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Senedjemib Complex: fragments of limestone blocks painted with striding figures of Nekhebu and fragments of relief from G 2382 (originally thought to be a tomb, but now known to be a jumbled deposit of limestone blocks from other nearby tombs), originally from G 2381, Nekhebu: top row: 13-1-557 (= MFA 13.5831.12, inscribed architrave), 13-1-556h (= MFA 13.5938.5); bottom row, both fragments: 13-1-546 (painted)


  • ID
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Subjects
    Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2382, G 2381
  • Date
  • Remarks
    MFA 13.5938 (overall): two registers of male and female offering bearers (facing left); consists of six fragments (four fragments from 13-1-556, two fragments original registration number unknown, assigned 13-1-558); one additional fragment (original registration number unknown, assigned 13-1-558) accessioned as MFA 13.5967, two additional fragments not MFA owned.
  • Problems/Questions
    VERIFIED: G 2381 court corrected to read G 2382; 13-1-557 and 13-1-556h identification made based on Brovarski composites; MFA accession numbers verified

Tombs and Monuments 2

  • G 2381

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2382

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

Finds 3

Unpublished Documents 3