- Format
- Article
- Language
- Year Published
- 2010
- Number of Pages
- 38
- Citation Text
- Manuelian, Peter Der. "A Dig Divided: The Giza Mastaba of Heti, G 5480 (Giza Archives Gleaning IV)." In Zahi Hawass, Peter Der Manuelian and Ramadan Hussein, eds. Perspectives on Ancient Egypt. Studies in Honor of Edward Brovarski. CASAE 40. Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2010, pp. 235-272.
- Individual - Ancient
- Djaty (G 5370)
- Heti (G 5480)
- Khenit (Khenit)
- Khenut (in G 5480)
- Meresankh (in G 5480)
- Pehenptah (G 5280)
- Sekhemka (G 2360)
- Seshathetep Heti (G 5150)
- Individual - Modern
- (Karl) Richard Lepsius, German, 1810–1884
- George Andrew Reisner, American, 1867–1942
- Hermann Junker, German, 1877–1962
- Noel F. Wheeler, British
- Editor
- Peter Der Manuelian, 1959–
- Ramadan Hussein, Egyptian
- Zahi Hawass, Egyptian
- Author
- Peter Der Manuelian, 1959–
- Publisher
- Supreme Council of Antiquities
- Site Name Western Cemetery
- HUMFA_33-2-192
- GEM_8020
Base fragment of limestone statue of Heti
- HUMFA_12-11-1
- HUMFA_33-2-190
- HUMFA_35-10-24
- HUMFA_33-2-208
- HUMFA_33-2-193
Ancient People
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5370. Architrave and false door inscribed for Djaty, identified as [wr mDw Sma jmj-r kAt nswt] great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, overseer of royal works; in situ in G 5370.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5480. Appears in chapel relief (west and north walls and chapel entrance door jamb, name not preserved in chapel); in situ in G 5480. Headless seated statue (Cairo TR inscribed for Heti, identified as [rx nswt] royal acquaintance; incomplete standing pair statue (Cambridge E 42.1926) inscribed for Heti and his sister Khenut, and base of limestone standing statue (KHM Vienna ÄS 8543) inscribed for Heti, identified (on both) as [zAb jmy-r sS] judge, overseer of scribes; all found in G 5480 serdab. Limestone statue base (12-11-1 = MFA 13.3447) inscribed for Heti, identified as [zAb jmy-r sS] judge, overseer of scribes; found in upper debris of G 2360 A, originally from G 2340 = G 5480. Uninscribed scribal statue of Heti (Hildesheim 2407); head found in mastaba of Khenit, body found in serdab of G 5480.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of Khenit (unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker). Limestone false door (KHM Vienna ÄS 8007) and fragment of chapel entrance lintel inscribed for Khenit, identified as [rxt nswt Hm-nTr HwtHr] royal acquaintance, priestess of Hathor; false door found in situ in mastaba of Khenit.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Sister ([snt=f] his sister) of Heti (owner of G 5480). Incomplete standing pair statue (Cambridge E 42.1926) inscribed for Heti and Khenut; Khenut identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; found in G 5480 serdab.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Mother ([mwt=s] her mother) of Khenut (sister of Heti, owner of G 5480). Name appears on incomplete standing pair statue (Cambridge E 42.1926) inscribed for Heti and Khenut; Meresankh identified as [rxt nswt] royal acquaintance; found in G 5480 serdab.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5280. False door inscribed for Pehenptah; found in situ in G 5280. Limestone drum lintel (39-9-2) inscribed for Pehenptah, identified as [rx nswt sS a n nswt] royal acquaintance, royal document scribe; found displaced in G 5280. Limestone standing statue (12-10-2 = Cairo JE 44609) inscribed for Pehenptah and limestone standing pair statue (12-10-3 = KHM Vienna ÄS 7502) inscribed for Pehenptah and his mother Amendjefaes; both found in G 5280 serdab. Shattered triad statue (12-10-4 = MFA 13.4330 triad + 12-10-4 = MFA 13.4358 fragment of female figure + 12-11-22 = MFA 13.3160 fragment of male figure proper right) of Pehenptah and his mother Amendjefaes; found in G 5280 serdab with some fragments from outside serdab. Son of Seshemnefer [I] (owner of G 4940). Appears in chapel relief, west wall (between false doors, north end, lower register, second figure from left); in situ in G 4940.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 2360. Limestone lintel inscribed for Sekhemka, identified as [Xrj-tp nswt sAb aD-mr mdw rxjjt jwn-knmwt wD-mdw n Hrjw-wDbw Hrj-sStA (...)] royal chamberlain, judge and administrator, staff of the commoners, iun-kenmut priest, giver of orders to the masters of reversion-offerings, secretary of ...; found protruding from debris on top of G 2366, originally from north niche in east face of G 2360.
- Type Individual - Ancient
- Remarks Owner of G 5150. Seshathetep, called Heti. Chapel entrance lintel and door jambs, and north and south false doors inscribed for Seahathetep; also appears in chapel relief (west, north, south, and east walls); identified as [sA nswt n Xt=f smr xrp aH wt jnpw Xrj-Hb wr mDw Sma rx nswt Hrj-sStA kAt nb nswt jmj-r kAt nb nswt] king's son of his body, companion, director of the palace, embalmer of Anubis, lector-priest, great one of the tens of Upper Egypt, royal acquaintance, secretary of all royal works, overseer of all royal works; most in situ in G 5150. Fragmentary limestone standing pair statue of man and woman (KHM Vienna ÄS 7788) inscribed for [sA nswt n Xt=f smsw jrj-pat tAjtj sAb TAtj wr (mDw Sma) wr mAw jwnw xrp tjst bjtj aA dwAw wn r (Hm-nTr) xntjxm Hm-nTr bA n anpt Hm-nTr Hr stX xrp mrwt Sma mHw Hm-nTr BAstt Hm-nTr Ssmtt wa wrw Hb sS mDAt-nTr smsw snwt jmj-r kAt nbt nswt] eldest king's son of his body, hereditary prince, chief justice and vizier, great one (of the tens of Upper Egypt), greatest of the seers of Iunu, director of the tjst-companions of the king of Lower Egypt, assistant of (the god) Duau, opener of the mouth, (priest of) Khenty-khem, priest of Ba-anpet, priest of Horus and Seth, director of singers of Upper and Lower Egypt, priest of Bastet, priest of Seshmetet, unique one among the great ones of the festival, scribe of the divine book, elder of the snwt-house, overseer of all royal works (names not preserved), possibly representing Seshathetep Heti and his wife, or his parents; found in G 5150 (part of statue found in shaft, part found in serdab). Limestone false door tablet (OIC_E_13546, now in Chicago) of Seshathetep Heti. He and his wife Hepetka(?) sit facing each other over an offering table. Findspot unrecorded, presumably from southern(?) false door.
Modern People
- Type Individual - Modern
- Nationality & Dates German, 1810–1884
- Remarks Egyptologist. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.
- Type Individual - Modern
- Nationality & Dates American, 1867–1942
- Remarks Egyptologist, archaeologist; Referred to as "the doctor" and "mudir" (Arabic for "director") in the excavation records. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.
- Type Individual - Modern
- Nationality & Dates German, 1877–1962
- Remarks Egyptologist, Director of German-Austrian expedition to Giza, 1911–1929. Published 12 volumes of final excavation reports from Giza expedition. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.
- Type Individual - Modern
- Nationality & Dates British
- Remarks Wheeler was a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy according to George A. Reisner's, "A HIstory of the Giza Necropolis, Vol. I."
- Type Author
- Nationality & Dates 1959–
- Remarks Giza Archives Project Director, 2000-2011; Giza Project at Harvard Director, 2011-present.
- Type Editor
- Nationality & Dates 1959–
- Remarks Giza Archives Project Director, 2000-2011; Giza Project at Harvard Director, 2011-present.
- Type Editor
- Nationality & Dates Egyptian
- Type Editor
- Nationality & Dates Egyptian
- Remarks Former Minister of State for Antiquities and Secretary General of Supreme Council of Antiquities
Supreme Council of Antiquities
- Type Publisher
- Remarks Active until 2011; for current organization, see Ministry of State for Antiquities.
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