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Bronze statuette of walking jackal-headed Anubis, right arm at his side and left arm reaching out to take a scepter. Inscribed around base. Well executed.


  • ID
  • Department
    Egyptian Museum, Cairo
  • Classification
  • Findspot
    Giza, found at the bottom of a pit
  • Material
  • Dimensions
    JE: 21 cm; CG: 20.5 cm
  • Credit Line
    Egyptian Museum, Cairo
  • Catalogue General number
  • Cairo Special Register number
  • Period
    Late Period, Saite ?
  • Object owned by
    Egyptian Museum, Cairo
  • Notes
    Found October 1858
  • Remarks
    RELATED MEDIA: EMC_JE_I_Sp108-109LR; EMC_CG_038001-039384_139LR; ALTERNATE NUMBER(S): EMC_CG_38519

Full Bibliography

  • Daressy, Georges. Catalogue general des antiquites egyptiennes du Musee du Caire. Nos. 38001-39384. Statues de divinites. 1906. 139

    Mariette, Auguste. Notice, ed. 1864, no. 153; ed. 1876, no. 258.

Institutions 1