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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 193

Wednesday, January 21, 1925 (continued)

(2) Street G 7300
Street G 7300: east of G 7310.
Today the north end is now almost clear. At about 4 meters south of the north end of G 7410 there is an intrusive crude brick mastaba whose pit was only commenced by the builders. The outline of this mastaba are not clear yet. See tomorrow's sketch of this (G 7310 X). The pit is nearly opposite the niche of G 7310.

(3) Street G 7400
Street G 7400: east of G 7420.
The men were working in and east of the interior chapel of G 7420 to as far as the south corner of this mastaba. North of this chapel on the west side of street were a red ware bowl and a number of pots in Ptolemaic debris.
G 7432: A small brick wall runs northward from the northeast outer angle of the large stone enclosing wall of G 7430. This is 170 cm long and 40 cm wide and is parallel to the eastern wall of the stela room of G 7432. See sketch:


(4) Street G 7800
This street is about 62 meters east of north end of mastaba G 7510. Work began today here and a number of pits were found, lined with crude brick; these will be numbered when their plan is clearer. They are filled with robbers' debris and contained so far only a few late beads and amulets. Slightly to the southward was found the stone wall of a small mastaba.
The intention was to clear this area as a dump for the debris from the east face of G 7510, but it now appears that it will be unsuitable for this purpose owing to the great height of railway entailed.

microfilm: end page 193


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Author
    Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees, British, 1899–

Tombs and Monuments 8

People 1

Modern People

  • Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates British, 1899–
    • Remarks Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees, born South Africa, Sivaratri, March 10, 1899. British subject with a Scottish father and an English mother. For a brief period during 1925 he was a staff member of Harvard University--Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition, who later joined the Theosophist movement in India. Greenlees received his MA degree in 1922 from Oxford, where he studied Egyptian, Coptic and Arabic. April 2,1925, Greenlees appointed Assistant Curator of Egyptian Art at MFA.