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Small, shallow burial pit west of ABC 514-517 in the middle of mastaba field ABC 144, south of Mastaba Y and west of Mastaba X (ABC) in the central sector of the Abu Bakr Cemetery.


  • Excavator
    Abdel Moneim Youssef Abu Bakr, 1907–1976
    Edward Brovarski
  • Site Type
  • Remarks
    Mastaba field ABC 144, located behind (west of) Mastaba X and south of Mastaba Y, is crowded with small mud brick mastabas and shallow burial pits.

Full Bibliography

  • Brovarski 2018

People 2

Modern People

  • Abdel Moneim Youssef Abu Bakr

    • Type Excavator
    • Nationality & Dates 1907–1976
    • Remarks Egyptian Egyptologist.
  • Edward Brovarski

    • Type Excavator
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Egyptologist and co-director of the Cairo University-Brown University Excavations (CBE) in the Abu Bakr Cemetery.