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  • Type
    Individual - Ancient
  • Gender
  • Also Known As
    Manuel de Codage : Xnmw
    Alternate spelling : Khnumu
    Alternate spelling : Khenmuw
    Alternate spelling : Khenemu
  • Remarks
    Owner of G 2191. False door (including upper lintel) inscribed for Khnemu, identified as [qbH Hwt-nmt pr-aA Hrj-sStA n kkw wbA sw m wSn Apdw nw smjwt Hm-nTr xwfw rx nswt] master butcher of the Great House, privy to the secret of darkness, who opens it in strangling the birds of the desert regions, priest of Khufu, royal acquaintance; in situ in G 2191.

Tombs and Monuments 1

Published Documents 1

Unpublished Documents 3