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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Alternate spelling : Werkai
    Manuel de Codage : wrkA
    Alternate spelling : Wer-ka
  • Remarks
    Alabaster offering stone (Hearst 6-19755) inscribed for Werka, identified as [rx nswt wab nswt] royal acquaintance, royal wab-priest; found in situ in front of remains of false door in G 1309. Alabaster offering table top (Cairo JE 72145 = CG 57037) inscribed for Werka, identified as on offering stone; found in G 1309 A. Alabaster sacred oils tablet (Cairo JE 72146) inscribed for Werka, identified as [rx nswt] royal acquaintance; found in situ in G 1309 A, in coffin.

Tombs and Monuments 1

Finds 3

Unpublished Documents 23