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Diary Transcription:

Diary Transcription: begin page 75
Wednesday, February 24, 1915 (continued)

The small seated statuette found over 2086 [= G 3086] X, was photographed today C60 is a front view, and C61 a three-quarters view.
While I was at work in the mektab[?], three ricochets struck close by, one during the forenoon and two in the afternoon.
Wrote to the Provost-Marshall, asking him to put his official signature on the notices carried by the guards. Several officers came up this evening, and we went down to see the Sphinx by moonlight. They are leaving for the front early next week, probably for the Dardanelles.
Another very hot day; the thermometer at the lower camp registering 84° F at noon.

Thursday, February 25, 1915
The shafts of 2098 [= G 3098] are being cleared of dark gravelly debris. Mastaba 2098 [= G 3098] seems to be in two parts; in the offering room of the Eastern part was found the stele and slab mentioned yesterday. The offering room of the western part is simply a space left between the two parts; this was subdivided by later cross walls into three sections, X, Y and Z. In section X was an offering slab inscribed with the name Iymeri, father of the priest Ruwz, whose mastaba with that of his wife we already had in 2086 [= G 3086]. Over the niche…

End of Page 75


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology
  • Credit Line
    University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology
  • Display Page Dates
  • Display Page Dates
    02/24/1915; 02/25/1915
  • Mentioned on page
    Marquis de Bussy
    Iymery (G 3098)
    Mesat (in G 3086)
    Rudj (G 3086)
  • Author
    Clarence Stanley Fisher, American, 1876–1941

Tombs and Monuments 2

  • G 3086

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 3098

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

People 5

Ancient People

  • Iymery (G 3098)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Owner of G 3098. Limestone offering basin (UPM_E13525) inscribed for Iymery, identified as [jmj-r wxrt] overseer of the dockyard; fragment of pottery offering stand (UPM_E13545) inscribed for Iymery, identified as [sHD wabw] inspector of wab-priests; limestone drum lintel (UPM_E13527) inscribed for Iymery (identified as [rx nswt wab mwt nswt] royal acquaintance, wab-priest of the king's mother) and Persenet (dedicated by their son Rudj, owner of G 3086); all found in G 3098.
  • Mesat (in G 3086)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Wife of Rudj (owner of G 3086). Two limestone offering basins (Cairo JE 46497 = CG 57042, UPM_E13522) inscribed for Rudj and his wife Mesat; granite slab (UPM_E13523) inscribed for Mesat; all found in G 3086.
  • Rudj (G 3086)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Owner of G 3086. Son of Iymery (owner of G 3098) and Persenet. Two limestone offering basins (Cairo JE 46497 = CG 57042, UPM_E13522) inscribed for Rudj (identified as [rx nswt Hm-nTr xwfw Hm-nTr xafra Hm-nTr Ddfra sAb Hrj-wDb wab mwt nswt jmj-xt sAw-prw] royal acquaintance, priest of Khufu, priest of Khafre, priest of Djedefre, juridicial master of reversion-offerings, wab-priest of the king's mother, under-supervisor of police) and his wife Mesat; red granite offering slab (UPM_E13523) inscribed for Rudj (identified as [wab mwt nswt] wab-priest of the king's mother) and Mesat; all found in G 3086. Limestone offering basin (UPM_E13524) inscribed for Rudj, identified as [wab mwt nswt sAb Hrj-wDb sAb (jmj-xt) sAw-prw] wab-priest of the king's mother, juridicial master of reversion-offerings, juridicial (under-supervisor) of police (?); limestone offering basin (UPM_E13526) inscribed for Persenet, dedicated by her son Rudj, identified as [wab] wab-priest; limestone drum lintel (UPM_E13527) inscribed for Iymery and Persenet, dedicated by their son Rudj, identified as [sAb Hrj-wDb] juridicial master of reversion-offerings; all found in G 3098.

Modern People

  • Clarence Stanley Fisher

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates American, 1876–1941
    • Remarks Archaeologist and architect. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.
  • Marquis de Bussy

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Provost Marshall at Mena House