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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 641

Monday, April 11, 1938

Work on
(1) G 2088
(2) G 2088 a and serdab (2)
(3) G 2089 A, B, C, E

(1) G 2088
In removing the great dump heap, to expose the new mastabas in that place. Sand, limestone debris, dubsh, pebble and stones. Nothing exposed yet.

(2) G 2088
G 2088 "a": In the chapel. Drift sand. Limestone debris and scattered bones. We expose that the lower part of the northern niche is inscribed, and in front the southern niche we found an offering stone built in the floor of the chapel. In the west wall of the chapel between the two niches in the lining of the chapel is an inscribed block. The east wall is bound with gypsum and painted decoration. Found in debris. Lower part (to waist) of a badly weathered seated male statuette. Cleared.

Serdab (2): Mr. W. S. Smith in the serdab. In picking out the small fragments of pilaster [plaster?] from the wooden statues. Sand, limestone debris, black debris and limestone debris. Found in debris: many small fragments of pilaster [plaster?] from the wooden statues.

(3) G 2089
G 2089 A: Removed the chamber blocking. Stones and traces of mud from the blocking. Big wooden coffin with lid in place. Not opened. Left for photo.

G 2089 B: Removed the chamber roof (which was hang [???] on the limestone debris). Body, head on north, part of the legs missing. Left for photo.

G 2089 C: Removed the chamber blocking. Built of rubble and roofed with slabs. Stones, dubsh, and dirty debris. In the chamber dirty debris and traces of wooden coffin. Body, head on north, left for photo.

G 2089 E: Removed the chamber blocking. Built of rubble and roofed with slabs. Stones, dubsh and traces of mud. In the chamber, dirty debris, limestone debris and traces of wood, perhaps from a wooden coffin. Body, head on north, left for photo.

Tuesday, April 12, 1938
Day of rest.

Wednesday, April 13, 1938

Work on
(1) G 2088
(2) G 2220

(1) East of G 2088
East of this mastaba. In removing the great dump heap. Search for new mastabas in that place. Sand, limestone debris, dubsh, pebble and stones. Nothing exposed yet.

(2) G 2220
In exposing the lining of the mastaba on east. Search for a niche. Sand, limestone debris, dubsh, pebble and stones. No niche exposed.

Thursday, April 14, 1938

Work on
(1) G 2088
(2) G 2088 A, B, D, E, F
(3) G 2089 B, C, E

(1) East of G 2088
East of this mastaba in removing the great dump head. Sand, limestone debris, dubsh, stones, pebble, and dirty debris. Nothing exposed yet.

(2) G 2088
G 2088 A: In shaft. Lined above with masonry and rock cut below. It is south of B and west of southern niche of room a. Total depth 6.75 meters. Drift sand, limestone debris, dubsh and sand. Break on north through the chamber of shaft B. Chamber on east. Cut in rock. It was blocked with big stones, because we found one of the blocking stones in place. The chamber is full of dirt sand. Left for photo.

G 2088 B: In shaft. Lined above with rubble and rock cut below. It is north of A, south of C and west of E. Down 2.75 meters. Sand, limestone debris, pebble and dirty debris. Chamber on north, blocked with rubble, partly destroyed from the top part and bound with mud. Not reached the rock in shaft. Blocking left for photo.

G 2088 D: In shaft. Lined with rubble to the beginning of the rock. It is north of C, and west of F. Total depth 2.4 meters. Limestone debris, dubsh, pebble and dirty debris. Chamber on south. Blocked with rubble and bound with mud. Left for photo.

microfilm: end page 641


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    04/11/1938; 04/12/1938; 04/13/1938; 04/14/1938
  • Mentioned on page
    William Stevenson Smith, American, 1907–1969
  • Translator
    Mahmud Said Ahmed [Diraz]
  • Author
    Mohamed Said Ahmed [Diraz]

Tombs and Monuments 3

  • G 2088

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2089

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2220

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

Published Documents 2

People 3

Modern People

  • Mahmud Said Ahmed [Diraz]

    • Type Translator
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Diary translator. Son of Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Head Reis 1908-1926). Brother of Mohammed Said Ahmed (Head Reis 1936-1939). Family name, Diraz, was supplied by Said Ahmed Said's grandsons in 2006.
  • Mohamed Said Ahmed [Diraz]

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Head Reis for the Harvard-MFA expedition, 1936–1939. Son of Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Head Reis 1908-1926) and brother of Mahmoud Said Ahmed [Diraz] (Translator) and Ahmed Said Ahmed [Diraz]. Family name, Diraz, was supplied by Said Ahmed Said's grandsons in 2006.
  • William Stevenson Smith

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Nationality & Dates American, 1907–1969
    • Remarks Egyptologist; Curator, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.