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Limestone false door of Keki; couple seated (facing right) at offering table on top lintel, inner jambs depict several relatives or offering bearers; parts of inscription damaged. Across lintel: Htp dj [nswt (?) prt-xrw t Hnqt . . .] xA Ss xA mnxt xA kAw xA [. . .] xA Apdw [n] smsw pr kkj “An offering [which the king and (?)] gives, invocation offerings: bread, beer. . .a thousand alabaster vessels, a thousand garments, a thousand bulls, a thousand (?), a thousand fowl [for] the elder of the house, Keki”; Behind seated woman: [Hmt.f mrt.f] n[j]anxHwtHr “[His wife, his beloved] Niankhhathor”; Outer right jamb: jr s nb jrt[j].f[j] xt Dw r nw wnn wDa mdw Hna.f jn nTr aA “As for any man who will do an evil thing to this [i.e. the tomb], I will be judged with him by the Great God”; Outer left jamb: smsw pr kkj Dd.f jr.n nw m jSt mAat “The elder of the house, Keki, he says: I made this [i.e. the tomb] as a true possession”; Drum: msw=f n Xt=f “His children of his body”; Inner left jamb: ptH[...] n[j]mAatptH xAjmsn “Ptah[. . .], Nimaatptah, Khaimsen”; Inner right jamb: mrtjts mrsanx spxn kA[…] ppj “Meretites, Meresankh, Sepkhen, Ka[. . .], Pepi”.


  • ID
  • Department
    Hearst Museum, Berkeley
  • Classification
    Architectural elements-False Doors
  • Findspot
    Giza (provenance unknown)
  • Material
  • Dimensions
    80 x 43 x 20 cm (31 1/2 x 16 15/16 x 7 7/8 in)
  • Credit Line
    Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Hearst Egyptian Expedition
  • Object Ownership Information
    Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley
  • Period
    Old Kingdom
  • Date of Register Entry
  • Object owned by
    Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
  • Owner
  • Attested

People 10

Ancient People

  • Ka[...]

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Daughter (?) of Keki. Appears on limestone false door (Hearst 6-19805) inscribed for Keki and Niankhhathor, right inner jamb (middle register, depicted facing Sepkhen, name only partially preserved); provenance unknown. No genealogical epithets accompany figures depicted on this false door; however, drum lintel inscription indicates some (if not all) persons depicted are [msw=f n Xt=f] his children of his body.
  • Keki

    • Type Owner
    • Remarks Limestone false door (Hearst 6-19805) inscribed for Keki and his wife Niankhhathor, lintel (left end, depicted seated at offering table with Niankhhathor), identified as [smsw pr] elder of the house; provenance unknown.
  • Khaimsen

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Daughter (?) of Keki. Appears on limestone false door (Hearst 6-19805) inscribed for Keki and Niankhhathor, left inner jamb (bottom register); provenance unknown. No genealogical epithets accompany figures depicted on this false door; however, drum lintel inscription indicates some (if not all) persons depicted are [msw=f n Xt=f] his children of his body.
  • Meresankh

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Granddaughter (?) of Keki, daughter (?) of Meretites. Appears on limestone false door (Hearst 6-19805) inscribed for Keki and Niankhhathor, right inner jamb (top register, depicted as young girl standing behind Meretites); provenance unknown. No genealogical epithets accompany figures depicted on this false door; however, drum lintel inscription indicates some (if not all) persons depicted are [msw=f n Xt=f] his children of his body.
  • Meretites

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Daughter (?) of Keki. Appears on limestone false door (Hearst 6-19805) inscribed for Keki and Niankhhathor, right inner jamb (top register, depicted standing with young girl identified as Meresankh); provenance unknown. No genealogical epithets accompany figures depicted on this false door; however, drum lintel inscription indicates some (if not all) persons depicted are [msw=f n Xt=f] his children of his body.
  • Niankhhathor

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Wife ([Hmt=f] his wife) of Keki. Appears on limestone false door (Hearst 6-19805) inscribed for Keki and Niankhhathor, lintel (left end, depicted seated at offering table with Keki); provenance unknown.
  • Nimaatptah

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Son (?) of Keki. Appears on limestone false door (Hearst 6-19805) inscribed for Keki and Niankhhathor, left inner jamb (middle register); provenance unknown. No genealogical epithets accompany figures depicted on this false door; however, drum lintel inscription indicates some (if not all) persons depicted are [msw=f n Xt=f] his children of his body.
  • Pepi

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Daughter (?) of Keki. Appears on limestone false door (Hearst 6-19805) inscribed for Keki and Niankhhathor, right inner jamb (bottom register); provenance unknown. No genealogical epithets accompany figures depicted on this false door; however, drum lintel inscription indicates some (if not all) persons depicted are [msw=f n Xt=f] his children of his body.
  • Ptah[...]

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Son (?) of Keki. Appears on limestone false door (Hearst 6-19805) inscribed for Keki and Niankhhathor, left inner jamb (top register, name only partially preserved); provenance unknown. No genealogical epithets accompany figures depicted on this false door; however, drum lintel inscription indicates some (if not all) persons depicted are [msw=f n Xt=f] his children of his body.
  • Sepkhen

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Son (?) of Keki. Appears on limestone false door (Hearst 6-19805) inscribed for Keki and Niankhhathor, right inner jamb (middle register, depicted facing Ka[...]); provenance unknown. No genealogical epithets accompany figures depicted on this false door; however, drum lintel inscription indicates some (if not all) persons depicted are [msw=f n Xt=f] his children of his body.

Institutions 1