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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 862

Friday, February 8, 1929
Third day of work.

Locals: 40

Cars (line XII):
6:30 - 8:00: 44
8:30 - 12:00: 126
1:00 - 4:50: 144
total: 314

Work on:
(1) Street G 7500 S
(2) G 7560
(3) G 7660 Y
(4) G 7670
(5) G 7000 SE 73 to 78

(1) Street G 7500 south
Between G 7550 and G 7670. Continued clearance of debris from this area and uncovering late burials. Found in debris: faience fragment of head of ushabti.
Uncovered burial pits G 7000 SE 73 to 78.

(2) Between G 7560 and G 7550
Clearing debris of earlier rail embankment. Below sand and rubble. Found in debris: fragment of mummy cloth, plastered and painted with colored design of figures; faience beads, fragment of gold.

(3) G 7660
G 7660 Y: Clearing burial chamber of debris. This pit was excavated by earlier excavators (?), but room is partly filled with sand and stones. Down 1.5 meters in debris. Pit lined with large blocks above, rock-cut below. Pit 10 meters deep. Chamber square; pit descending into center of room.

(4) Between G 7660 and G 7670
Clearing rubbed and sand debris. Uncovered burial pit G 7000 SE 73.

(5) G 7000 SE 73 - 78
From now on these numbers are written on the pits and in the diary in Arabic numerals, instead of in Roman as before.
No. 73 [G 7000 SE 73]: Height .6 meters. Built of rubble. Three rooms, (1) on south, (2) on west, (3) on east. Roof blocks broken, excepting in (3) which is closed and the door blocked with rubble and mud.
No. 74 [G 7000 SE 74]: Height 1.35 meters. Built of rubble. Two rooms: (1) on west, broken, (2) on north, partly roofed. Found in debris: [three] faience amulets [29-2-16, 29-2-17, 29-2-18], fragment of copper eye [29-2-15].
No. 75 [G 7000 SE 75]: Height 1.3 meters. Built of rubble. Room on west; closed. Found in pit debris: small jar [29-2-23]. Unfinished.
No. 76 [G 7000 SE 76]: Height .66 meters. Built of rubble. Broken in.
No. 77 [G 7000 SE 77]: Height 1.4 meters. Built of rubble and mud brick. Roof broken. Found in debris: fragments of ivory [ILLUSTRATION] [29-2-22], part of early cylinder [seal] inscribed [29-2-21].

microfilm: end page 862


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Author
    Noel F. Wheeler, British

Tombs and Monuments 10

Published Documents 1

People 1

Modern People

  • Noel F. Wheeler

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates British
    • Remarks Wheeler was a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy according to George A. Reisner's, "A HIstory of the Giza Necropolis, Vol. I."