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Twenty-five fragments of faience ushabtis (cf. 29-4-235, 29-3-248, 29-3-260, 29-4-110), dimensions vary; blue glaze; [combined: 29-3-281 (three fragments), 29-3-283 (one fragment), 29-4-120 (five fragments), 29-4-183 (seven fragments), 29-4-210 (five fragments), 29-4-232 (seventeen fragments), 29-4-235 (one fragment), 29-4-246 (four fragments), 29-4-247i (seventeen fragments), 29-4-407 (one fragment), total = 61 less joins = 56 ushabtis of [GLYPHS] Pakherer child of Ankhesenitef, Type III 2d; half-molded (including inscription on front), back blade-dressed, fine paste, drab core, thin pale green glaze, front not retouched, inscription on pilaster hand cut; mold originally prepared for [GLYPHS], but these signs erased by filling with paste (except in five examples), name [GLYPHS] Pakherer appears on back; molded inscription on front (ten horizontal lines of text) [GLYPHS] (bracketed signs erased), incised vertical inscription on back [GLYPHS]; fitting fragments: 29-4-232 + 29-4-247 (= one), 29-4-232 + 29-4-235 + 29-4-232 (= two), 29-4-246 + 29-4-246 (= one), 29-4-183 + 29-4-183 (= one), total = 5 (this is a partial subset of following list); complete: 29-4-232 + 29-4-247 (= one); head missing: 29-4-232 + 29-4-235 + 29-4-232 (= one), 29-4-246 + 29-4-246 (= one), 29-4-232 (= one); feet missing: 29-4-120 (= two), 29-4-246 (= one); head and feet missing: 29-4-210 (= one); head with more or less of torso: 29-2-120 (= one), 29-4-183 + 29-4-183 (= one), 29-4-232 (= four), 29-4-247 (= five), 29-4-407 (= one); torso and legs: 29-4-120 (= two), 29-4-183 (= two), 29-4-210 (= one), 29-4-232 (= six), 29-4-246 (= two), 29-4-247 (= eight), 29-3-281 (= one), 29-3-283 (= one); feet: 29-4-120 (= one), 29-4-210 (= one), 29-4-183 (= three), 29-4-232 (= four), 29-4-247 (= three), 29-3-281 (= one); total = 46]; [combined: 29-3-130 (one fragment), 29-3-131 (one fragment), 29-3-191 (one fragment), 29-3-224 (four fragments), 29-3-239 (one fragment), 29-3-258 (one fragment), 29-3-260 (three fragments), 29-3-283 (fourteen fragments), 29-3-308 (one fragment), 29-3-316 (six fragments), 29-4-15 (twenty-seven fragments), 29-4-110 (one fragment), 29-4-114 (four fragments), 29-4-203 (one fragment), 29-4-226 (one fragment), total = 67 less joins = 57 ushabtis of [GLYPHS] Ahmose, born of Mutirdis, Type III 2d, great variation in size; hand-molded, blade-dressed (made by two different hands), good hard cream colored paste, thick dark blue-green glaze (where preserved, many worn and faded), faces all similar, vertical line of inscription [GLYPHS]; complete: four; nearly complete: six; fragments with heads: seven; fragments with feet: twenty-eight; other fragments: twelve; total = 57]; [combined: 29-3-191 (eleven fragments), 29-3-215 (six fragments), 29-3-248 (nine fragments), 29-3-258 (four fragments), 29-3-278 (one fragment), 29-3-283 (seven fragments), 29-4-110 (eighty-five pieces), 29-4-226 (four fragments), total = 127 less joins = 122 ushabtis of [GLYPHS] Ankh-hor, born of Tadiuserpahap, Type III 2d; molded (fronts), back blade-dressed, good hard paste with faint bluish core, thick blue-green glaze (where preserved, many worn and faded), vertical inscription (one line) on pilaster [GLYPHS]; fitting fragments: 29-4-110 + 29-4-226 (= one), 29-3-191 + 29-3-191 (= one), 29-3-191 + 29-3-248 (= one), 29-3-248 + 29-3-258 (= one), 29-3-248 + 29-3-278 (= one); complete: three; nearly complete: four; fragments with heads: forty-six; fragments with feet: fifty-three; other fragments: sixteen; total = 122]. Illustration: No


  • ID
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Classification
    Jewelry & adornment-Amulets and pendants
  • Findspot
    Street G 7600, E of mastaba G 7650, [some originally from pit G 7524 A, room III or room VI, probably room VI], [some originally from street G 7600, pit W (G 7600 W)], [some originally from street G 7600, pit V, room II (G 7600 V)]
  • Material
  • Dimensions
    Height: [9 cm]
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Object Ownership Information
    29.3231, 29.3232, 29.3235, 29.3240, 29.3241, 29.3249, 29.3262–29.3267, 29.3284
  • Date of Register Entry
  • Owner
    Ahmose (in G 7600 W)
    Ankh-hor (in G 7600 V)
    Pakherer (in G 7524)
  • Attested
    Ankhesenitef (in G 7524)
    Mutirdis (in G 7600 W)
    Tadiuserpahap (in G 7600 V)
  • Remarks
    One ushabti fragment from this lot belongs to 29-4-232 concordance (ushabtis of Pakherer, child of Ankhesenitef). For 56 ushabtis of Pakherer: discrepancy in number of joined fragments listed under fitting fragments (12) and under total ushabtis (9), number of joins necessary to create 56 total out of 61 fragments is 10 (10 fragments joined to create 5 ushabtis, 61-10+5 = 56, but number of ushabtis – complete/fragmentary – totals 46 not 56). Also note: in subset list of fitting fragments, total of 2 for 29-4-232 + 29-4-235 + 29-4-232, only 1 fragment for 29-4-235 appears in following list. Seven ushabti fragments from this lot belong to group attributed to Ankh-hor, fragments of three ushabtis accessioned as MFA 29.3213 (= 29-3-283 top + 29-3-283 bottom), MFA 29.3220, MFA 29.3223. Fourteen ushabti fragments from this lot belong to group attributed to Ahmose, fragments of thirteen ushabtis accessioned as MFA 29.3231 (= 29-3-283 top + 29-3-283 bottom), MFA 29.3232 (= 29-3-283 top + 29-3-260 bottom), MFA 29.3235, MFA 29.3240, MFA 29.3241, MFA 29.3249, MFA 29.3262–29.3267, MFA 29.3284
  • Problems/Questions
    MFA accession numbers verified

Tombs and Monuments 5

Full Bibliography

  • Zivie-Coche, Christiane M. Giza Au Premier Millenaire: Autour du temple d'Isis dame des pyramides. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1991, p. 276.

People 6

Ancient People

  • Ahmose (in G 7600 W)

    • Type Owner
    • Remarks Child (born) of Mutirdis. Set of ca. 57 ushabtis (complete and fragments: 29-3-130, 29-3-131, 29-3-224, 29-3-239, 29-3-260, 29-4-15; and fragments from: 29-3-191, 29-3-258, 29-3-283, 29-3-308, 29-3-316, 29-4-110, 29-4-114, 29-4-203, 29-4-226) inscribed for Ahmose; found scattered in Street G 7600 and various pits in Street G 7600 (pits: V, W, Z), attributed to burial in G 7600 W.
  • Ankh-hor (in G 7600 V)

    • Type Owner
    • Remarks Child (born) of Tadiuserpahapi. Scattered set of ushabtis inscribed for Ahkh-hor attributed to burial in G 7600 V. Scattered set of ushabtis inscribed for Ankh-hor originally found in Street G 7000 and Street G 7400 almost certainly belong to the same individual.
  • Ankhesenitef (in G 7524)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Mother of Pakherer. Name appears on set of ca. 56+ ushabtis (including fragments from 25-1-547, 25-1-548, 27-2-251, 27-2-261, 27-4-1211a, 27-4-1211b, 27-4-1211c, 28-4-208, 28-5-9, 29-3-281, 29-3-283, 29-4-120, 29-4-183, 29-4-210, 29-4-232, 29-4-235, 29-4-246, 29-4-247, 29-4-407) inscribed for Pakherer; found scattered in and around G 7524 and as far away as street G 7300, attributed to burial in G 7524 A.
  • Mutirdis (in G 7600 W)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Mother of Ahmose. Name appears on set of ca. 57 ushabtis (complete and fragments: 29-3-130, 29-3-131, 29-3-224, 29-3-239, 29-3-260, 29-4-15; and fragments from: 29-3-191, 29-3-258, 29-3-283, 29-3-308, 29-3-316, 29-4-110, 29-4-114, 29-4-203, 29-4-226) inscribed for Ahmose; found scattered in Street G 7600 and various pits in Street G 7600 (pits: V, W, Z), attributed to burial in G 7600 W.
  • Pakherer (in G 7524)

    • Type Owner
    • Remarks Child ([ms n] born) of Ankhesenitef. Set of ca. 56+ ushabtis (including fragments from 25-1-547, 25-1-548, 27-2-251, 27-2-261, 27-4-1211a, 27-4-1211b, 27-4-1211c, 28-4-208, 28-5-9, 29-3-281, 29-3-283, 29-4-120, 29-4-183, 29-4-210, 29-4-232, 29-4-235, 29-4-246, 29-4-247, 29-4-407) inscribed for Pakherer; found scattered in and around G 7524 and as far away as Street G 7300, attributed to burial in G 7524 A.
  • Tadiuserpahap (in G 7600 V)

    • Type Attested
    • Remarks Mother of Ankh-hor. Name appears on scattered set of ushabtis inscribed for Ahkh-hor attributed to burial in G 7600 V. Name partially preserved on set of ushabtis also belonging to Ankh-hor found in Street G 7000 and Street G 7400; variously read in Object Register entries as "Hapi" or "Mu-Hapy."