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Twenty-six faience ushabtis; blue glaze, ten inscribed on pilaster; [combined: 29-4-134 (twelve inscribed, fourteen uninscribed [26]), 29-4-188 (twelve inscribed, thirty-six uninscribed [48]), 29-4-202 (thirty-five inscribed, ninety-five uninscribed [130]), total = 204 less joins = 178 ushabtis of [GLYPHS] (wsr-jwrk-jr-s-Dd-f-anx-pr-aA) Iurekires, Type III 2d, in two sizes, both by same hand (a: large, b: small); half-molded (fronts) in at least two different molds, back blade-dressed, good hard cream colored paste, thin pale blue-green glaze, details of face and breast retouched with blade, one vertical line of incised inscription on pilaster [GLYPHS]; total inscribed fifty-eight (58): perfect: 29-4-134 (= two), 29-4-188 (= three), 29-4-202 (= ten); complete: 29-4-188 (= two), 29-4-202 (= eight), mixed joins (= one); fragments with heads: 29-4-134 (= five), 29-4-202 (= three); fragments with feet: 29-4-134 (= three), 29-4-188 (= three), 29-4-202 (= fourteen), mixed joins (= one); other fragments: 29-4-188 (= one), 29-4-202 (= two); total uninscribed one hundred twenty (120): perfect: 29-4-134 (= six), 29-4-188 (= eleven), 29-4-202 (= forty-five); complete: 29-4-188 (= five), 29-4-202 (= eleven), mixed joins (= four); fragments with heads: 29-4-134 (= two), 29-4-188 (= three), 29-4-202 (= seven); fragments with feet: 29-4-134 (= three), 29-4-188 (= ten), 29-4-202 (= ten); other fragments: 29-4-134 (= one), 29-4-202 (= two); one additional inscribed fragment from 29-3-224)]. Illustration: No


  • ID
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Classification
    Tomb equipment-Ushabtis and ushabti boxes
  • Findspot
    Street G 7600, pit Y (G 7600 Y)
  • Material
  • Dimensions
    Height: [a) 10.3 - 11.4 cm; b) 8.5 - 9.8 cm]
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston accession number
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston accession number
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston accession number
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston accession number
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston accession number
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston accession number
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston accession number
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston accession number
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston accession number
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston accession number
  • Cairo Temporary Register number
  • Object Ownership Information
    MFAB_29.3286–29.3295; EMC_TR_3.4.30.12
  • Date of Register Entry
  • Owner
    Iurekires (in G 7600 Y)
  • Notes
    Two ushabtis inscribed for Iurekires in collection of Egyptian Museum, Cairo, EMC_TR_3.4.30.12.
  • Remarks
    MFA 29.3287 = 29-4-134 top + 29-4-188 bottom; MFA 29.3288 = 29-4-188 top + 29-4-134 bottom
  • Problems/Questions
    MFA accession numbers verified

Tombs and Monuments 2

Full Bibliography

  • Zivie-Coche, Christiane M. Giza Au Premier Millenaire: Autour du temple d'Isis dame des pyramides. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1991, p. 276.

People 1

Ancient People

  • Iurekires (in G 7600 Y)

    • Type Owner
    • Remarks Set of ca. 178 inscribed and uninscribed ushabtis (complete and fragments: 29-4-134, 29-4-188, 29-4-202), with ca. 58 inscribed for Iurekires (uninscribed ushabtis from this set attributed to Iurekires); found in G 7600 Y.