*Original paper documents for Chapter 12 are in archival boxes K06 and K07 in the Egyptian Section archives of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
- Classification
- Documentation-Unpublished manuscripts
- Department
- Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
- Credit Line
- Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
- Date
- about 1934–1942
- Mentioned on page
- Ankhiris (in G 4630)
- Hetepheres I (G 7000 X)
- Kanefer (G 2150)
- Nensedjerkai (G 4631)
- Shepseskaf
- Userkaf
- Author
- George Andrew Reisner, American, 1867–1942
Ancient People
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks Son ([sA=f smsw] his eldest son) of Medunefer (owner of G 4630). Appears on south false door tablet, standing before his parents Medunefer and Nebuka seated at offering table; south false door (Cairo EMC_JE_36191) dedicated by Ankhiris; found in situ in G 4630. North false door (Cairo EMC_JE_36192) inscribed for Ankhiris (dedicated by his son Medunefer), identified as [sS pr-mDAt nTr smA jnpw xt wr Tntt] scribe of the library of the god, smA-priest of Anubis, khet-priest of the Great One and of Tjentet; found in situ in G 4630. Also appears on false door (north jamb) inscribed for Nensedjerkai (owner of G 4631), identified as [Xrj-Hb smA jnpw xt wr] lector-priest, smA-priest of Anubis, khet-priest of the Great One; in situ in G 4361.
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks Wife of King Snefru, founder of Egypt’s Fourth Dynasty, and mother of King Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid. Her burial was hidden in a secret chamber (labeled G 7000 X) nearly 90 feet underground, and contained beautiful pieces of gilded and inlaid wooden furniture, silver jewelry, and a large alabaster sarcophagus that was found to be mysteriously empty.
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks Owner of G 2150. North and south false doors inscribed for Kanefer, identified as [jmj-r wpwt smr watj smsw js xrp aH] overseer of commissions, sole companion, elder of the is-chamber, director of the palace]; also appears in interior chapel relief (north, west, south walls), identified as [mdw kA-HD xrp aw xrp tmAtjw smsw js m prwj xrp mrwj nswt jmj-r pHw Hrj-sStA xAswt nbwt] herdsman of the White Bull, director of interpreters, director of bowcase bearers, elder of the is-chamber of the two houses, director of the two canals of the king, overseer of marshlands, master of secrets of every foreign land; in situ in G 2150. Interior chapel entrance door jambs (part of north door jamb: 32-12-8 = MFA 34.57; parts of south door jamb and small section of facade south of interior chapel entrance: 32-12-7 = MFA 34.58), and facade north and south of interior chapel entrance (block from north facade: 32-12-10) inscribed for Kanefer, identified as [Hm-nTr Sbk Sdt sA nswt mdw rxjjt jmj-jb n nTr=f] priest of Sobek of Crocodilopolis, king's son, staff of the commoners, he who is in the heart of his god; in situ in G 2150 (some loose blocks replaced in original position, others removed from site). Displaced lintel, no name preserved but probably belonging to Kanefer, identified as [jmj-r wpwt (smsw js) prwj xrp aw Hrj-sStA xAswt nbwt smr] overseer of commissions, (elder of the is-chamber) of the two houses, director of interpreters, master of secrets of every foreign land, companion; found in street east of G 2150. Drum lintel (Louvre C 155) inscribed for Kanefer, identified as [sA nswt jmj-r wpwt] king’s son, overseer of commissions; findspot unknown, perhaps originally from G 2150.
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks Owner of G 4631. False door inscribed for Nensedjerkai, identified as [rxt nswt Hm-nTr HwtHr Hm-nTr Nt] royal acquaintance, priestess of Hathor, priestess of Neith; in situ in G 4361.
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks Last king of Dynasty 4. Son of Menkaure. Horus name: [SpsXt] Shepseskhet.
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks First king of Dynasty 5. Horus name: [jrjmAat] Irymaat.
Modern People
- Type Author
- Nationality & Dates American, 1867–1942
- Remarks Egyptologist, archaeologist; Referred to as "the doctor" and "mudir" (Arabic for "director") in the excavation records. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.