Site Name Eastern Cemetery
- Site Name Eastern Cemetery
Zivie-Coche, Christiane M. Giza Au Premier Millenaire: Autour du temple d'Isis dame des pyramides. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1991, p. 276 (also misidentified as 29-11-825).
Ancient People
- Type Owner
- Remarks Child (born) of Tadiuserpahapi. Scattered set of ushabtis inscribed for Ahkh-hor attributed to burial in G 7600 V. Scattered set of ushabtis inscribed for Ankh-hor originally found in Street G 7000 and Street G 7400 almost certainly belong to the same individual.
- Type Attested
- Remarks Mother of Ankh-hor. Name appears on scattered set of ushabtis inscribed for Ahkh-hor attributed to burial in G 7600 V. Name partially preserved on set of ushabtis also belonging to Ankh-hor found in Street G 7000 and Street G 7400; variously read in Object Register entries as "Hapi" or "Mu-Hapy."