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[One block of] limestone [relief from] right (north) door jamb; [standing figure of [Hm-kA] ka-priest Nakhtka in middle register of jamb face of block], inscribed. Illustration: Yes with hieroglyphs


  • ID
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Classification
    Architectural elements-Doors, jambs, lintels
  • Findspot
    Debris between G 2150 and G 2170 (in 1905/1906 buried on top of G 2150), originally from G 2150
  • Material
  • Dimensions
    Width: 17 cm Length: 110 cm Thickness: 36 cm
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Object Ownership Information
    MFA accession number: 34.57
  • Date of Register Entry
  • Owner
    Kanefer (G 2150)
  • Attested
    Nakhtka (in G 2150)
  • Remarks
    Portions of north door jamb still in situ in G 2150.
  • Problems/Questions
    MFA accession number verified

Tombs and Monuments 2

  • G 2150

    • Site Name Western Cemetery
  • G 2170

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

Published Documents 1

Full Bibliography

  • Reisner, George A. A History of the Giza Necropolis 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942, fig. 261.

    Smith, William Stevenson. Ancient Egypt as Represented in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1960 (6th ed.), p. 38.

People 2

Ancient People

  • Kanefer (G 2150)

    • Type Owner
    • Remarks Owner of G 2150. North and south false doors inscribed for Kanefer, identified as [jmj-r wpwt smr watj smsw js xrp aH] overseer of commissions, sole companion, elder of the is-chamber, director of the palace]; also appears in interior chapel relief (north, west, south walls), identified as [mdw kA-HD xrp aw xrp tmAtjw smsw js m prwj xrp mrwj nswt jmj-r pHw Hrj-sStA xAswt nbwt] herdsman of the White Bull, director of interpreters, director of bowcase bearers, elder of the is-chamber of the two houses, director of the two canals of the king, overseer of marshlands, master of secrets of every foreign land; in situ in G 2150. Interior chapel entrance door jambs (part of north door jamb: 32-12-8 = MFA 34.57; parts of south door jamb and small section of facade south of interior chapel entrance: 32-12-7 = MFA 34.58), and facade north and south of interior chapel entrance (block from north facade: 32-12-10) inscribed for Kanefer, identified as [Hm-nTr Sbk Sdt sA nswt mdw rxjjt jmj-jb n nTr=f] priest of Sobek of Crocodilopolis, king's son, staff of the commoners, he who is in the heart of his god; in situ in G 2150 (some loose blocks replaced in original position, others removed from site). Displaced lintel, no name preserved but probably belonging to Kanefer, identified as [jmj-r wpwt (smsw js) prwj xrp aw Hrj-sStA xAswt nbwt smr] overseer of commissions, (elder of the is-chamber) of the two houses, director of interpreters, master of secrets of every foreign land, companion; found in street east of G 2150. Drum lintel (Louvre C 155) inscribed for Kanefer, identified as [sA nswt jmj-r wpwt] king’s son, overseer of commissions; findspot unknown, perhaps originally from G 2150.
  • Nakhtka (in G 2150)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Appears in chapel relief in tomb of Kanefer (owner of G 2150), displaced block from north door jamb (32-12-8 = MFA 34.57) of interior chapel entrance, identified as [Hm-kA] ka-priest; part of north door jamb still in situ in G 2150, displaced block removed from site.