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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 2

Wednesday, January 17, 1940

Work on:
(1) west of G 2428

(1) G 2428
In clearing the surface and upper debris from the area west of G 2428. The plan is to clear the upper debris from the whole area as far west as G 2401, then to thoroughly excavate the mastabas from G 2401 to G 2428, and the strip to the north of it in order from west to east, dumping to the east on the strip of mastaba G 2421 to G 2392. West of G 2428 removing the old dump. Sand, limestone debris, rubble, stone blocks, black dirt, potsherds. Found in debris: inscribed stones, 40-1-10a-e. No new tombs appeared.

Thursday, January 18, 1940

Work on:
(1) West of G 2428 and north of G 2401

(1) Removing old dump, and clearing debris from this area. Debris: sand, dirt, limestone detritus (ruksh), rubble (dubsh), stone blocks. No new tombs.

Friday, January 19, 1940

Work on:
(1) west of G 2428 and north of G 2401

(1) Removing the old dump Debris as January 18, and potsherds. North of G 2401 appeared a wall of rubble coated with mud, running north-south. East of it a stone wall, apparently belonging to the same mastaba. Stop work at

Saturday, January 20, 1940
No work. Bairam, Eid el Kebir.

Sunday, January 21, 1940

Work on:
(1) G 2186, north of
(2) G 2392 (C)
(3) G 2396 A
(4) west of G 2428
(5) G 5233, pits O and P
(6) G 5243 X

(1) G 2186, north of
Removed inscribed stone ([TRANSLITERATION]). See Arabic Diary (January 12, 1940). [margin note: G 2186 inscribed stone]

(2) G 2392
G 2392 (C). In roof of chamber of this shaft, built in, were found three objects:
1. offering stone, in [TRANSLITERATION] "[Htp]" form
2. 40-1-12 a lintel of [TRANSLITERATION] [jwfj], incised inscription
3. 40-1-12 b incised fragment, name [TRANSLITERATION] [GLYPHS] [jbbj]

[margin note: G 2392c [TRANSLITERATION] [jwfj]-stone, [TRANSLITERATION] [jbbj]-stone, offering stone]

(3) G 2396
G 2396 A: In lining of the shaft on east, incised lintel of [TRANSLITERATION].
[margin note: G 2396 A inscribed lintel 40-1-11]

(4) West of G 2428
Exposing the two east walls (inner of rubble and mud outer of stone) of temp G 2440. Debris: sandstone, limestone debris, rubble, dirt and big stones.

microfilm: end page 2


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    01/17/1940; 01/18/1940; 01/19/1940; 01/20/1940; 01/21/1940
  • Author
    Francis Olcott Allen
  • Mentioned on page
    Ibebi (in G 2392)
    Iufi (in G 2392)

Tombs and Monuments 11

  • G 2000

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2091

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2186

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2392

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2396

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2401

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2421

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2428

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2440

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 5233

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 5243

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

People 3

Ancient People

  • Ibebi (in G 2392)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Appears on fragment of relief (40-1-12b); found in debris above G 2392 C.
  • Iufi (in G 2392)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Fragment of limestone lintel (40-1-12a) inscribed for Iufi, identified as [rx nswt] royal acquaintance; found reused as roofing in G 2392 C.

Modern People

  • Francis Olcott Allen

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Archaeologist/Egyptologist for the Harvard University--Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition