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  • Excavator
    Hermann Junker, German, 1877–1962
  • Site Type
    Shafts only (no superstructure)
  • Shafts
    S 842
  • Remarks
    Intrusive shaft built against west wall of S 844/845, south of G 5150's chapel and south of S 843.
  • Problems/Questions
    Problem; Where is this mastaba?

Maps & Plans 1

Published Documents 1

Full Bibliography

  • Junker, Hermann. Gîza 7. Der Ostabschnitt des Westfriedhofs, Erster Teil. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften 72, Abhandlung 3. Vienna & Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1944, p. 89, fig. 35, plan after pl. 40.

People 1

Modern People

  • Hermann Junker

    • Type Excavator
    • Nationality & Dates German, 1877–1962
    • Remarks Egyptologist, Director of German-Austrian expedition to Giza, 1911–1929. Published 12 volumes of final excavation reports from Giza expedition. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.