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Diary Transcription:

microfilm: begin page 76

Monday, December 14, 1925 (continued)

(4) G 6036
The west wall goes down about 1.4 meters into the fissure but not so low as the east wall of G 6035. That is, G 6036 is later than G 6035. The southwest corner of G 6036 rests on the debris (coarse stones) which fill the fissure.
G 6036 A: Depth 9.70 meters. Chamber on east, mixed coarse debris descends into chamber which is not yet clear.

(5) G 6037
Clearing south face of G 6027 which east of G 6036 but set back to north.

(6) G 6052
Finished clearing the corridor a, cleared the west face of G 6052 (exposing east face of G 6027) and partially cleared space south of G 6052 as far as G 6050.
In the thieves debris (above the lower sand drift) found three stones from chamber b.
One side from a false door, with an inscription outlined in red and over painted in black. Offering formula in two vertical lines, [GLYPHS] and the rest has been obliterated by decay of stone [B6100].
Two obelisks uninscribed of white limestone [ILLUSTRATION].
G 6052 A: Cleared out chamber, found nothing.


microfilm: end page 76


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates
  • Author
    George Andrew Reisner, American, 1867–1942

Tombs and Monuments 6

  • G 6027

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 6035

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 6036

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 6037

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 6050

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 6052

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

People 1

Modern People

  • George Andrew Reisner

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates American, 1867–1942
    • Remarks Egyptologist, archaeologist; Referred to as "the doctor" and "mudir" (Arabic for "director") in the excavation records. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.