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Basalt model cup (conical cup); black, yellow-brown spots on side; slight imperfections in rim. (Ritual vessel used in "Opening of the Mouth" ceremony.) [08-7-32]


  • ID
  • Department
    Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  • Classification
    Tools & Equipment-Ritual implements
  • Findspot
    Menkaure Valley Temple (MVT / on wall between magazines III 7 and III 8)
  • Material
  • Dimensions
    Height x diameter: 2.6 x 3.6 cm (1 x 1 7/16 in.)
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Object Ownership Information
  • Period
    Old Kingdom, Dynasty 4
  • Notes
    This object was excavated by the Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition, but was not recorded in any object register book. 1908: Excavated by the Harvard University–Museum of Fine Arts Expedition; 1911: assigned to the MFA in the division of finds by the government of Egypt. (Accession date: March 2, 1911)
  • Remarks
    Registration number obtained from publication; no registration records available for 1908. Opening of the Mouth set includes: MFA 11.765 (flint pesesh-kef), MFA 11.767, MFA 11.768, MFA 11.769 (three basalt model cups), MFA 11.770 (quartz crystal model cup), MFA 11.771 (alabaster model bottle), MFA 11.772 (basalt model bottle).

Tombs and Monuments 1

Published Documents 2

Full Bibliography

  • Dunham, Dows & William J. Young. "An Occurrence of Iron in the Fourth Dynasty." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 28 (1942), p. 57.

    Reisner, George A. Mycerinus: The Temples of the Third Pyramid at Giza. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1931, p. 36 (July 19), p. 233, p. 263, pl. 61e, f, 65b.

    Roth, Ann Macy. "Fingers, Stars, and the 'Opening of the Mouth': the Nature and Function of the nTrwj-blades." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 79 (1993), p. 73.

    Thomas, Nancy, ed. The American Discovery of Ancient Egypt. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1995, p. 122, cat. 36.