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Large anonymous mud-brick mastaba located just west of Lepsius 20-21 in the central sector of the Abu Bakr Cemetery. Archaeological evidence suggests a probable early Fourth Dynasty date for Mastaba Y.


  • Excavator
    Abdel Moneim Youssef Abu Bakr, 1907–1976
    Edward Brovarski
  • Site Type
    Mud-brick mastaba
  • Remarks
    Although the orientations of the two mastabas are aligned, Mastaba Y seems to have been in place before Lepsius 20-21 was erected. As Lepsius 19, Mastaba X, and Lepsius 20-21 were probably roughly contemporaneous, this means Mastaba Y antedates the "Persen Complex."

Full Bibliography

  • Brovarski 2018

People 2

Modern People

  • Abdel Moneim Youssef Abu Bakr

    • Type Excavator
    • Nationality & Dates 1907–1976
    • Remarks Egyptian Egyptologist.
  • Edward Brovarski

    • Type Excavator
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks Egyptologist and co-director of the Cairo University-Brown University Excavations (CBE) in the Abu Bakr Cemetery.