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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 1057

Saturday, December 6, 1930 (continued)

(3) G 7930
G 7930 A: Depth 3.7 meters. Debris rubble and bones of body. Found one large chamber on south and west of pit.

(4) G 7931
Clearing area of mastaba, where outline is obscure. Uncovered pits A, B, C.
G 7931 A: Large pit. Depth 4.6 meters. Rubble built above, rock cut below. Chambers, two, i on west, open, small, rock cut; ii on west, open, small, rock cut.
G 7931 B: Depth 2.3 meters. Rubble built above, rock cut below. Found in debris: Old Kingdom alabaster jar (about 30 cm high), copper ring, faience, flint knife fragment, and one glass bead.
G 7931 C: Depth .9 meters. Rock cut. No chamber.

(5) G 7932
Mud brick mastaba, south end much broken. Clearing south end and beyond. Uncovered pits B, C, D.
G 7932 B: Depth 2.2 meters. Mud brick above, rock cut below. Chamber on west, rock cut, open. [ILLUSTRATION]
G 7932 C: Depth 3.5 meters. Rubble above, rock cut below.
G 7932 D: Depth 1.4 meters. Rubble above, rock cut below. Chamber on west, small, rock cut, on west. [ILLUSTRATION]

(6) G 7933
Clearing over mastaba, uncovered pit A.
G 7933 A: Depth 1.2 meters. Rock cut. Chamber on west, open. [ILLUSTRATION]

microfilm: end page 1057


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Author
    Noel F. Wheeler, British

Tombs and Monuments 4

  • G 7930

    • Site Name Eastern Cemetery
  • G 7931

    • Site Name Eastern Cemetery
  • G 7932

    • Site Name Eastern Cemetery
  • G 7933

    • Site Name Eastern Cemetery

People 1

Modern People

  • Noel F. Wheeler

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates British
    • Remarks Wheeler was a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy according to George A. Reisner's, "A HIstory of the Giza Necropolis, Vol. I."