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Two fragments of white limestone from feet and pedestal of 13-11-36 (seated statue of man); paint preserved on one fragment, red for feet and also on pedestal. Illustration: No


  • ID
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Classification
  • Findspot
    Mastaba G 4140, debris filling chapel
  • Material
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Object Ownership Information
    MFA accession number: 13.5637
  • Period
    Old Kingdom
  • Date of Register Entry
  • Remarks
    MFA 13.5637 = 13-11-36 (torso and legs & upper body fragments) + 13-11-37 (hand) + 13-11-38 (feet and base), various fragments of same limestone seated statue
  • Problems/Questions
    MFA accession number verified

Tombs and Monuments 1

  • G 4140

    • Site Name Western Cemetery

Unpublished Documents 1

Full Bibliography

  • Reisner, George A. A History of the Giza Necropolis 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942, p. 464.