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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : nSpssnswt
    Alternate spelling : Nishepsesnesut
    Alternate spelling : Shepsesennisut
    Alternate spelling : Nisut-ny-shepses
  • Remarks
    Appears on north door jamb of entrance of inner room of chapel (Berlin (East) 1186) in tomb of Sekhemka (owner of G 4411) (bottom register, figure on left, carrying basin and ewer), identified as [jr-ant Hm-kA] manicurist, ka-priest; found in situ in G 4411. Limestone lintel fragment (14-3-21 = MFA 14.1453) inscribed for Nishepsesnisut, identified as [jr-ant] manicurist; found displaced in G 4521, probably G 4522 chapel, mastaba of origin unknown. Based on similarity of title, this Nishepsesnisut seems to be same Nishepsesnisut that appears on north door jamb in G 4411. Lintel suggests he had a tomb of his own, but identification of that tomb not possible based on surviving evidence (G 4522 tentatively assigned to Kap based on fragmentary statue finds). This calls into question identification of Nishepsesnisut, owner of possibly intrusive statue (15-12-46 = MFA 21.352) found in G 4410 serdab, with Nishepsesnisut, who appears on north door jamb in G 4411 and owns inscribed lintel, since if he had a tomb of his own, why was his statue placed in a secondary(?) serdab constructed in G 4410 chapel. Perhaps Nishepsesnisut actually is owner of G 4410 (like Tetu, who also appears in G 4411, is probably same individual as Tetu, owner of G 4420).

Tombs and Monuments 3

Finds 1

Unpublished Documents 3