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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 227

Saturday, February 7, 1925 (continued)

(1) Street G 7500 (continued)
It has now been found that the northwestern corner of G 7631 lies over the stone flooring of the exterior chapel of G 7510 which will prevent our tracing the complete plan of this chapel at all events this season.
Pit G 7510 Y has now been cleared and a room found on the west, open. In the door of this chamber there are two bodies, probably Saite - Ptolemaic in date, extended, heads east. Beyond to the north appears to be a sarcophagus. Work here awaits the necessary photograph of these bodies. The pit is 6.90 meters in depth to native rock. [ILLUSTRATION]

(2) G 7120
G 7120 A: The tomb of Kawab. Here the debris was cleared from around the sarcophagus that the inscriptions might be copied. The sarcophagus is 91 cm deep and 2.25 meters long. The inscriptions are mostly very shallow cutting and have been painted green, the outline and a very few details added in black.

(3) G 7430
Clearing the east rooms below pit C. Filthy debris coming up. In the outermost chapel is a fragment of limestone relief [GLYPHS] south end.

(4) G 7510
Work here only on the chapels. (see 1)).

(5) G 7631
(see also 1)
Clearing pit C. Down 5.50. Dirty robbers' debris. Still descending. In pit A the bottom has been reached at 8.95 meters. Various chambers of which there are many, are being cleaned. Of the pits associated with this mastaba A seems to be original, reused and altered in Saite - Ptolemaic times, B may have been early but has been completely changed. It breaks into a small room leading from A on a higher level. X is almost certainly(?) late. It smashes through the roof of B chamber.

microfilm: end page 227


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Mentioned on page
    Kawab (G 7110-7120)
  • Author
    Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees, British, 1899–

Tombs and Monuments 5

People 2

Ancient People

  • Kawab (G 7110-7120)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Owner of G 7120, along with Hetepheres [II] (original owner of G 7110). Son of Khufu and Meretites [I]. Appears in chapel relief in tomb of his daughter Meresankh III (owner of G 7530-7540), main room (east wall), identified as [jrj-pat sA nswt smsw n Xt=f Xrj-Hb Hrj-tp xrp jAwt nTrt aA dwAw] hereditary prince, king's eldest son of his body, chief lector-priest, director of divine offices, assistant of (the god) Duau; in situ in G 7530-7540). Also mentioned in tomb of his steward Khemetnu (owner of G 5210).

Modern People

  • Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates British, 1899–
    • Remarks Thomas Richard Duncan Greenlees, born South Africa, Sivaratri, March 10, 1899. British subject with a Scottish father and an English mother. For a brief period during 1925 he was a staff member of Harvard University--Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition, who later joined the Theosophist movement in India. Greenlees received his MA degree in 1922 from Oxford, where he studied Egyptian, Coptic and Arabic. April 2,1925, Greenlees appointed Assistant Curator of Egyptian Art at MFA.