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Old Kingdom pottery from cemetery G 7000: top row: [E of G 7525] 28-5-44 (one of twenty-five offering jars), 28-5-47 (one of eight offering jars), 28-5-46 (one of six offering jars), 28-5-45 (one of ten offering jars), [between G 7520 and G 7530-7540: G 7530] 28-6-3 (= MFA 28.1533), [E of G 7525] 28-5-48 (2), 28-5-48 (1) (= MFA 28.1486); bottom row: [G 7530-7540: G 7530 Y] 28-6-6 (= MFA 28.1536, bowl), 28-6-7 (= MFA 28.1537, basin with spout), 28-6-10 (= MFA 28.1539, bowl), 28-6-9 (= MFA 28.1538, bowl with lip spout)


  • ID
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Subjects
    Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7525, G 7520, G 7530-7540
  • Date
  • Remarks
    28-5-44: one of twenty-five jars accessioned as MFA 28.1482a; 28-5-45: one of ten jars accessioned as MFA 28.1483a; 28-5-46: one of six jars accessioned as MFA 28.1484a; 28-5-47: one of eight jars accessioned as MFA 28.1485
  • Problems/Questions
    VERIFIED: 28-6-70 corrected to read 28-6-10; identifications verified based on object register; MFA accession numbers verified
  • Photographer
    Mustapha Abu el-Hamd (expedition photographer)

Tombs and Monuments 3

Finds 11

Unpublished Documents 3

People 1

Modern People