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  • Excavator
    Hermann Junker, German, 1877–1962
  • Site Type
    Shafts only (no superstructure)
  • Shafts
    S 275; S 278; S 278a; S 278b; S 278c; S 278d
  • Remarks
    These 6 shafts with small remains of a stone exterior are in street against east wall of G 2135, north of Nefer [II] and south of G 2136. They are probably intrusive shafts, but are not discussed by Junker or Reisner. The space for these shafts is available on plan EG019920, but they are not drawn or labeled.

Maps & Plans 1

Published Documents 1

Full Bibliography

  • Junker, Hermann. Gîza 6. Die Mastabas des Nfr (Nefer), Kdfjj (Kedfi), Kahjf (Kahjef) und die westlich anschließenden Grabanlagen. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien Philosophisch-historische Klasse Denkschriften 72, Abhandlung 1. Vienna & Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1943, p. 93, figs. 26, 51, plan after p. 273.

People 1

Modern People

  • Hermann Junker

    • Type Excavator
    • Nationality & Dates German, 1877–1962
    • Remarks Egyptologist, Director of German-Austrian expedition to Giza, 1911–1929. Published 12 volumes of final excavation reports from Giza expedition. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.