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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 198

Thursday, January 22, 1925 (continued)

(1) Street G 7300 and G 7310
Street G 7300: east of G 7310.
North of projected pit mentioned yesterday an intrusive mastaba has been found, crude brick. There are two pits G 7310 Y and Z.
G 7310 Y is a large pit against the core wall of mastaba G 7310. The pit is now being cleared and at a depth of 270 cm robbers' debris is coming up. At a depth of 220 cm at the north end of the pit there is a rock ledge. A chamber has been found on the west.
G 7310 Z is a smaller pit now being cleared. At depth of 70 cm there is robbers' debris. The constructions now found in this part of the street are planned in the accompanying sketch:


(2) Street G 7400 and G 7410-7420
Street G 7400: east of G 7420 and G 7410.
Work continued in the street on the east side to the east of the interior chapel of G 7420 and for about 8.5 meters to the northwards. A fragment of limestone relief was found here.
On the west side of the street men were working in the surface debris of Ptolemaic age a few meters to the north. A series of Ptolemaic mummies were found buried in the debris between 7.40 meters and 11 meters south of the interior chapel of G 7410 against the wall of that mastaba and for about a meter eastwards into the street. To the south of these, also against the wall of the mastaba was found a Ptolemaic grave built of rough limestone blocks and containing fragments of a decayed body. It leveled up with about 25 to 100 cm below the top of the fourth course of masonry of the mastaba G 7420.

(3) Street G 7800
Several mastabas found here and numbered serially G 7801 etc. They will be planned tomorrow as the scheme is still very confused.

microfilm: end page 198


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Author
    Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees, British, 1899–

Tombs and Monuments 5

People 1

Modern People

  • Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates British, 1899–
    • Remarks Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees, born South Africa, Sivaratri, March 10, 1899. British subject with a Scottish father and an English mother. For a brief period during 1925 he was a staff member of Harvard University--Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition, who later joined the Theosophist movement in India. Greenlees received his MA degree in 1922 from Oxford, where he studied Egyptian, Coptic and Arabic. April 2,1925, Greenlees appointed Assistant Curator of Egyptian Art at MFA.