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Thirty-seven small cylindrical faience beads, varying slightly in size; faded blue glaze // twenty small faience disc beads, varying slightly in size; chocolate or light brown glaze // four small faience disc beads; green glaze // one small faience disc bead; black glaze // forty-five small faience disc beads; color practically gone (resemble bone beads in color) // two tiny fragments of color; blue and green // two small fragments of faience; reddish and greenish glaze. Illustration: Yes


  • ID
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Classification
    Jewelry & adornment-Beads
  • Findspot
    Pit G 7520 X, debris of room I
  • Material
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Date of Register Entry

Tombs and Monuments 1

  • G 7520

    • Site Name Eastern Cemetery