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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 638

Sunday, April 3, 1938 (continued)

(1) G 2089 (continued)
G 2089 E: In shaft. Lined with dubsh and bound with mud to the beginning of the rock. It is east of C and north of D. Total depth 1.72 meters. Limestone debris, dubsh, pebble and red debris. Chamber on south. Blocked with two stones and dubsh and bound with mud, left for photo.

G 2089 X: In shaft and chamber. Lined with masonry. It is in the chapel on north. In front the northern niche. Total depth 2.2 meters. Drift sand. Chamber on south. Built of stone and roofed with slabs. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.


(2) East of G 2089
East of this mastaba. Search for new mastabas, shafts and chapels. Sand, limestone debris, rubble and stones. A stone mastaba G 2088 appears. The lining of the new mastabas and the shafts not yet exposed.

Monday, April 4, 1938

Work on
(1) G 2088

(1) G 2088
On the top of the mastaba. In exposing the lining and the shafts and chapels of the mastaba. Sand, limestone debris, dubsh, potsherds, dirty debris, pebble and stones. Nothing exposed yet.

Tuesday, April 5, 1938
Day of rest.

Wednesday, April 6, 1938

Work on
(1) G 2088

(1) G 2088
On the top of the mastaba. In exposing the lining on south and east. Sand, limestone debris, dubsh, dirty debris, pebble and stones. Exposed part of the lining of chapels, and found in chapel debris:
1) Seat of seated males statuette of Nswt Nfr-hn-r-n [Neferkhennisut] in two pieces. 38-4-1.
2) Torso of female servant figure. 38-4-6.
3) Torso of squatting female statuette. 38-4-2a.
4) Fragment of base of standing male servant figure (right foot). 38-4-11.
5) Fragments of arms, feet, bases of those statuettes some of them still unidentified.

After having taken out the above, covered the rest to remove great dump heap out to east first.

Thursday, April 7, 1938

Work on
(1) G 2088
(2) G 2120

(1) G 2088
On the top of the mastaba. In removing the dump heap to clear the lining of the mastabas on the east. Sand, limestone debris, rubble, stones and dirty debris. Nothing exposed yet.

(2) East of G 2120
East of this mastaba and west of G 2140. East of the inscribed block. Search for other fragments from the block. Dirty debris, rubble and limestone debris. Exposed a north-south wall in that place, and nothing found from the block.

microfilm: end page 638


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
    04/03/1938; 04/04/1938; 04/05/1938; 04/06/1938; 04/07/1938
  • Mentioned on page
    Neferkhennisut (in G 2088)
  • Translator
    Mahmud Said Ahmed [Diraz]
  • Author
    Mohamed Said Ahmed [Diraz]

Tombs and Monuments 3

  • G 2088

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2089

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2120

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

Published Documents 2

People 3

Ancient People

  • Neferkhennisut (in G 2088)

    • Type Mentioned on page
    • Remarks Limestone seated statue (38-4-1 = MFA 38.2146.1 + MFA 38.2146.2) inscribed for Neferkhennisut; found in G 2088.

Modern People

  • Mahmud Said Ahmed [Diraz]

    • Type Translator
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Diary translator. Son of Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Head Reis 1908-1926). Brother of Mohammed Said Ahmed (Head Reis 1936-1939). Family name, Diraz, was supplied by Said Ahmed Said's grandsons in 2006.
  • Mohamed Said Ahmed [Diraz]

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Head Reis for the Harvard-MFA expedition, 1936–1939. Son of Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Head Reis 1908-1926) and brother of Mahmoud Said Ahmed [Diraz] (Translator) and Ahmed Said Ahmed [Diraz]. Family name, Diraz, was supplied by Said Ahmed Said's grandsons in 2006.