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Diary Transcription:

Diary Translation: begin page 137
Thursday, January 15, 1925 (continued)

(1) Street [G] 7300 (continued)

1 faience figurine
1 faience figurine of a deity
1 faience ring, decorated
1 lower part of a faience figurine
1 fragment of a faience bowl

(2) [Street G] 7400

The workmen were divided into three crews.
The first crew was working on the southwest corner of Mastaba 7510. They were removing debris of limestone chips, rubble, sand and stone blocks. This debris covers the Roman [i.e., mud brick] wall located between this mastaba [i.e. 7510] and Mastaba 7430.
The Roman wall is built on top of a structure extending westwards. This structure seems to be a chamber belonging to Mastaba 7430. We photographed the Roman wall. Also Mr. Rowe measured the wall. So, if the photograph comes out well, we will dismantle this wall.

The second crew was working to the south of Mastaba 7420. They were removing debris from the Roman [Period]. They found in the debris:
2 faience figurines of deities with the faces of baboons
1 torso of a faience figurine with the head of a cat
1 faience scarab
2 faience eye-shaped amulets
1 long faience bead
1 discoid faience bead
1fragment of a faience amulet
1 small faience figurine of a deity
2 torso fragments of faience figurines
1 fragment of a faience shawabti
1 head fragment of a faience shawabti
½ faience bead
1 lower part of a shawabti
1 head fragment of a terracotta figurine
1 pottery jar
1 pottery jug
1 pottery bowl

The third crew was working on the area to the south of Mastaba 7420. They were removing debris of rubble and stone block.

(3) [Shaft] 7102 G

Hashim was working on this shaft. He was removing debris of rubble, limestone chips and stone blocks. The debris is mixed up because of plundering activities. They cleared the burial chamber. They found in the debris of the burial chamber:
1 small copper mirror
This shaft is 5.42 m deep.
Its drawing is on the next page (138).

End of Page 137


  • Classification
    Documentation-Expedition diary pages
  • Department
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Credit Line
    Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition
  • Display Page Dates