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Left end fragment of limestone lintel of Ptahwer (identified as [jmj-r Hmwtjw] overseer of craftsmen) and his wife [Hmt-f] Wadjethetep. Linkes Ende eines Architravs mit Darstellungen und Inschriften in versenktem Relief. Der erhaltenen Teil des Architravs weist zwei horizontale und eine vertikale Inschriftenzeile sowie eine Speisetischszene auf.


  • ID
  • Department
    Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
  • Classification
    Architectural elements-Doors, jambs, lintels
  • Findspot
    Mastaba of Ptahwer
  • Material
  • Dimensions
    58.5 x 35.5 x 10.5 cm
  • Credit Line
    Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
  • Previous Number
  • Object Ownership Information
    Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
  • Period
    Late Old Kingdom
  • Excavator
    Hermann Junker, German, 1877–1962
  • Owner
    Ptahwer (Ptahwer)
  • Attested
    Wadjethetep (in Ptahwer)
  • Object owned by
    Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
  • Notes
    Herk: Gîza, W-Friedhof, Mastaba des Pth\-wr, Grabung Junker 1926 Erwerb: Grabung Junker 1926 NegNr-1: III 24827, Kitlitschka 1993
  • Remarks
    Excavated 1926.

Tombs and Monuments 1

  • Ptahwer

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

Published Documents 3

Full Bibliography

  • Hölzl, Regina. Reliefs und Inschriftensteine des Alten Reiches 2.Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Lieferung 21. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 2001, pp. 150-154.

    H. JUNKER, Vorläufiger Bericht über die vierte Grabung bei den Pyramiden von Gizeh vom 4. Januar bis 9. April 1926 (1926) 89.

    H. JUNKER, Glza 6 (1943), pp. 242, 244, Abb. 95.

    Porter & Moss III, p. 140.

People 3

Ancient People

  • Ptahwer (Ptahwer)

    • Type Owner
    • Remarks Owner of Ptahwer (unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker). Fragment of limestone lintel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8552) inscribed for Ptahwer and his wife Wadjethetep; Ptahwer identified as [jmj-r Hmwtjw] overseer of craftsmen; found in mastaba of Ptahwer.
  • Wadjethetep (in Ptahwer)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Wife ([Hmt-f] his wife) of Ptahwer (owner of Ptahwer, unnumbered mastaba excavated by Junker). Fragment of limestone lintel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8552) inscribed for Ptahwer and his wife Wadjethetep; found in mastaba of Ptahwer.

Modern People

  • Hermann Junker

    • Type Excavator
    • Nationality & Dates German, 1877–1962
    • Remarks Egyptologist, Director of German-Austrian expedition to Giza, 1911–1929. Published 12 volumes of final excavation reports from Giza expedition. Nationality and life dates from Who was Who in Egyptology.

Institutions 1