*Original paper documents for Chapter 12 are in archival boxes K06 and K07 in the Egyptian Section archives of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
- Classification
- Documentation-Unpublished manuscripts
- Department
- Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
- Credit Line
- Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
- Date
- about 1934–1942
- Mentioned on page
- Idu (G 7102)
- Irankhptah (G 4811+4812: G 4811)
- Kay (G 7524)
- Merptahankh-meryre Ptahshepses Impy (G 2386/G 2381)
- Sabuptah Ibebi (G 2386/G 2381)
- Author
- George Andrew Reisner, American, 1867–1942
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- Site Name Eastern Cemetery
- Site Name Eastern Cemetery
Ancient People
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks Owner of G 7102. Appears multiple times in tomb decoration (chapel relief, architrave, door jambs, statuary), identified variously as [jmj-r Hwt wrt jmj-r sSw mrt xntj-S mnnfr-ppj Xrj tp nswt] overseer of the great chapel, overseer of scribes of the meret-serfs, palace attendant of (the pyramid-town) Mennefer-Pepi, he who is at the head of the king; in situ in G 7102. Possibly same individual as Idu (in G 7101), son of Qar (owner of G 7101). The relationship between Qar and Idu is difficult to determine; it seems certain that they are father and son, but it is not clear which is which since they each have a son named after the other (i.e. Qar has a son named Idu, Idu has a son named Qar). Qar (G 7101) has a sister named Bendjyt who may be identical to Bendjet, a daughter of Idu (G 7102), in which case Idu would be the father of Qar, but this is not at all certain.
Irankhptah (G 4811+4812: G 4811)
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks Owner of G 4811+4812: G 4811. False door inscribed for Irankhptah, identified as [rx nswt jmj-r wabt jmj-r Hmwtjw n pr-aA jmj-r kAt nt nswt] royal acquaintance, overseer of the wabet, overseer of craftsmen of the Great House, overseer of royal works; also appears in chapel relief, west wall (panel of relief south of false door, standing figures of Irankhptah and his son Ptahrudj), east wall (north of entrance, lower part of standing figures of Irankhptah and his wife[?] sketched in red paint); lower part of false door and panel of relief still in situ in G 4811 south chapel.
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks Owner of G 7524. Rock-cut chapel entrance lintel inscribed for Kay, identified as [sAb aD-mr nj-nst-xntt jmj-r wpwt] judge and administrator, preeminent of place, overseer of commissions; in situ in G 7524. Also probably depicted in chapel relief, east door jamb of entrance to room b (name not preserved); in situ in G 7524.
Merptahankh-meryre Ptahshepses Impy (G 2386/G 2381)
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks Possible owner of one of two stone built chapels G 2386a or G 2386b, buried in sloping-passage shaft G 2381 A. Merptahankh-meryre, [rn=f nfr] his good name Ptahshepses Impy. Son of Merptahankh-meryre Nekhebu (owner of G 2381). Wood coffin (12-12-575 = MFA 13.3085) inscribed for Impy, identified as [HAtj-a sm xrp SnDt nbt Xrj-Hb Hrj-tp jmA-a xtmw-bjtj jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt smr watj mDH nswt qdw m prwj jmj-r wabtj] count, sem-priest, director of every kilt, chief lector-priest, gracious of arm, sealer of the king of Lower Egypt, overseer of all royal works, sole companion, royal architect in the two houses, overseer of the two wabets; found in situ in G 2381 A. Copper flaring basin (12-12-265 = MFA 13.2940) inscribed for Impy, identified as [HAtj-a jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt smr watj mDH nswt qdw] count, overseer of all royal works, sole companion, royal architect; found in situ in G 2381 A. Wesekh broadcollar (12-12-583 = MFA 13.3086) with terminals inscribed for Impy, identified as [HAtj-a jmj-r kAt] count, overseer of works; found (more than one-half intact) in situ in G 2381 A.
Sabuptah Ibebi (G 2386/G 2381)
- Type Mentioned on page
- Remarks Possible owner of one of two stone built chapels G 2386a or G 2386b, probably buried in sloping-passage shaft G 2381 C. Sabuptah, [rn=f nfr] his good name Ibebi. Son ([sA=f] his son) of Merptahankh-meryre Nekhebu (owner of G 2381); brother of Merptahankh-meryre Ptahshepses Impy and Tjemat. Appears in chapel relief possibly from G 2386: two blocks of relief (13-1-556o = MFA 13.4345) depicting portions of three registers of standing male figures (facing right) separated by vertical panels of inscription naming Sabuptah Ibebi, identified as [jmj-r sS prwj sm xrp SnDt nbt smr watj Xrj-Hb xtmw bjtj HAtj-a jmj-r njwt...] overseer of the fowling pond of the two houses, sem-priest, director of every kilt, sole companion, lector-priest, sealer of the king of Lower Egypt, count, overseer of the pyramid town of...; two related fragments (13-1-558dd = MFA 13.5951, MFA 13.5979) depicting portions of male figures wearing long kilts; blocks of relief found displaced in Senedjemib Complex court (G 2382). Also appears in chapel relief in G 2381: scene (13-1-549 = MFA 13.4331) from wall adjoining autobiographical inscription (13-1-547) depicting Nekhebu spear fishing, standing male figure of Sabuptah Ibebi (facing right, on two blocks MFA 13.4331.21 + MFA 13.4331.22) behind figure of Nekhebu, identified as [Xrj-Hb sS pr-mDAT nTr] lector-priest, scribe of the library of the god; blocks of relief found displaced in Senedjemib Complex court (G 2382). Alabaster headrest (12-12-581 = MFA 13.2925) inscribed for Sabuptah Ibebi, identified as [smr watj Xrj-tp nswt mDH nswt qdw m prwj] sole companion, royal chamberlain, royal architect in the two houses; found in burial of Impy in G 2381 A. Wood coffin (12-12-575 = MFA 13.3085) mainly inscribed for Impy, but with short inscription of Ibebi, identified as [smr watj Xrj-Hb mDH nswt qdw m prwj] sole companion, lector-priest, royal architect in the two houses; found in situ in G 2381 A.
Modern People
- Type Author
- Nationality & Dates American, 1867–1942
- Remarks Egyptologist, archaeologist; Referred to as "the doctor" and "mudir" (Arabic for "director") in the excavation records. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.