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  • Format
    Journal Article
  • Language
  • Year Published
  • Number of Pages
  • Citation Text
    Sakovich, Anthony P. "Explaining the Shafts in Khufu's Pyramid at Giza." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 42 (2005-6), pp. 1-12.
  • Individual - Ancient
    Merenre I
    Pepi I
  • Publisher
    American Research Center in Egypt
  • Author
    Anthony P. Sakovich

People 11

Ancient People

  • Djedefre

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Third king of Dynasty 4. Son (?) of Khufu.
  • Huni

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Last king of Dynasty 3. Possibly father of Hetepheres I.
  • Khafre

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Fourth king of Dynasty 4. Son of Khufu. Builder of the Second Pyramid at Giza and probably of the Great Sphinx as well. Known two thousand years later by the Greeks as King Khephren. A number of diorite and greywacke statues and statue fragments depicting the king have been discovered in Khafre's valley temple, including Cairo CG 9-17. The fragmentary head of an alabaster royal statue (MFA 21.351 + MFA 33.1113) is attributed to Khafre.
  • Khufu

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Second king of Dynasty 4, son of Snefru. Builder of the Great Pyramid at Giza, the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still standing. Known two thousand years later by the Greeks as King Cheops. Horus name: [mDdw] Medjedu. Full birth-name: Khnum-Khufu.
  • Menkaure

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Fifth king of Dynasty 4. Son of Khafre. Husband of Khamerernebti II. Builder of the Third Pyramid at Giza. Known two thousand years later by the Greeks as King Mycerinus.
  • Merenre I

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Third king of Dynasty 6. Horus name: [anx-xaw] Ankhkhau; other names: [mrnra] Merenre
  • Pepi I

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Second king of Dynasty 6.
  • Sahure

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Second king of Dynasty 5. Horus name: [nbxaw] Nebkhau; other names: [sAHwra] Sahure
  • Snefru

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks First king of Dynasty 4. Father of Khufu.
  • Unas

    • Type Individual - Ancient
    • Remarks Last king of Dynasty 5. Horus name: [wAD-tAwj]; other names: [wnjs] Unis

Modern People

  • Anthony P. Sakovich

    • Type Author
    • Nationality & Dates
    • Remarks American Research Center in Egypt

Institutions 1