Drawings: G 7410-7420: G 7410, Shaft B: objects
Drawing: chamber debris from G 7410 B: top: 27-1-5c (copper axe head fragment), 27-1-5d, 27-1-5h (fragments of copper tools); 2nd row: 27-1-5e (fragment of copper tool), 27-1-5a, 27-1-5b (fragments of copper chisels), 27-1-6 (carnelian bead); bottom: 27-1-5f, 27-1-5g (fragments of copper chisels), 27-1-5i (fragments of copper tool)
- Classification
- Documentation-Drawings
- Department
- Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
- Material
- Pencil drawing
- Site Name Eastern Cemetery